Odonata The damselfly species is part of an insect group called Odonata. Odonata consists of dragonflies, which are the suborder Anisoptera, and damselflies, which are the suborder Zygoptera. The insect group Odonata is very small, probably containing only about 5,000 living species (Corbet, 1999). Odonata, typically called Odonates, are usually found close to bodies of water, looking for small insects to eat. Adult Odonates catch their prey while in flight, while younger Odonates, called
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Tropical rainforest and its challenges Tropical rainforest can be found near the the equator, the average rainfail is over 110 inches per year and consistently in warm temperature at about 25°C to 27C° and vary little from month to month (Molles, 2005). This warm temperature creates suitable condition for plant growth and variety of animal species to live there. The condition of rainforest made it can harboured higher diversity of organism than any other terrestrial biome
Missing results graphs Why It Matters Sexual selection occurs across all species and is a key part of evolution. It allows animals to increase their fitness. Here are several interesting examples of cryptic female choice and male competition: 1) Males may perform courtship dances to show off their good genes. One species in which courtship dances can be observed are jumping spiders. Male spiders of this species wave their legs and arms to show females their abilities. Females choose a
Coleoptera used to classify organisms in further detail. I have identified a Butterfly and Dragonfly, classed within the orders of Lepidoptera and Odonta. Lepidoptera consists of Butterflies and Moths and Odonta broadly consists of Dragonflies and Damselflies. Many characteristics distinguish Lepidoptera from other groups of insects. They ha...
Outline for a report Aquatic Invertebrates Used to Classify Stream Health Ecosystem All things contained in an environment Water (input and output) Climate Daylight Plant life Clear Cutting Clear Cutting seriously effects all aspects of an ecosystem Maine is, per capita, the most heavily logged state in the continental U.S. Why Clear Cutting is Used Simple Creates a uniform forest to harvest in 40 years or so Easy to replant Cheap to Maintain (pesticides) Clear Cutting Impacts on Streams Clear
Investigating the Effects of An Abiotic Factor on the Frequency and Distribution of a Freshwater Invertebrate (i) Planning ------------ Introduction ============ Before a complex biological study can be planned and formulated, the terminology in the title above must be clarified. The investigation requires a sound knowledge of ecology, which essentially is the study of organisms, whether they be animals or insects, and their relationship with the environment in which they live
The Brazil Nut (Bertholletia excelsa) The Brazil Nut is the fruit of a tree that grows mostly wild in rainforests. Castanheiro do Para, which is the Brazilian name given to this tree, is found in many Amazonian states of Brazil, Peru, Columbia, Venezuela and Ecudor. It is most pervalent in the Brazilian states of Marahao, Mato Grosso, Acre, Para, Rondonia, and the Amazonas. The tree is enormous, Frequently attaining the height of 160 feet or more. The fruit is a large spherical woody capsule or
Investigation of Pit Size Versus Larval Size in an Antlion The purpose of this study was to test whether there was a relationship between the size of an antlion and the size of its pit. Fieldwork was undertaken at UT's Brackenridge Field Laboratory in Austin, Texas. There we selected two aggregations of larval antlions from which to obtain the data. Pit diameter and slope were measured to obtain the pit volume. After pits were measured, larvae were collected and weighted in the lab with
The Half Earth Plan: A review of the effectiveness, costs and alternative approaches of habitat corridors for biodiversity conservation Anna R. Elliott1 ABSTRACT CONTENTS Key words: habitat corridors, biodiversity conservation, corridor ecology, habitat fragmentation, landscape connectivity. I. INTRODUCTION a. The Half Earth Plan The Half Earth Plan is a term coined recently by renowned biologist E.O. Wilson (Hiss, 2014). It describes the ambitious ideal of reserving half of the earth for