Corporate Management Essays

  • Corporate Network Management

    1882 Words  | 4 Pages

    Corporate Networks in organisations can be complex structures that “requires a great deal of attention” (Clemm 2007). Even small companies can have quite complex networks that are a considerable investment to the business. The notion that corporate network management is a cost to a business rather than a continual beneficial investment is a naive assumption that requires further investigation to the benefits that network management brings. Clemm (Clemm 2007) states in his text that the ultimate goal

  • Human Resource Management And Corporate Governance Case Study

    709 Words  | 2 Pages

    10 Human resource management and corporate Governance: Corporate governance is basically cares about subjects of ownership and control inside the organization (Berle and Means, 1932). It puts the expressions and situations of the legal portion of possessions rights between the diverse stakeholder. Corporate governance also affects the stakeholder incentives and therefore their enthusiasm to collaborate with each other in productive actions. To distribute the responsibility of production

  • Risk Management Roles of Corporate Leadership

    1089 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Board of Directors and Senior Management have a fiduciary duty to implement comprehensive monitoring systems, retention of outside consultants, investigate violations, adhere to regulations, and ensure the organization is operating per legal compliance (Bethel, 2016). Ultimately, if the Board of Directors does not do their job properly then they may suffer bad publicity, damage their reputation, and draw proxy attacks (Fraser & Simkins, 2010). Indeed, the Board cannot complete all tasks associated

  • Financial Report of Loewen Group Inc.

    3585 Words  | 8 Pages

    being that of people or service concerns, the other that of responsible planning and fiscal management. It is the balance of these wings that enables the eagle to soar beyond all heights"1 In 1995, the company defended itself against two major lawsuits, as well as continued to negotiate acquisition agreements. The Loewen Group Inc. stresses that once an acquisition has been completed, local management is encouraged to remain and offers long term contracts to its key employees, rarely dismissing

  • A Corporate Code of Ethics is Not Enough

    2353 Words  | 5 Pages

    After news of the scandal of Enron, one of the hottest items on e-Bay was a 64-page copy of Enron’s corporate code of ethics. One seller/former employee proclaimed it had “never been opened.” In the forward Kenneth L. Lay, CEO of Enron stated, “We want to be proud of Enron and to know that it enjoys a reputation for fairness and honesty and that it is respected (Enron 2).” For a company with such an extensive code of ethics and a CEO who seemed to want the company to be respected for that, there

  • Corporate Interests and Their Impact on News Coverage

    2343 Words  | 5 Pages

    Corporate Interests and Their Impact on News Coverage Hypothesis There is no denying that news media is big business. The complete coverage of stories and investigative reports are certainly at risk with the rise of media as a business, rather than strictly a service to the public. Over the past few years, there have been a number of cases where television stations or news publications have killed news stories or forced reporters to slant stories due to pressure from advertisers or those

  • Ethical Concerns in Corporate Finance: A Closer Look at Earnings Management

    1652 Words  | 4 Pages

    the ethics of finance has been a concern in the corporate world. With the flexible accounting standards under the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and International Accounting Standards (IAS), there are many grey areas of what is, and is not, ethical. Earnings management falls in this grey area. Earnings management is the term used to describe the process of manipulating earnings of the firm to achieve a target predetermined by management. The flexibility of accounting standards may

  • The Pros and Cons of Corporate Downsizing

    1252 Words  | 3 Pages

    I.     An introduction to corporate downsizing. II.     The reasons behind a company downsizing. A.     Cash flow, profits, and profit margins. B.     Organizational structure and procedures. III.     Planning the downsizing. A.     Pro and con factors. B.     Identifying the options. IV.     Implementing the downsizing. A.     Announcing the action. B.     Communicate. C.     Staff Stability. V.     Conclusion Corporate Downsizing: A Profitable Benefit

  • We Are Living in a Corporate Dystopia

    1489 Words  | 3 Pages

    A Corporate Dystopia Our children are being brainwashed. Not overtly, mind you, and not in any way that would be so violent as to cause alarm with most parents, but subtly and persistently, powerful entities are programming and transforming the next generation of American citizens into obedient attendants and mindless drones. Without the necessary steps taken to prevent it, our future will lie in the hands of men and women who, instead of using a well-cultivated intellect, will feign attack

  • Corporate Bankruptcy

    1464 Words  | 3 Pages

    Corporate Bankruptcy Building a successful business is very difficult and when doing so some may encounter financial hardship. The law has established a process that can help rescue businesses. This is called bankruptcy. What is bankruptcy to a company? How does bankruptcy rescue businesses? The reader will understand the meaning of bankruptcy to a corporation, be familiarized with types of proceedings, and identify with businesses that have been rescued by bankruptcy proceedings. Bankruptcy

  • Corporate Downsizing

    2555 Words  | 6 Pages

    Corporate Downsizing Corporate Downsizing Organizations in every segment of business, industry, government, and education are downsizing. Downsizing is and has been a controversial phenomenon in the last few years. The controversy that surrounds downsizing may be better described as a debate in organizational theory about whether change is adaptive or disruptive. The issues which establish the outcome of the controversy include why the downsizing is taking affect, how it is implemented, and what

  • Assessing the Corporate Culture of Walt Disney

    2097 Words  | 5 Pages

    This paper will assess the corporate culture of Walt Disney, addressing the background of the organization, training and teaching, stories, legends and myths associated with the company, philosophy, values, mission statement and the organizational goals of the company. The Disney Brothers Studios was founded by Walt and Roy Disney in October of 1923. As the brothers increased their reach in the entertainment market, this small studio evolved into the corporate giant known today as the Walt Disney

  • An Investigation Of Japanese Corporate Culture, Its Trends And Changes

    2111 Words  | 5 Pages

    An Investigation of Japanese Corporate Culture, Its Trends And Changes Japanese Business & Culture bus 258.1 Table of Contents1.0 Introduction 2.0 Procedure 3.0 Findings 3.1 Changing social culture. 3.2 Business Culture in Japan 3.3 Why change is needed 3.4 What is Japan and her corporations doing to develop and change 4.0 Conclusion 5.0 Bibliography Japanese Business & CultureAn investigation Japanese corporate culture, its trends and changes.1.0 IntroductionThis report is based around the following

  • The Challange of Cultural Diversity in Corporate America

    1190 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Challange of Cultural Diversity in Corporate America The expanding conflict over cultural diversity in corporate America may present as many opportunities and problems as affirmative action. Today, cultural diversity is an important fact of life and business, due to the changing face of society, and therefore, the work place. It is growing ever more essential for people to interact with others outside of their racial, ethical, religious, regional, social, etc. boundaries. To stay

  • Corporate Wellness Programs

    1200 Words  | 3 Pages

    Corporate Wellness Programs Corporate wellness programs are critical to the fiscal fitness of organizations in the United States today. Corporate wellness programs vary in their methods, but the end goals are the same: decrease medical costs and increase employee productivity. Healthcare costs now consume over 50% of corporate profits and continue to increase at nearly 12% a year (Powell, 1999, p.15). This dramatic rise in costs has caused employers to look for innovative ways to combat the costs

  • Corporate Downsizing

    1950 Words  | 4 Pages

    workforce in a very short period of time. According to online encyclopedia downsizing refers to “layoffs initiated by a company in order to cut labor costs by reducing the size of the company.” Downsizing became a familiar management mantra in the late 1980’s and early 1990’s. In fact, three million jobs were lost between 1989 and 1998 (Mishra et al., 1998). More than 350,000 jobs were lost in 2001 (DeSouza & Donaldson, 2002). Downsizing has become almost a way of life for U


    2706 Words  | 6 Pages

    CORPORATE GOVERNANCE The Oxford English Dictionary defines ‘governance’ as ‘the act, manner, fact or function of governing, sway, control’. ‘To govern’ is ‘to rule with authority’, ’to exercise the function of government’, ‘to sway, rule, influence, regulate, determine’, ‘to conduct oneself in some way; curb, bridle (one’s passions, oneself)’, or ‘to constitute a law for’. Governing is, therefore, a whole range of actions, initiatives and response patterns - from rule through influence to self-control

  • Politics and Power in Today’s Corporate World

    2233 Words  | 5 Pages

    Politics and Power in Today’s Corporate World An effective organization focuses on strong leadership, power and political issues. These components are critical to creating an organization mindful of values, ethics, culture and innovation. Analyzing the use of power and politics are essential to understanding the behavior of individuals within organizations. There are two sides to power and politics. In one respect power and politics imply the shady side of leadership. However, power and politics

  • Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), also known as Corporate Responsibility, and Corporate Citizenship

    1292 Words  | 3 Pages

    Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), also known as Corporate Responsibility, and Corporate Citizenship Because society is fundamentally based upon performance and profit, it is necessary to impart a sense of corporate social responsibility with regard to modern commerce. The ethical approaches of purpose, principle and consequence are integral components of business social performance; itemizing these contributions involves incorporating the interests of ethics and morality within the

  • Business Ethics in Today's Corporate World

    2971 Words  | 6 Pages

    Business Ethics in Today's Corporate World Business ethics is part of today’s society whether you like it or not. There are many things happening in today’s corporate world that needs to be opinioned. Are ethical judgments merely a matter of personal opinion? Yes because we live in a free society I think that most ethical judgments are based on a matter of what you believe in. Everyone has the right to think differently. There will also be similarities and differences in your ethical point