Defendant Essays

  • Mmp Case Study

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    open to doubt. Critically evaulate the accuracy of this statement. An attempt is where the defendant tries to commit an offence but for some reason fails to complete it. This was seen in the case of White 1910. The defendant wanted to kill his mither in order to gain his inheritance. He attempted to do this by poisioning her drink. Before she had chance to drink it she died of a heart attack. The defendant was not liable for her murder as his act of poisoning the milk was not the cause of death.

  • Tort In Law Case Study

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    - The parties involved are Jonathan and the Ambulance Service. The claimants involved are; Albert, George and Victor in question. Jonathan v Albert and George The claimants are Albert and George, which will be suing Jonathan in the tort of negligence for personal injury/damages. A tort in law is a civil wrong which causes unfair harm. The requirements for tort of negligence was stated by Lord Wright in Lochgelly v McMullan . Negligence is considered as a breach of a legal duty to take care, with

  • Business Law Reflection Paper Example

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    2016. After brief research I decided it would be interesting to witness a civil case trial at the North County Regional Center in Vista, California. The case I observed was Liberty Mutual Insurance Company (plaintiff) v. I-5 Manufacture and Design (defendant). The nature of this case was complex. The action was based on personal injuries sustained from an accident that occurred on private property; specifically in front of an Indian gambling casino called “Casino Pauma”. While both parties acknowledge

  • Defences of Defamation

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    Justification basically means that no matter how damaging a statement is it may actually be true, there the defence is that the truth can never be defamation. However justification is not easily proved as the burden of proof rests upon the defendant to prove that the statement is true. An example is: Jeffrey archer V The Star newspaper 1987 In this case the promiscuous Jeffrey archer was accused of having sex with a prostitute. In court the prostitute gave most of the evidence but she

  • gh

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    of the law of restitution. This incorporates all the remedies depriving the defendant of a profit instead of granting reimbursement for the loss that the claimant has suffered. The law of restitution liberated itself only after the revolutionary judgement of the House of Lords in Lipkin Gorman v karpanle Ltd. and Woolwich Equitable Building Society v IRC. “The defence of change of position will be available to a defendant who has received property and on the faith of the receipt of that property

  • Qualifying for Restitution fo Unjust Enrichment

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    Upon fulfillment of the four criteria, namely that the defendant has been unjustly enriched at the claimant’s expense and there are no defenses available for the defendant, a claimant may qualify for restitution of unjust enrichment as established in Banque Financiere de la Cite v Parc (Battersea) Ltd. Change of position is one of the possible defences which may be used in occasions where it would be excessive to allow a claimant to claim restitution at the defendant’s expense. This essay will evaluate

  • Mrs. Jennifer Sharkey V. P. Morgan Chase Case Study

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    evidence that it would have taken the same unfavorable personnel action in the absence of that protected behavior. As is reported in the case Sharkey v. J.P. Morgan Chase, "the defendants motion to dismiss is denied, and is stated that Mrs. Sharkey adequately alleges conduct she reported to Defendants and that Defendants had knowledge of Mrs. Sharkey 's protected activity." (p.650) 2. The allegations of fraud in this case involved a client, rather than the plaintiff’s employer. Why is she still able

  • Case Study Of Motor Accident Cases In Malaysia

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    rider of motorcycle. The first and second defendants respectively were the driver and owner of motorvan. On 23 December 1998 at about 11.45pm, the first plaintiff with his pillion and 2nd plaintiff were riding their respective motorcycles along Jalan Paya Terubong proceeding from the direction of Ayer Itam towards the direction of Relau. The first defendant was then proceeding from the opposite direction. The plaintiffs' pleaded case was that the first defendant overtook a vehicle ahead of him and encroached

  • Reflection On Mock Trial

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    presented. Within this case, Mary Ovechkin, the plaintiff, had claimed that her lunch had been stolen and ate by the defendant, Sammy Crosby. My first expectation of this case, before it had actually started, was that the defense and prosecution would each have time to present their cases. I expected both sides to question those who were involved, such as the witnesses, defendant, and plaintiff. Then I expected to have to come up with my own verdict to share with the rest of the jury based on the

  • The Relationship Between the Constructive Trust and Proprietary Estoppel

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    constructive trust and proprietary estoppel. To evaluate that, it is necessary to explain the definition of the constructive trust and proprietary estoppel . Constructive trust is basically a form of trust which has been created by the courts where the defendant has dealt with proprietary in an "unconscionable manner", such as stealing or possessing it via fraud etc. Millet LJ in Paragon Finance Plc v DB Thakerar & Co (1998) EWCA Civ 1249, referred it as a trust which arises by operation of law whenever

  • Dillon V. Legg Case Brief

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    the defendant David Luther Legg was driving his Automobile in a southern direction on Bluegrass Road, close to an intersection called Clover lane in the county of Sacramento. On this date as well the plaintiff Margery M. Dillon’s’ daughter Erin Lee Dillon, who is of young age lawfully crossed Bluegrass Road. The Defendant then hit the plaintiff’s daughter Erin resulting in injuries so severe it resulted in her death. The complaint of the plaintiff also furthered the negligence of the defendant and

  • Law Of Contract Case Study

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    The question is about the law of contract. For example Carlill v Carbolic Smoke Ball. The manufacturers had published the products on newspaper advertisements. Based on this action, the advertisement is invitation to treat. However, in this case it can be consider as unilateral offer whereby the offeror doesn’t know who is going to accept the offer. It is because this case does contain promise which can be an offer. However, Miss Carlill won the case because the judge evaluated this case as a contract

  • Parson Case Study

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    Registered Nurse Pausits, a defendant out of the many involved with Parson’s case, has failed to provide Randy Parson with the correct prescription drug during his stay at Standish. The Plaintiff wanted to prove that she unsuccessfully administered medication to Randy Parsons and that a reasonable jury can conclude the fact Pausits was aware of the risks to Parsons. The court has reversed the grant of summary judgment to Nurse Pausits, because this case would rise to the level of deliberate indifference

  • Defendant V. Case Brief

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    evidence from an illegal search and seizure of the Defendant’s person and his vehicle on June 28, 2017. PROCEDURAL AND FACTUAL BACKGROUND The Defendant was arrested as a result of a prostitution sting conducted by the Franklin Police department on June 28, 2017. According to the body microphone of Detective Kroeger, Franklin Police officers observed the Defendant drop off a woman later identified as Elizabeth Hernandez at 1505 Landings Drive, Franklin, Tennessee on June 28, 2017. Ms. Hernandez had previously

  • Juvenile Court: Dealing with Underage Defendants

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    Juvenile court is a special court that deals with under age defendants that are charged with crimes, who are neglected, or out of their parent’s control. The average age of the Defendants are younger than 18, but juvenile court doesn’t have jurisdiction in cases in which a minor is charged as an adult. The procedure of juvenile court is to involve parents or social workers and probation officers in order to achieve positive results and prevent minors from future crimes. However, serious crimes and

  • Balancing International Criminal Justice and Defendants' Rights

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    The prosecution of international crimes and the end of impunity are core goals of international criminal justice. However, they must be balanced with the rights of the accused and the necessity to have procedural safeguards in international criminal trials. Without such guarantees, the prosecution of heinous international crimes would lose its legitimacy, and the credibility of international criminal tribunals would be undermined. In this context, fairness is the criterion used to distinguish ‘victors’

  • Analysis Of Defendant Good Character In Civil Cases

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    . IN BRITISH LAW 2.2.1. Defendant Good Character in Civil Cases Generally, the good character of a party to civil proceedings is not admissible, unlike the situation with regard to defendants in criminal cases. If the credibility of the party to litigation is attacked by unwarranted allegations on his character, he can call evidence of his good character to rebut the allegation. 2.2.2. Defendant Bad Character in Civil Cases In civil proceedings a defendant’s character can be attacked

  • The Influence of Defendant Gender and Crime Types towards Juror Decisions

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    INTRODUCTION The influence of defendant gender and crime types towards juror decisions. Jury trials play a centrally important role in the law, therefore it is crucial for the juror to stay neutral in making decision. However, several research shows that stereotyping is one of the most debatable issues related to juries’ decision (Bornstein & Greene, 2011). In refer to Bornstein and Greene (2011), the stereotype that females and males generally labelled in specific crime be likely to be true in the

  • Battered Women’s Syndrome Plea and a Defendants Financial Dependence: Evaluating Legal Decisions

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    especially in cases of homicide, it has highly been scrutinized. According to recent research, characteristics associated with the syndrome form a standard that jurors use to judge battered women. This study would evaluate how characteristics of a defendant would affect a juror’s legal decision-making, in a case of a woman pleading not guilty under terms of self-defense, who were suffering from battered woman’s syndrome. To discuss the role of the battered women’s syndrome in relation to how characteristics

  • Case Study Of Gudipadwa

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    of the plaintiff that the defendant is his close friend. The plaintiff and defendant used to work for the sugar factory. The defendant is a labour contractor and provides labours for sugar cutting. The defendant contacted the plaintiff and gave assurance him that he will supply labours for sugar cutting and demanded Rs.2,50,000/-. The plaintiff initially avoided the defendant, but considering the close friendly relations, he agreed to pay Rs.2,50,000/- to the defendant. Accordingly, the plaintiff