Conception Essays

  • The Hermeneutic Conception of Culture

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    The Hermeneutic Conception of Culture Heidegger, the founder of the hermeneutic paradigm, rejected the traditional account of cultural activity as a search for universally valid foundations for human action and knowledge. His main work, Sein und Zeit (1927), develops a holistic epistemology according to which all meaning is context-dependent and permanently anticipated from a particular horizon, perspective or background of intelligibility. The result is a powerful critique directed against the

  • Conception of Love in The Kreutzer Sonata

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    Conception of Love in The Kreutzer Sonata Perhaps Tolstoy's short story, “The Kreutzer Sonata”, truly captures one definite conception of love, albeit a very negative one. To understand more what is brought to light in this story, we need to take a look at it, more importantly at the character of Pozdnychev. Pozdnychev has just spent several years in prison for the murder of his unfaithful wife, as we find out early in the story. His tale is a sordid one, as he relates his past life, before

  • Toward a Dynamic Conception of ousia

    5298 Words  | 11 Pages

    Toward a Dynamic Conception of ousia This paper is an initial attempt to develop a dynamic conception of being which is not anarchic. It does this by returning to Aristotle in order to begin the process of reinterpreting the meaning of ousia, the concept according to which western ontology has been determined. Such a reinterpretation opens up the possibility of understanding the dynamic nature of ontological identity and the principles according to which this identity is established. The development

  • Plato and Augustine’s Conceptions of Happiness

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    Both Plato and Augustine offer unusual conceptions of what one must acquire to live a truly happy life. While the conventional view of happiness normally pertains to wealth, financial stability, and material possessions, Plato and Augustine suggest that true happiness is rooted in something independent of objects or people. Though dissimilar in their notions of that actual root, each respective philosophy views the attaining of that happiness as a path, a direction. Plato’s philosophy revolves

  • The Conception of Time in William Buck's Mahabharata

    3133 Words  | 7 Pages

    The Conception of Time in William Buck's Mahabharata In Hindu philosophy, there is no absolute beginning to the universe and no absolute ending. Therefore, time is not conceived of in a linear fashion as is common in western philosophy. Instead, time is seen as a wheel turning within a larger wheel, and moksha, or the release from this wheel is one of the goals of of the Hindu devotee. In William Buck's Mahabharata, time is viewed by the characters as an enemy of sorts, a personified entity

  • Kant's Moral Constructivism and his Conception of Legislation

    4338 Words  | 9 Pages

    Some hold that Kant’s conception of autonomy requires the rejection of moral realism in favor of "moral constructivism." However, commentary on a little noticed passage in the Metaphysics of Morals (with the assistance of Kant’s Lectures and Reflexionen) reveals that the conception of legislation at the core of Kant’s conception of autonomy represents a decidedly anti-constructivist strand in his moral philosophy. I. Summary: the Meaning of "Kant's Moral Constructivism" A. John Rawls In

  • Medea - the conception of drama within theatrical production

    1315 Words  | 3 Pages

    “The Conception of Drama within Theatrical Production” In Euripides’ tragic play, Medea, the playwright creates an undercurrent of chaos in the play upon asserting that, “the world’s great order [is being] reversed.” (Lawall, 651, line 408). The manipulation of the spectators’ emotions, which instills in them a sentiment of drama, is relative to this undertone of disorder, as opposed to being absolute. The central thesis suggests drama in the play as relative to the method of theatrical production

  • Fundamentalist Christians and Negative Conceptions of Dungeons & Dragons

    2982 Words  | 6 Pages

    Fundamentalist Christians and Negative Conceptions of Dungeons & Dragons This paper is an attempt to explain the negative conceptions about role-playing games, especially claims that the games are Satanic. I will be using many primary sources from the Internet, most of which are from Christian websites, to determine precisely what is being claimed about the games. I will be using more academic sources in order to try to explain where the claims are coming from. As the websites primarily focus

  • Immaculate Conception Research Paper

    595 Words  | 2 Pages

    Immaculate Conception is the conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary free from original sin the foreseen merits of her son Jesus Christ. The Catholic Church teaches that Mary was conceived by normal biological means in the womb of her mother, Saint Anne, but God acted upon her soul, keeping it immaculate. The Catholic Church celebrates the Feast of the Immaculate Conception on December 8. Pope Pius IX formally instituted the dogma Immaculate Conception. The defined dogma of the Immaculate Conception regards

  • Exegesis and Critique of Nietzsche’s Conception of Guilt In The Second Essay of On the Genealogy of Morality

    2415 Words  | 5 Pages

    Exegesis and Critique of Nietzsche’s Conception of Guilt In The Second Essay of On the Genealogy of Morality In the Second Essay of On the Genealogy of Morals (titled ““Guilt,” “Bad Conscience,” and the Like”), Nietzsche formulates an interesting conception of the origin and function of guilt feelings and “bad conscience.” Nietzsche’s discussion of this topic is rather sophisticated and includes sub-arguments for the ancient equivalence of the concepts of debt and guilt and the existence of an

  • Is Abortion Ever Justfied?

    2404 Words  | 5 Pages

    similar developmental stages. Thus other stages of pregnancy are more commonly cited as the point in which personhood begins. John Grigg adopts the stance that there is a life that comes into existence as soon as conception occurs: “To my mind life begins at the moment of conception… Conception is the magic moment.” (John Grigg, in the Guardian, 29 October 1973) This view may be problematic if we consider that life does not necessarily imply personhood. We may claim that the foetus is a human being

  • Motherhood and Sin Explored in John Milton's Paradise Lost

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    From negating most of the aspects of the her relationship to Death, one may possibly arrive at something very close to Milton¹s views of ideal motherhood, just as Eve may be seen as very close to Milton¹s view of an ideal wife. From the act of conception to the very end of the poem itself, Sin is a wholly foul creature, and her maternal relationship to Death is twisted into a horrible parody, much like that of the infernal trinity of Satan, Sin, and Death. By analyzing most of the aspects of Sin

  • Values Vs Social Acceptance

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    choose to live our lives. Values are the conceptions or ideas that act as standards for judging what is right or wrong, worthwhile or worthless, beautiful or ugly, good or bad. Values differ from person to person. For example, a forty-year old husband with four kids will more than likely have a different set of values than an eighteen-year old freshman just entering college. The freshmen’s conceptions of what is good or bad would be different than the conceptions of the married man. Due to their age

  • The Berdache of Early American Conquest

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    complicated social and sexual relationships helps to explain the way this power structure maps onto the native people's relationship with the berdache. This paper will show how the Spaniards mapped their conceptions of power and sexual relationships onto the natives. It will address this conception by carefully analyzing the presence of hermaphrodites in Theodore de Bry's copper etchings. By visualizing the berdache through the eyes of the Spaniard, the concept of sexualizing the foreign natives is

  • Tolerance, Liberalism, and Community

    3326 Words  | 7 Pages

    the use of coercion by a commitment to the broadest possible toleration of rival religious and moral conceptions of the worthy way of life. While accepting the communitarian insight that moral thought is necessarily rooted in a social self with conceptions of the good, I argue that this does not undermine liberal tolerance. There is no thickly detailed way of life so embedded in our self-conceptions that liberal neutrality is blocked at the level of reflection. This holds true for us in virtue of the

  • The Critique of Conceiving Logic as a Propadeutic

    5733 Words  | 12 Pages

    constitutive of objects. For a principle to be regulative means that it provides us with a methodology that belongs somehow to the nature of our thinking, but not to that of the world, as constitutive principles do.[i] In this way, a regulative conception of logic represents logic as an “instrument” of reason that takes for granted a formal set of rules, rules which have no bearing on “reality” and that are “invented” as tools to guide our thought.[ii] It is no curiosity that as a result most contemporary

  • Inner Truths in The House of the Seven Gables

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    reader to understand his conceptions on a complete level, and to achieve this he realized that he must delve into an unusual space in the reader's mind. The supernatural plays an important role in this goal in The House of the Seven Gables. The Supernatural challenges the reader to use her imagination and step out of her usual stereotypes and beliefs so that she may observe the story as Hawthorne wrote it. This challenge is meant to help the reader grasp Hawthorne’s conceptions. Maule’s curse at the

  • Pregnancy

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    environment, the right factors, the right timing, and a great deal of luck. The first step occurs when an egg cell from a woman unites with a sperm cell from a man to form an embryo the beginnings of a human being. This process is called conception. After conception comes the process of fertilization, which is the process in which sperm cells must be present in the woman's reproductive tract at the time the egg enters the fallopian tube. This can happen in several ways. If the woman has intercourse

  • On the Temporal Boundaries of Simple Experiences

    2703 Words  | 6 Pages

    is one in which we study our conception or picture of consciousness. Specifically, I am referring to our conception or picture of phenomenal consciousness – what one has in mind who, e.g., "gets" the mind-body problem, understands the inverted spectrum or absent qualia examples, or Nagel’s phrase that it is like something to be conscious, and so on. Such individuals, arguably, are thinking about consciousness in a more or less similar way, exploiting a similar conception or picture, similar conceptual

  • Political Philosophy

    1755 Words  | 4 Pages

    Part One (Question 2) Aristotle, Locke, and Hobbes all place a great deal of importance on the state of nature and how it relates to the origin of political bodies. Each one, however, has a different conception of what a natural state is, and ultimately, this leads to a different conception of what a government should be, based on this natural state. Aristotle’s feelings on the natural state of man is much different than that of modern philosophers and leads to a construction of government in