Job Sharing
One may puzzle when asked, what is job sharing? Although the question may sound strange, it is because we are more familiar with the phrase flexible work. Nevertheless, job-sharing is part of flexible work. Job-sharing is a system of work where two people take the responsibility for one full-time position, dividing work, pay, holidays and other benefits between them according to the time they work.1 It is a viable option when ordinary part-time work is not, that is, when organizational needs require the job to be filled on a full-time basis, but not necessarily by only one person. The job is split to meet the needs of the sharers and of the job itself. Moreover, Job-sharing is a staffing arrangement that is flexible to staff members’ work schedules. Typically two incumbents, each working on staff-appointed part-time basis, share a full time position. While the idea has been around for a while, organizations throughout the country are been more reception to it more than ever before.
Job-sharing first became an issue when workers in dual-income households found conflicts with family obligations. Job-sharing options were a means of keeping valued employees on board and avoiding unnecessary recruitment and training costs. Today, organizations are finding out that job-sharing carries its own rewards.2
Whether you are in a public, non-profit, or private sector, your organization may be effected by job-sharing. According to a job-sharing study conducted in April 1994 by Conference Board, a business research organization based in New York City, 74 percent of 131 companies surveyed, offered job-sharing options. The survey found that compatibility of job-sharers, strong communication skills, trust ...
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...retrain them.
In my opinion, job-sharing is something every business should participate in because it saves jobs; it saves companies money on overtime pays; it is more profitable than layoffs and; companies can keep trained employees. It may be important to believe that in the future, employers will be more receptive to job sharing professionals.
1 “Work and Family Responsibility: Adjusting the Balance.” CCH 1994.
2 “Job Sharing Offers Unique Challenges.” HR Magazine. Elizabeth Shelly. 1996.
3 “Job Sharing in Education.” Clearing House 52 January 1993: 223-225.
4 “The Way The (Part-Time) World Works in Workplace.” ACTU Magazine, Winter 1993.
5 “Job Sharing for Teachers.” Working Women 2 (July 1994): 65.
6 “Flexible Working Time and Family Life: A Review of Changes:, McRae, Susan. 1989, Oxford.
Being employed as a purchasing clerk and a sales support at the Furniture Outlet has given me the opportunity to fully understand how the presence of certain reward compromise or programs helps to form a viable workplace for both an employer and an employee and also the organization as a whole. Given the tasks and expectations that are to be achieved as a purchasing clerk, I often find myself thinking about how the work is to be done and in what ways can it be done suffic...
When employees have a say in their roles in the workplace they are happier, healthier and more productive. People are social creatures and it is not surprising that working in a team environment can increase productivity, reduce boredom and complacency, while increasing respect and loyalty towards employers.
What job re-design opportunities are available to foster a healthier and more productive workplace? In order to answer this question we adopt job and work design theory that will analyze her role and provide tangible solutions. The following three ¡®Job Design Approaches¡¯ will be explored: 1) Job rotation 2) Job enrichment 3) Teamworking.
This author can remember when his former company offered profit sharing for achieving production and it was motivation to do better job. Smart companies recognize that motivated employees are productive employees, which inspires them to create tactics to keep their workforces gratified and inspired. Therefore, it is wise to offer Incentive plans for performance. With that said there are several incentive plans that can be utilized by companies such as “team and group incentives”, “piecework plans”, “stock options”, “non-tangible and recognition based awards”, “employee stock ownership” ,“merit pay”, and “profit sharing plans” (Dessler, 2011).
Employment relationships may have economic and social exchange. When it is an economic exchange, employees receive only contractual inducements and they are likely to confine their contributions to those prescribed by the contract. When the employment relationship is a social exchange, employees receive positive, beneficial treatments from the organization. This in turn creates obligations on the part of employees to reciprocate in positive beneficial ways (Settoon et al., 1996). Since OCB is generally discretionary, it is a social resource that can be exchanged by individuals, who have been the recipients of social rewards (Foa & Foa, 1980; Moorman, 1991). Therefore when the employment relationship is a social exchange, employees are more likely to engage in OCB (Organ, 1988).
In order for a work place to be successful and beneficial to everyone involve in the company, teams needs to be form, and each team must have a goal in mind. Employees must come together to accomplish a common goal. Teamwork will not only benefit those involve in the project but it will also have a huge impact in your business.
...ceive a large cash bonus or other substantial prizes, however some researchers disagree that the Extrinsic Rewards is the best and final way to end the sick leave pandemic that is currently hitting Australian businesses. Many scholars and practitioners claim that motivational influences can assist successful knowledge sharing. Based on a survey of 172 employees from 50 large organisations, this study applies the structural equation modeling approach to investigate the research model (Lin, 2012, p. 26). The results showed that motivational aspects such as shared benefits, knowledge self-efficacy, and pleasure in helping others were significantly associated with employee knowledge sharing stances and purposes. However, predictable organisational rewards did not considerably affect employee attitudes and performance aims regarding knowledge sharing (Lin, 2012, p. 26).
Employee compensation and reward systems have undergone a couple of paradigm shifts since inception. Reward systems were traditionally compensation based and focused on the individual or the position (Beam 1995). After a recession in the early 1980's, employers turned to performance based models in an attempt to save money while still rewarding top performers (Applebaum & Shapiro, 1992). Today, the most successful organizations are using a total reward model, a hybrid of the performance based model combined with strategic human resource management planning to create reward systems that both benefit the employee and help organizations realize their operational goals (Chen & Hsieh, 2006).
In recent years, smoking has started to take over the lives of many teenagers. The number of teenagers smoking has increased dramatically in the last several years. This is a major problem because smoking can lead to sickness and major diseases that can lead to death. Teens tend to participate in this while out of the presence of an adult figure. Although teens should not be smoking in the first place, an adult figure should be around to help insure that their children are doing the right things, even when they are behind sealed doors with their peers. Teenagers as they mature become a model for younger children and when they set the example of smoking can ruin their respectable image to the children that look up to them.
In article “The Rise of Crowdfunding: Social Media, Big Data, Cloud Technologies” by David Colgren, the rise of crowdfunding is a moment to expand the reach of capital in assisting the SMEs marketplace, which have a less scope to increase. The law is designed (Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act in 2012) such that it provides cost-effective access to capital to make possible expansion of SMEs using crowdfunding. Crowdfunding provides mechanism to raise fund to develop their business expansion of the SMEs and it also provides security to backers from fraud business by enforcement of laws and awareness.
The relationship between employer and employees plays a pivotal role in the performance of the organization. Employers and employees have certain responsibilities towards each other which facilitate a fair and productive workplace. Positive work relationships create a cooperative climate with effort towards the same goals. Conflict, on the other hand, is likely to divert attention away from organizational performance.
Crowdfunding is a new sector and is still developing. It is an exciting opportunity for many of the new, small and medium scale industries whose proposals are rejected by the banks.It may be confusing to most of the users as it is presented in many ways. We have there aspects in Crowdfunding investments or donations, platform, project creators. Crowdfunding works as first the idea or the proposal of the person is uploaded into the platform in which all the donators are registered. The donators view the proposal of the person and then decide to invest o...
More or less profits are Crowdfunding gives access to capital and supports hazard, it gives evidence of idea likewise serves as an advertising apparatus, it permits crowdsourcing of conceptualizing accordingly presents prospective faithful clients, it's less demanding than conventional provisions and gives free PR additionally the chance of preselling and the Crowdfunding is free!
Most will agree that knowledge is the ‘key’ resource in this post-industrial economy. The challenge for many companies is developing an organization that creates and cultivates knowledge and learning. Pay plays a significant role in shaping workplace behavior. Most of the traditional pay systems reward the job the individual performs rather than the skills he/she brings to the job. The system is not being able to reward the things the company needs and this presents a barrier. The trend has moved away from pay for the value of the job, service and seniority. It is being replaced with paying for skills, knowledge, competency, performance and productivity, all which can be delivered through different invitations, from changes to base pay to introducing gainsharing.
Teen Smoking Teen smoking. Those two words mean a lot of things to a lot of different people. To some it means nothing. They are just two meaningless words found under T and S in the dictionary. To others it is as if these words symbolize some sort of treason or crime against society. Yet to others it is just another stereotype to be placed under. And to some it is a salvation. An escape. Unfortunately I am writing this paper so you will get my positions on teen smoking rather than other peoples. Teen smoking gathers a lot of emotions when I think about it. It makes me very angry sometimes. My first draft of this was good but I saw myself getting angry and lashing out on everyone, so I revised it. But enough of that, I find teen smoking to be a very controversial subject. To be completely honest with you I am smoking right now as I am writing this. Obviously I am a smoker. I am 17 years old and I am a smoker. In the late 1990’s, the statistics showed that approximately 25% of teens smoke. That’s one out of every four teenagers. High school is a tough time for teens. These years are critical to a teens future. This explains why a vast majority of smokers start at 16 years or younger with the most common age being 14 years old(freshman). It has also been proven also that teens who score lower in school smoke more than higher scoring students do. It seems that everyone smokes in our school. Our school is overrun with smokers. It is right now at least 50% smokers and 65% if you count the people who will smoke before their high school career is up. We practically encourage it. I mean Fireman’s Field practically condones teen smoking. Teen smoking is defiantly a problem in our school, as well as schools all over the United States. I feel that teen smoking is a huge problem. I feel that too many teenagers smoke cigarettes. It is something that needs to get dealt with. But before I get into that I should probably start with the causes of teen smoking. There are several factors that start teens on smoking cigarettes. There has to be considering that over 1 million new teenagers will start smoking annually. The most common is peer pressure.