Cunt Essays

  • Cunt

    648 Words  | 2 Pages

    Cunt. (n.) ˈkənt “You lesbian cunts!” He's clearly drunk, intoxicated beyond belief but the words hit me with the force of a punch. I continue to ignore him, ignoring the words he's shouting at my friend and I. The vile taste of seething anger fills my mouth and I try to focus on the pavement ahead of me and get away as fast as possible. The words and insults float into a common swirl of hatred, but the single word stays in my mind. A woman across the street shoots us a sympathetic look. The word

  • John Updike

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    John Updike John Updike’s poems are written in a very peculiar style. Unlike most poets, Updike’s poems seem to tell a story, rather than depict a singular emotion. This is due to the fact that many of Updike’s poems deal with simple, yet focused topics. Updike masters the use of vivid language to produce powerful images in the minds of his readers. The use of such strong language in his poems allow his readers to see and experience the messages which he is portraying. Although the topics

  • cunt

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    In the Victorian era citizens valued respect and honor amongst themselves and focused the society towards propriety. Often, the very principles that this era built itself upon were contradicted and flawed, yet few chose to challenge the broken culture. Oscar Wilde, the scintillating and daring author, playwright, and poet of this strict time period, introduced his own way of writing that changed the world of literature forever. He became a leader for the aesthetic movement in the prudish society

  • What Is The Symbolic Power Of Words Or Powerful?

    2186 Words  | 5 Pages

    negative symbolic power and creates such a stigma, that they possess the ability to harm or injure. “Cunt” is such a word. The word “cunt” used in modern language carries a heavy offensive potency in just one syllable. Saying phrases such as “You’re a cunt!” “Stop being such a cunt” or “You fucking cunt” for those with more gusto for its use, reveals the misogyny that the word possesses. After all, “cunt” is another, albeit derogatory, word for vagina and (most) females have a vagina; and the vagina

  • Pretty Hurts

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    You could say it. On June 25th, you were five years of no bulimia, not a single burp in your timeline with the problem. But it wasn't like there were many people to celebrate it with. Sure, there were the few friends you had told about it to but what would they say the reason for a party was? Hoopla, you don't puke your net worth of fluid into a toilet. You go girl! That's just so exciting and so many people would just love to come to that. Thankfully, you had a little party coming up. Just a few

  • Descriptive Essay About Jealousy

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    The Monster Within Laughter echoed throughout the car as we traveled down the highway. It was a gorgeous mid-summer morning, the tank was full of gas and our parents had given us permission to go wherever we pleased. We got lost on a dusty back road that rarely saw people, ended up somewhere in Idaho, got trapped in a rain storm, and laughed until tears rolled down our cheeks. Those are the types of memories I choose to hold on to. When you are younger, you think nothing will ever come between you

  • Guilty: A Short Story

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    Nicole was a student at Holy Heart High School. She spent most of her time smoking weed, selling drugs, and bullying other students. One of those students was Jessica Hayward. Jessica was very popular. She was in the school choir, she was a cheerleader, and she was very nice to everybody. But Nicole always bullied her. Jessica wasn't obese, she was just slightly overweight. One day, Jessica was putting books in her locker. Jessica was recording a video on her phone. "Here is one example of the

  • MOD Story

    1231 Words  | 3 Pages

    Chase slid the crisp hundred dollar bill into his pocket and drove off, checking his rear view mirror with every turn. Flashing lights weren’t his favorite sight and even in the day time his skin crawled with anxiety just thinking about them. Dealing wasn’t his ideal job, but he was damn sure good at it. He could blame his less than admirable profession on his deadbeat parents, but he knew that’s be a lie. It was the machine that made him do it. The day he turned 16 and the card slid out was the

  • Cunt: Vulgar Words In The English Language

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    The word “cunt” remains one of the most powerful, shocking, and arguably vulgar words in the English language today. Its definition has shifted over time, going from a relatively innocuous word referring to a woman’s genitals or prostitutes, to the derogatory, highly censored term it is today. The Oxford English Dictionary offers a number of definitions for the word “cunt,” including “the female genitals; the vulva or vagina” and “a woman as a source of sexual gratification; a promiscuous woman;

  • How Has The Word Cunt Changed Over Time

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    word cunt is very old and has gone through many changes in its lifetime. It is a taboo and vulgar word with ancient origins. According to Tony Thorne in the Dictionary of Contemporary Slang, “related words exist in other European languages (French con, Spanish cono) and it seems that, in the unwritten prehistoric Indo-European parent languages, cu or koo was a word base expressing “feminine” or “fecund” and associated notions.” (‘cunt’). At one point during Middle English (1066-1500CE) cunt stopped

  • Women in The Fabliaux

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    Females are portrayed in the Fabliaux as having certain distinct characteristics. In 'Les Quatre Sohais Saint-Martin';, 'The Chevalier Who Made Cunts Talk';, and 'The Miller's Prologue and Tale'; medieval women are portrayed in similar ways. Women are imaginative and therefor their thoughts must be controlled. They also, in the Fabliaux, crave sex and have sexually creative minds. These three Fabliaux texts present women that are similar and represent commonly held views about the female sex of the

  • Wife Of Bath Euphemism

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    The use of euphemism and crudeness in “The Wife of Bath’s Prologue” is simultaneously unnerving and amusing, and begs the question of how a “wicked” woman like The Wife could ever actually progress in medieval society. Chaucer incorporates subtle allusions to female sexual organs and it is this bluntness (that would raise eyebrows even today) which establishes the Wife as such a powerfully outspoken character. Because courtship in Chaucer’s time was considered worthy of complete submission, the

  • Women's Roles Then and Now

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    Women's Roles Then and Now Bob Dylan once wrote, ‘the times they are a-changin', I beg to differ. The 1960's were defiantly a time of dramatic change with the introduction of the women's liberation movement. But has all that much changed? Are all western women really liberated or are they simply being told so and believing every word, like the good little housewives men want them to be? A comparison between the Elizabethan era view of women through a ramble in St. James's Park with the more

  • Irvine Welsh's Marabou Stork Nightmares

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    Irvine Welsh's Marabou Stork Nightmares Works Cited Missing The text I have chosen to focus on is Irvine Welsh's, 'Marabou Stork Nightmares,' as I have found it particularly interesting I comparison to the other novels. Irvine Welsh introduces us to the wildly active, albeit coma-beset mind of Roy Strang, whose hallucinatory quest to eradicate the evil Marabou Stork keeps being interrupted by disturbing memories of social and family dysfunction that brought him to this state. In the novel

  • James Kelman's The Burn

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    James Kelman's story, The Burn has been interpreted as a universal representation of the condition of the working class in an oppressive society. Also, critics have brought to light the stylistic accomplishment of Kelman's writing; his ability to use language to bring to bear a psychological and emotional state of being within a fraction of an individual’s life; but, there is another perspective that may have been an unintentional result of his genius as a writer. His unnamed character gives us an

  • Nick Hornby: Nipple Jesus

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    it could easily have been of today. Another thing that makes it present is the hot issue about freedom of expression according to religion. Regarding language and style, the story bears the stamp of irony and playfulness. Words like “fucking” and “cunt” are used, which emphasizes that Dave is a tough person. Dave is a confused and tough six-foot-two, fifteen-stone bouncer with a shaved head who does not know what to do with his life. Additionally, he is an immature, who...

  • Rhetorical Analysis On Women's Rights By Ashley Judd

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    her lecture. She mostly uses seriousness and anger but throws in a little bit of humor here and there to maintain the audience’s attention. “This one guy was musing to I don't know who that maybe, I was the definition of a cunt. I was married to a Scot for 14 years, so I said, Cunt means many different things in different countries but I'm pretty sure you epitomize the global standard of a dick” (Judd, 2016). The reason she uses anger is because this topic is a serious topic. Online sexual violence

  • Short Story: Summertime MILF

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    naked on my computer in my room…huh” said Billy. Nicole’s cheeks blushing. “Do you think about…?” asked Billy. “You walked in on me in the bathroom” explained Nicole. “I really had to go and you didn’t seem to hide yourself while you were shaving your cunt” said Billy. “Do you think about… when you see me in the shower?” asked Nicole. “I can’t believe you have not found a man after your first year at the junior college” said Billy. “Ninety eight percent of my paralegal classmates are female. Most all

  • Analysis Of Tony Harrison's V By Tony Harrison

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    Furthermore, Tony Harrison’s V explores the relationship between centres and margins through language. Harrison uses language in order to not only give voice to the working class, but also to challenge dominant ideologies and dominant voices which are bound up with the use of Standard English. Previously discussed in reference to The Lonely Londoners, Standard English is associated with power and elitism and thus ‘places as subordinate all the utterances that are literally or figuratively between

  • The Imperfect Enjoy Theme

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    The Analysis of The Imperfect Enjoyment In John Wilmot’s, The Imperfect Enjoyment, the second Earl of Rochester, was born in 1647 to a noble family in England. He was said to be “one of the most famous lyric poets of Charles II’s court” (Orton). His noble stature later declined in the late eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, due to, the obscene nature of his work. Rochester’s poem ranges from tender love verses to savage pornographic obscenities. Due to the harshness of this poem, it pushes the