Common carotid artery Essays

  • Summary: Common Carotid Artery

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    The male hit in the face with a softball is showing an immediate response to tissue damage that led to the swelling of the eyelids because there are several blood vessels (arteries and veins) surrounding the ocular tissues such as maxillary artery, superficial branch of temporal artery, palpebral artery, and lacrimal artery tend to vasodilate which increase the blood flow resulting in the swelling of the eyelids.1 Increase in pain(dolor), redness(rubor), heat (calor), swelling (tumor), and loss

  • Exemplification Essay: The Iceman's Murder

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    scientists thought he died in the cold up the mountain, some had doubts, and while studying the remains of the mummy, an anomaly was found inside of it. An arrowhead had been found lodged in his back, close to the heart and deep enough to puncture an artery. As the Huffington Post says “ Clearly, the arrowhead had caused a one-centimeter gash

  • Stroke Essay

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    Stroke has been implicated as the third leading cause of death1. It’s occurrence increases with age, with two-thirds of stroke victims being over 65 years old2. The elderly population is increasing, with 20% of the U.S. population expected to be over 65 years old by the year 20303. As future dentists, these are the people we will one day be treating in our practices. Therefore, it is important for us to be able to properly prevent, recognize, and manage the diseases of the elderly population. Even

  • Neck Dissection Lab Report

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    triangle, specifically during the dissection of the carotid triangle. The carotid sheath was isolated lateral to the superior belly of omohyoid and medial to sternocleidomastoid. The carotid sheath was opened using blunt dissection and the contents, the internal jugular vein and common carotid artery, were observed. This process was repeated bilaterally and both right and left appeared normal. When tracing the course of the right common carotid artery, the brachiocephalic trunk was noticeably absent

  • Atherosclerosis: Cardiovascular Disease

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    Atherosclerosis is a cardiovascular disorder that causes a buildup of plaque in the arteries. The plaque is made of substances found in the blood, such as calcium, cholesterol, and fat, (“What is Atherosclerosis”). This buildup can eventually lead into other serious diseases. One disease that atherosclerosis leads to is coronary heart disease, which is the number one fatal disease for males and females in the United States, (“10 Important Facts”) . Atherosclerosis is a developmental disorder, meaning

  • Cerebrovascular Accident Research Paper

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    Cerebrovascular accident (CVA) is a blockage or rupture of an artery to the brain, causing the death of brain cells due to the lack of oxygen. Abilities of that area of the brain such as muscle control and memory are lost when the brain cells begin to die. A cerebrovascular accident is also referred to as a stroke. There are two types of strokes, which include hemorrhagic or ischemic. Around 87 percent of all stroke cases are ischemic. An ischemic stroke is resulted by a blockage of a blood vessel

  • Embalmers Reflective Report

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    I wanted to highlight this so I remember to raise the femoral and not the carotid artery. Feature enhancement through arterial injection and allow the embalmer to improve rather than change the decedent’s appearance. I thought that this was an important statement because we never want to make them look so good that they don’t even

  • Essay On Cerebrovascular Disease

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    the brain and vascular is termed as veins and arteries. From those two terms, one can interpret that this disease has to deal with the blood flow that goes on in the brain. According to the Association of Neurological surgeons, cerebrovascular disease is defined as the any disorder that is in the brain is either permanently or temporarily affected by bleeding and even by ischemia (AANS, 2005). It states, “ Cerebrovascular disease includes stroke, carotid stenosis, vertebral stenosis and intracranial

  • Myocardial Infarction And Stroke Essay

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    cholesterol) leading to increased risk of arterial occlusion, high amounts of saturated fats leading to an increased risk of elevated LDL cholesterol, high amounts of trans fats leading to higher chances of clogged arteries, ventricular fibrillation, and atherosclerosis of the arteries. The risk factors for MI include, but are not limited to, hypertension leading to increased risk of heart complications, high LDL cholesterol leading to atherosclerosis, high levels of triglyceride fats leading to

  • Equipment Inside an Operating Room

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    The operating room, sometimes called the OR, is where surgery happens in a hospital. Having surgery can be called having an operation. One kind of surgery is having tubes put in the eardrums to prevent infection in your ears and improve hearing. Someone who gets tonsillitis might need a tonsillectomy. This is when the tonsils are taken out so that you don’t get a infection in your tonsils. This kind of surgery is scheduled ahead of time so you know when to go to the hospital. Surgery might need to

  • Exploring the Function and Structure of the Cerebrum

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    The cerebrum is located at the anterior-most part of the brain and is responsible for the combination of complex sensory and neural functions, as well as the initiation and coordination of voluntary activity in the body. It is the largest brain structure in humans and makes up two-thirds of the total mass of the brain (“Cerebrum Anatomy”, 2015). Its surface, a covering made up of grey matter usually 2-4mm thick, is called the cerebral cortex and is mainly made up of the cell bodies of neurons. The

  • Coronary Disease Prognosis

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    There are almost 7 million Americans in the United States that suffer from Coronary Artery Disease today. The prognosis for many of these patients depends upon the major therapeutic option of medical management that they choose to receive, the most essential variables that predict the prognosis and likelihood for future events are the extent and severity of the disease at the time of diagnosis. Basically, this translates to mean that the more abnormal the scans and tests are, the higher the prognosis

  • Taking a Look at a Cerbrovascular Accident

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    to:artherosclerosis,(harding of the arteries) commonly from fat consummation, heart disease (generally) hypertension(high blood pressure), kidney disease, peripheral vascular disease, and diabetes mellitus. Cerebrovaslar accident is an abnormal condition of the blood vessels of the brain, characterized by occlusion , an embolus ,or hemorrhage, resulting of a lack of blood supply in the brain tissues (ischemia) normally perfused by the damage vessels. CVA (orstroke) is the most common disease of the nervous system

  • Cervical Injury Essay

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    vascular insult) ○ Vascular injury (vertebral artery or carotid artery dissection) ○ Soft tissue injury around cervical spine (cervical strain/sprain) CLASSIFICATION • Cervical Injury classification25 ○ Major cervical injury – Radiographic or CT evidence of instability with or without associated or potential localized or central neurologic findings 25 □ Presence of: □ Displacement of more than 2 mm

  • stroke

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    Cerebral vascular accident or a stroke is the destruction of brain substance, resulting from thrombosis, intracranial hemorrhage, or embolism, which causes vascular insufficiency. In addition, it is an area of the brain denied blood and oxygen that is required and damage is done to a part of the cells. The effect of the patient depends upon where the damage occurs and the severity of the stroke. Each year alone about 150,000 people in America die from a stroke or are seriously disabled. Stroke is

  • The Continuing Mystery of SIDS

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    deaths are silent. One-third to one-half of the SIDS victims have been found to have a mild infection (normally respiratory in nature) prior to death. SIDS has also been found to be in part associated with a low socioeconomic status, and it is more common among non-whites. Although SIDS seems to be associated with a low socioeconomic status, SIDS is not caused by malnutrition. A more recent article also reported that more male infants were victims of SIDS than females ( Becker 361 ). Finally, SIDS

  • Hysterectomy Essay

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    undergone hysterectomy: A review of literature Anahita Mehdian University of Memphis Spring, 2016 Evaluating the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) in women who have undergone hysterectomy: A review of literature Introduction Hysterectomy is a common surgical procedure in the United States, with approximately 600,000 hysterectomies performed each year (Whiteman et al., 2008). Hysterectomy is the surgical removal of the uterus and may be accompanied by bilateral or unilateral oophorectomy (Appiah

  • Understanding the Formation and Risks of Cerebral Aneurysms

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    vascularized by two major blood vessel systems; the carotid arteries, which extend up either side of the front of the neck, and the vertebral arteries, which extend up the length of the spinal cord to form one basilar artery at the base of the skull. These two arteries connect around the brainstem to form the Circle of Willis, from which several other artery systems branch (Brain Aneurysm Foundation n.d.). In order to allow the blood to flow properly, the artery walls are composed of both a muscular and an

  • Vital Signs Reflection

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    to the other vital signs though, everybody is different and someone might have a slightly higher or lower temperature which is normal for them. There are many different types of thermometers. There are oral, rectal, chemical, tympanic and temporal artery thermometers as well as more (Berman, 2015). Depending on the person, different thermometers are used. Aspects such as being a child, not being able to move, being asleep while your temperature needs to be taken can all affect which type of thermometer

  • Myocardial Infarction Essay

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    every year, and nearly half a million die, according to the American Heart Association. Most myocardial infarctions are the end result of years of silent, undetected, progressive coronary artery disease. Causes: One of the most common causes of heart attack is coronary artery disease, where coronary arteries overcome hardened and narrowed to atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis refers to the accumulation of The heart is an organ that is controlled by an electrical system, which is the one that makes