Dear America Essays

  • Examining Slavery Portrayal in the 'Dear America' Series

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    A Closer Look: The Representation of Slavery in the Dear America Series written by T. Lee Williams is an article that focuses on books within the Dear America series published by Scholastic Books. This series is very popular within school and classroom libraries, especially in social studies classrooms, however Williams wanted to further examine them. He chose four books from the series that related to some aspect of slavery and took place before or during the Civil War. After he completed his studies

  • Dear America Letters Home Analysis

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    traumatic circumstances have caused soldiers mental stress. Research shows the brutality that the soldiers of the Vietnam War went through, the novel Fallen Angels and the video series “Dear America: Letters Home” are very similar in this depiction, but also have slight differences. Fallen Angels and "Dear America: Letters Home" both focus on the Vietnam War and giving us a look into the life of a soldier. Fallen Angels is a novel that gives readers insight into the mind of a soldier.

  • Dear America Edithed by Bernard Edelman

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    Edited by Bernard Edelman, “Dear America” is a collection of letters written by soldiers during the Vietnam War. Their letters are written to love ones back home such as parents, siblings, and spouses but they are a great depiction of the Vietnam War. The soldiers would write these letters to help keep hope alive and to keep sane. Throughout the book the letters are categorize into those who are barely arriving into the war to those who have been there a long time. The stress and anxiety grows more

  • Comparison Of Racism In America By Langston Hughes And Dear White America

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    the USA, or due to the president-elect of the United States, Donald Trump. “I, Too” by Langston Hughes and “Dear White America” by Danez Smith both talk about this very serious topic. Although these two poems are from completely different time periods, both discuss the same matter, which is racism towards African Americans. To begin, these two poems discuss racism in the United States of America towards African Americans. Both poems were written during two completely different eras. One being from 1926

  • Safe Haven by Nicholas Sparks

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    Safe Haven: the novel The author: Nicholas Sparks Nicholas Sparks was born on December 31, 1965 in Omaha, Nebraska and works as author, screenwriter and producer. He is born as the middle of three children. His older brother is called Michael and his younger sister is named Danielle. In 2000 she died from a brain tumour. Later he stated he had based the female protagonist in the novel “A Walk to Remember” on her. During his childhood his family moved a lot, but during his high school years the family

  • Dear White America By Tim Wise Summary

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    Tim Wise is a white man who grew up in Tennessee. His book, “Dear White America,” was written in the format of a letter from a white person in America to other white people in America. He understands that his audience will likely be mostly made up of people of color or those that already agree with him, but he wrote this to remind himself and others of the advantages of being white in the United States. Wise has views on racism that may be considered radical or offensive to many white people. He

  • Analysis Of Mohsin Mohi-Ud Din's Dear America

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    Human rights activist Mohsin Mohi-Ud Din clarifies the misunderstandings American citizens have about the religion of Islam in his article “Dear America: Letter From a Muslim-American” published in the Huffington Post on December 10, 2009. As a member of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations, Mohi-Ud Din explores the cultures of different societies and generates a mutual understanding between these societies. He employs this skill in the article as he addresses the Americans’ inaccurate view

  • Explanation Of The Song 'Dear Mr. President' By Pink

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    The song "Dear Mr. President" by Pink, is the first popular socially song done by a woman. It is an open letter to the former US President George W. Bush. According to Pink the song was not published as song in the US, because "that song is too important to me to allow others to look at it as a publicity stunt." Instead it was published in Canada, Australia and Europe. Since some radios refused to play the song, but not because the government prohibited it, the singer comments, saying "I hope the

  • Dear Mr. President by Pink

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    notions about war, gay rights, and the general state of America with her song “Dear Mr. President”. I believe that “Dear Mr. President” should be included in MUSC2019 because this song brings together pop and folk influences while using different techniques such as repetition, metaphors and dynamics to enhance the effect of the song has on the audience. The verse starts with an acoustic guitar using a walking tempo and melancholy tone. “Dear Mr. President, Come take a walk with me.” The guitar stops

  • Dear America When Will This Cruel War Be Over by Barry Denenberg

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    Dear America When Will This Cruel War Be Over by Barry Denenberg Characters Emma Simpson- She is the main character in this story . The whole concept of the book is about her diary . In her diary she talks about the stress and anxiety the war has brought upon her family .Emma to me is a static character. She still to me doesn't mature as much as she says she has. She complains a lot .If she really matured she would have handled things like her Aunt Caroline. Aunt Caroline-She is one important

  • John Downe's Letter To His Wife Thesis

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    that in the United States their children will not starve. In the United States a farmer invited him over to dinner in which he had “pudding , pyes...and everything that a person could wish”. Downe depicts the plethora of food that is available in America. Downe’s description emphasizes not only the vast amount of food available but also the variety. He implies that in England,

  • Dear John Wayne Poem

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    America and the American people have always strived to be the best and to have the best no matter the cost. There are many examples throughout history and even in today’s society that supports this claim. When people first started coming to America and heading west they claimed land that was not theirs to claim. In the process many Native Americans died protecting their sacred ground. Now fast forward to today’s society were Americans dedicate their whole lives to becoming the best and will stop

  • George Washington Farewell Address Analysis

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    for their political party that parties would forget or overlook the fact that all of them were still Americans and should be united by this. Washington’s foresight in this matter is an utterly precise prediction of the current political climates in America. The American political arena today appears to be a completely binary system divided between Democrats and Republicans and that views differing from the two are largely ignored. Washington was even able to predict the forming of modern parties “with

  • Trump's Presidency: The Impact on Undocumented Immigrants

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    Within the past few months since President Trump’s inauguration, many have become worried about what this means for those who have arrived undocumented. He has promised mass deportations of illegal immigrants and even to build a massively expensive wall to “help” protect us from the rapists and criminals from entering our country. There have already been numerous raids happening throughout the U.S., but these individuals are not the major criminals that the media wants us to believe, many of which

  • Lao Tzu Leadership Analysis

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    the top three candidates for President of the United States of America. Lao Tzu is a part of the Independent Party and the National Tao Convention. He asserts that he is neither conservative nor liberal, rather falls in between. He believes in the proper balance of power and impotence. Next, the candidate for the extreme right wing will be Odysseus. Odysseus is a firm believer in war, power, and selfishness. He holds his titles dear to his heart and wants the people to vote for him because he is

  • Pop Culture Latin America

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    During the past six or seven years Latin America has been in a state of political instability that has seemed to have no end in site. Political instability is the probability of having affirmation, forms of violence, strikes, and whether the government could collapse, and in some of these Latin American countries they have struggled with this for many years but some of the things that have happened have caused major problems with the surrounding areas of those Latin American countries. Take Venezuela

  • Political Litany Meaning

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    The “ Political litany ” was written by Philip Freneau in 1775.The reason why he wrote this poem because he want to support of the American cause, and encourage American people stand up against England. “ Common Sense “ was written in 1776 by Thomas Pain’. He wanted people to think about what was happening, and point out that people must fight against the unfair and unjust ways of England. In the “Political Litany “we can see that the author use the tone sarcastic, but we can feel the anger of author

  • Christopher Columbus A Hero Essay

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    in time and in a given space. American history textbooks present Columbus pretty much without precedent, and they portray him as America's first great hero. Christopher Columbus was considered the first messenger of the Western civilization to the Americas (Howard). The goal of Columbus’ expedition was the gold. He had convinced the king and queen of Spain to finance an expedition to the lands (Howard). In exchange for the gold, the King and the Queen promised him 10 percent of the profits, a governorship

  • Christopher Columbus Mistakes

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    of triumph, the world later realizes that you did not in fact find the country you were looking for. In actuality, you have discovered a completely new landmass. This is the story of Christopher Columbus, the famed explorer known for discovering America while in search for India. Columbus's story is just one of the many times where mistakes play a key part in discovery. As Samuel Smiles, a 19th century Scottish author, said, "We learn wisdom from

  • Summary: The Spanish Famil The Mita System

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    Spaniards established an intricate empire in the Americas, claiming all of Central America, Mexico, New Mexico, Florida, and more. Prior to the fifteenth century, the Spanish had no exposure to the New World. Eventually, they uncovered the new hemisphere. With time they would colonize and build an elaborate empire overseas. Many strategies were utilized with the intention of sculpting an elaborate empire in hopes of generating wealth and power. The Spanish Requirement of 1513, commonly referred