Computational science Essays

  • Application for Master Degree in Theory and Computational Science

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    comprehensive foundation in the field of Computer Science. Within this field, I have developed a deep interest in the area of Theory and Computational Science. More specifically I find algorithms and theory of computation the most appealing areas due to their application in solving many real world problems. My undergraduate course in the field of Electronics Engineering has given me a comprehensive exposure to all the core fields of computer science and mathematics. In my junior year, I participated

  • The Chemistry Of Science: The Nobel Prize In Chemistry

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    in Pretoria, South Africa in 1947. Levitt works as a structural biology and computer science professor at Stanford University in Stanford, California. Levitt has a extensive

  • Paleontological Audio Technology

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    Paleontological Audio Technology In very recent years the advances in science and technology we have made have been incredible; from cloning sheep and human tissue to almost completing the human genome, the scientific community has taken great steps with the help of technology. One such area in this community is the study of geology. Computers aid geologists in determining the best places to drill for oil and natural gas, along with trying to determine mineral deposits and the compositions of

  • Aaron Koblin

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    Josh Hill Interaction Design Overview 2.10.2015 Aaron Koblin One of today’s most well known and respected visualizers of data, Aaron Koblin has taken the task of processing basic and mundane data found in everyday events, and turned that information into something visually captivating. With a fresh, innovative approach, Koblin has taken data analytics to a new level by turning his projects into informative works of art that leverage the power of crowdsourcing, collaboration, and the study of human

  • Artificial Intelligence

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    computer science that attempts to simulate characteristics of human intelligence or senses. These include learning, reasoning, and adapting. This field studies the designs of intelligent agents, or a system that acts intelligibly. The term artificial intelligence is confusing and misleading however. Artificial intelligence is still a form of intelligence, but perhaps “synthetic intelligence” is a better name because it is not natural intelligence. This is why the name “computational intelligence”

  • The History of Computers

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    The History of Computers From primitive abaci to lab tops and calculators, the computer has evolved through time to become the essential part of our technocratic society. The development of the computer has shaped the way technology and science is viewed in different cultures around the world. The connotation of what a computer is nowadays brings to mind a monitor, keyboard, processor and its other electronic components; however, that is not how things have always been. From the Chinese using

  • Communicating With The It Department

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    The typical IT person is computer literate and usually very intelligent. They have incredible deductive reasoning and superior computational abilities. Most of them are very introverted and have little or no social graces, not to mention any ability to communicate. Communication among their peers is usually something like a script from a very poorly written science fiction book or technical manual. Nevertheless they can communicate with each other. Can they communicate with the average person

  • The ENIAC Project: Its Significance in Computer Science and Society

    1981 Words  | 4 Pages

    The ENIAC Project: Its Significance in Computer Science and Society “…With the advent of everyday use of elaborate calculations, speed has become paramount to such a high degree that there is no machine on the market today capable of satisfying the full demand of modern computational methods. The most advanced machines have greatly reduced the time required for arriving at solutions to problems which might have required months or days by older procedures. This advance, however, is not adequate

  • A Connectionist Model of Poetic Meter

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    Model of Poetic Meter Abstract. Traditional analyses of meter are hampered by their inability to image the interaction of various elements which affect the stress patterns of a line of poetry or provide a system of notation fully amenable to computational analysis. To solve these problems, the connectionist models of James McClelland and David Rumelhart in Explorations in Parallel Distributed Processing (1988) are applied to the analysis of English poetic meter. The model graphically illustrates

  • Types Of Computers

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    these tasks in medium-sized companies. Emulations: Many physical and engineering problems cannot be solved without the help of complex computer simulations. These require intensive mathematical work, and so take advantage of a mainframe's computational power. Examples include weather forecasting, or calculating the position of astronomical bodies with extreme accuracy. Many minicomputers or workstations are now used for this type of problem. General purpose: Many universities used a mainframe

  • Computer-Assisted Testing

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    allows people with a disabilities to complete tests with minimal assistance. This allows the test results to be more valid since there is less enteraction between takers and givers. Test scoring can also be simplified and enhanced due to reduced computational errors. Test interpretation may be enhanced by providing the counselor with an expanded and consistent knowledge base to assist in the interpretation of test data. Computer-based test interpretation (CBTI) is typically based on research data and

  • What is Illiteracy?

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    modern world (Nash). Moral illiteracy is not being taught or lacked the education and understandings in religious or spiritual beliefs (Nash). Functional illiteracy refers to the inability of an individual to use reading, speaking, writing, and computational skills in everyday life (Literacy Center for the Midlands). Functional illiteracy is probably the most familiar and known to the public out of the three. Functional illiteracy is measured on a scale of five levels. Level one is an adult or adults

  • measuring brain activity

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    studying the brain. But even with our highest technology out there we do not know everything definitely. We do have fallbacks at times and these fallbacks can lead to serious problems. The recent advances in non-invasive brain imaging, increased computational power, and advances in signal processing methods have heightened the research in this area. As we make progress in interpreting noninvasive brain signals in time we will begin to explore applications that go beyond treatment. But for now these

  • Cray SuperComputer

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    respected computer - mainly for its extremely fast rate of mathematical floating-point calculation. As the university states in its July/August computer magazine "ComputerNews", the Cray's "level of performance should enable researchers with large computational requirements at the university of Toronto and other Ontario universities to compete effectively against the best in the world in their respective fields." The Cray X-MP/22 has two Central Processing Units (CPUs) - the first '2' in the '22'. The

  • The Effects of Technology on Students

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    advancements of technology. Teachers have seen many of these benefits with the influence of technology on their students. Many students find a sense of accomplishment when working with technology. Students are now more willing to write and work on computational skills (Estey). Then students find these tasks appealing and are able to achieve more. Another area that technology has impacted is the expansion of the learning environment. It allows students access to primary source material they could

  • From Mind to Supermind: A Statement of Aurobindonian Approach

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    outcome of all such discussions is that "mind" is mysterious and beyond all scientific explanation. According to the main contemporary view, in particular, `there is something essential in human understanding that is not possible to simulate by any computational means’. This indicates that the nature of mind continues to remain a source of acute discomfort to the Western thinkers. Even their new empirical findings regarding the highly complex mental acitivity is dubious. The object of this paper is to

  • Statement of Purpose

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    Technical University of Munich Department of Informatics I am a senior Bachelor student at Computer Engineering Department of Galatasaray University and I am writing this statement of purpose for my application to Technical University of Munich Computational Science and Engineering master program. In this essay, I will briefly state my background, my interests and why I am a sufficient candidate for the TUM CSE master program. My enjoyable interaction with computers goes back one decade to the first moment

  • Designing and Building Large Dams

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    (VOF) to calculate flow rates on three types of ogee spillways. The results were compared and these comparisons showed good proximity between numeric and experimental data. Results provided information on how accurately a commercially available computational fluid dynamic CFD model can predict the spillway flow rate. Ogee shape spillway was used to control the height and volume of water behind the dam. Geometrical properties affected hydraulic variables were investigated. The most common overflow hydraulic

  • Computational Complexity and Philosophical Dualism

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    Computational Complexity and Philosophical Dualism ABSTRACT: I examine some recent controversies involving the possibility of mechanical simulation of mathematical intuition. The first part is concerned with a presentation of the Lucas-Penrose position and recapitulates some basic logical conceptual machinery (Gödel's proof, Hilbert's Tenth Problem and Turing's Halting Problem). The second part is devoted to a presentation of the main outlines of Complexity Theory as well as to the introduction

  • Computational Linguistics

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    Computational Linguistics Computational linguistics is a discipline between linguistics and computer science which is concerned with the computational aspects of the human language. This area of computer science overlaps with the field of Artificial Intelligence. Basically, computational linguistics is a series of programs that interprets human speech into words and actions. There are a couple of different areas of computational linguistics and those areas are theoretical computational linguistics