Crepuscular Essays

  • Hamsters vs. Guinea Pigs As Pets

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    Parents often wonder what makes a good first pet. Hamsters are often the first choice while its close relative the guinea pig is often overlooked. While both creatures are loveable, the bigger guinea pig makes a better pet for children. At a pet store the guinea pig will cost roughly three times as much as a hamster. If cost is a large concern, pigs and hamsters alike can be adopted for little to no cost and sometimes come with free cages. Naturally, the guinea pig as the larger rodent will

  • The Concept Of Globalization In Virilio's 'Crepuscular Dawn'

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    Omaraid Guerrero POSC 494 When reading Virilio’s Crepuscular Dawn one must define each concept to fully grasp the theories proposed in his book. Virilio states “globalization is the world becoming too small, and not too big” (p. 89). For one to thoroughly evaluate this quote one must first understand: What is globalization and what does it involve? How does speed contribute to this occurrence? What is speed? How this lead to escape velocity? What does escape velocity entail? And finally, what does

  • Rhetorical Analysis Of Let There Be Dark

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    pollution is like the bulldozer of the night, wrecking habitat and disrupting ecosystems several billions years in the making. Simply put, without darkness, earth’s ecology would collapse…” He says we are messing up the ecosystem for the nocturnal and crepuscular species and that we are messing up

  • Dark Enough For The Milky Way Summary

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    melatonin can be helpful to stop some cancers from happening which could save hundreds of thousands of lives and money from victims of this disease just by turning of lights. “The rest of the world depends on darkness as will, including nocturnal and crepuscular species of bird, insects;mammals; fish and reptiles”(Bogard). It’s not just humans that need darkness to function,just like humans aren't the only ones that need water to live on planet earth and taking water away can hurt us just as bad as taking

  • Epilepsy: A Short Story

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    The flurried winds tossed my awake face in the crepuscular night scene, escorted by a touch from a hand I barely forgot its sense, its urvan! “Too early to wake up, isn’t it?! “ She said. That was my debut on the theatre. I was gripped by an arena of calmness forged by the spectators. The actors waited to say my next sentence in the play; however, I was robbed from that vibe by another realm with only a girl sitting in the first row. She was jerking in an unprecedented recoil for me. I moved some

  • Essay On Red Panda

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    Endangered Species: Red Panda The red panda, also called lesser panda and red cat-bear, is a small arboreal mammal native to the eastern Himalayas and southwestern China. The red panda is slightly larger than a domestic cat with a bear-like body and thick russet fur. The red panda has been classified as Vulnerable by IUCN as its wild population is estimated at less than 10,000 mature individuals. The population continues to decline and is threatened by habitat loss and fragmentation, poaching, and

  • Serval Essay

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    The Natural History of Leptailurus Serval Christian Cintron, BIO 344.L05 INTRO Commonly referred to as the African serval or serval cats, the species Leptailurus serval is a medium sized feline native to the continent of Africa. Although it is widley spread throughout subsaharran, they have become extinct in some locations due to human predation. These elegant creatures are known for its remarkable resemblance of a cheetah with a beautiful fur coat that has spotted markings and long thing legs.

  • Jaguars

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    with this powerful cat. The jaguars main periods of hunting activity are greatly dependant upon location - in some areas which are close to human habitation it appears that the cat is most active at night, whilst in other locations the jaguar is crepuscular and in certain cases diurnal in its hunting activity.

  • Abuse Of Power In Macbeth

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    William Shakespeare’s play The Tragedy of Macbeth is a tale set in the middle ages that demonstrates the corruption of political conquest and conspiracy. Macbeth and his wife, Lady Macbeth, commence on a destructive path in pursuit of power and influence. Power within itself hinders a threshold of such an empowering embrace through a mentality manifested by a prideful and egomaniacal person such as Macbeth, considering he was never before in a position of power. While the play unfolds, there are

  • Let There Be Dark Analysis

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    importance to allowing darkness to our world, as we feel obliged to preserve darkness for our well-being of mental and physical health. Bogard does not stop there, in fact, he reveals that darkness is also important to nature. There are “nocturnal and crepuscular species of birds, insects, mammals, fish and reptiles” out of which, “400 species of birds that migrate at night in North America, the sea turtles that come ashore to lay their eggs—and some are not, such as the bats that save American farmers billions

  • I Woke Up That Day By The Loudest Siren

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    scared to death. I heard her a third time but only this time it was echoed my father. “What’s wrong?”, he said trying to force the last bit of breath he had out of him. When I heard the safety of my father’s voice, it was like the lights of a crepuscular rays, shining through the clouds into my room. He gave me the strength and courage to take that mountain off my shoulders. I was finally free from that enormous weight that was pinning me down, to the inner core of earth. I finally managed to pu

  • White Tailed Deer Research Paper

    1006 Words  | 3 Pages

    White-Tailed Deer Odocoileus virginianus, is the scientific name of the white-tailed deer ("Species Description: White-tailed Deer"). White-tailed deer are reddish brown in the summer and grayish brown in the winter. They get their name from the white strip of fur they have from the top of their stomachs to the tip of their tails. White-tailed deer can get up to about four to six feet in length. According to Nature Works, "males weigh between 150 and 300 pounds and females weigh between 90 and 200

  • Essay On Wild Rabbit

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    Introduction The European wild rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) is a species of rabbit native to southwestern Europe and Northwest Africa. It represent one of the most economically important mammal species and has therefore been introduced into new ecosystems by humans all over the world. Today the European rabbit can be found, in the wild, on every continent except Asia and Antarctica. They are raised extensively worldwide for meat, skin and wool production, as well as being a popular game animal

  • Wolves Of The Sea Research Paper

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    The Wolves of the Sea Orcas, dazzling and exquisite, become one with the azure lustrous waves of the ocean as the golden crepuscular ray slowly sets. Nonetheless, on the other side of the world, sixty-one killer whales have no memoir of the salty essence of the sea, where they rightfully belong nor the fiery red sunset. These magnificent marine mammals earned their scientific name Orcinus Orca from Orcus, the barbaric Roman god of the netherworld for their ability to advance on larger sea creatures

  • The Romanticism Period

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    History is the story and knowledge of the past. There are individuals that are interested by history and wish to study it by learning more. It is very informative to know what has happened in the past for self-knowledge. An individual cannot be naïve to the past including but not limited to how literature came to. One can understand literature more when they understand the time period the author wrote during and the way they wrote. There are several time periods different authors have been through

  • The Black Death in The Decameron by Boccaccio

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    biblical scenes and the church and also ... ... middle of paper ... ...e spread of the plague. This deadly plague affected the art that it went from its joyous and peaceful atmosphere of the lively higher class and its biblical scenes to the dark, crepuscular scenes of the dead. These paintings now showed the fear people had for being dead. Literature changed after the Black Death by displaying the events that the author or people close to them had experienced. This event changed literature because it

  • The Kit Fox Essay

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    help raise the next litter of pups that are going to come. Individual Kit Foxes have been known to live up to seven years in the wild on their own. Kit Foxes are the types of animals that are most active in the night, but have a tendency to have crepuscular behavior. Upon finding a mate it is not uncommon for them to share the same dens throughout their year of life together. Each pair of foxes

  • Who Is Edward Steichen: The Evolution Of An Artistic Photographer

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    Edward Steichen; The Evolution of an Artistic Photographer ​Edward Steichen was well known for the abrupt various changes in subject and the ability to adapt to different mediums throughout his portfolio in a lifetime. Steichen has expressed such great vision and experiences through his photographing of landscapes, architecture, theater, dance, and war. Edward Steichen was both a painter and a photographer and “attempted to expand the painterly potential of this medium, using such techniques as

  • Cons of Genetic Engineering: The Case Against Perfection by Michael J. Sandal

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    Genetic engineering includes altering heredity structures of living organisms and food products to provide the substance with certain traits which may appeal more to one. Other desired characteristics with regards to the Human genome project scientists have had a breakthrough in science. Now scientists are able to create synthetic organs for transplants and prevent disease by manipulating genes. According to Grocery manufacturers of America 70% to 75% of processed foods contain genetically modified

  • Personal Narrative: My Aunt Luz Maria Arias

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    It was a calm crepuscular night, as the moon shined over the dark gray clouds. While it was raining cats and dogs, my world unexpectedly came to a complete stop and suddenly I lost one of the greatest individuals in my life. It felt as if I was stabbed in the heart with a polished knife and the pain would only get sharper as minutes went by. I tried my hardest to break away from this heart shattering moment by cracking a dazzling smile, but the thought never seemed to walk away from my busy mind