Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 Essays

  • Armageddon-The Threat is Real

    885 Words  | 2 Pages

    The word Armageddon can evoke some scary thoughts. The word means to most people the destruction or severe alteration, of life, as we know it on the planet Earth. One thing is for sure, the possibility of Armageddon actually happening is very real, and we as a species are not ready for it. Movies entertain us with their version of Armageddon while governments and scientist research and plan to avoid it. The public at large remains oblivious to dangers that are fact not fiction. God will in some

  • The Study of Comets and Asteroids

    763 Words  | 2 Pages

    A comet is categorized as an icy body that discharges gas or dust. Most comets that are visible from earth seem to travel in long ovals around the sun. Comets consist of a nucleus which is bounded by fuzzy or cloudy atmosphere and it might have a tail or two. The gases in the comet’s coma and tail are bright reflective so that allows us to see comets a lot better when they are closer to the sun. Astronomers also trust that comets release the energy they store from the sun causing them to glow

  • The Impact of an Asteroid on Earth

    1227 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Impact of an Asteroid on Earth Asteroids sling through space, celestial debris of diverse origins, leftovers from the formation of the solar system, broken offshoots of parental asteroids or comets that have lost their glow. But if an asteroid were to smash into Earth, the result would mean a global catastrophe and life on our Planet could come to an end. The explosion would approach that of a million megatons of TNT- sixteen hundred times greater than the most powerful nuclear weapon

  • Carl Sagan's Pale Blue Dot, By Carl Sagan

    841 Words  | 2 Pages

    United States public. Sagan says future exploration of space should focus on ways to protect Earth and to extend human habitation beyond it. The book was published the year after the comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 crashed into Jupiter, an event Sagan uses to highlight the danger Earth faces from the occasional asteroid or comet large enough to cause substantial damage if it were to hit Earth. He says we need the political will to track large extraterrestrial objects, or we risk losing everything. Sagan argues

  • Galileo

    874 Words  | 2 Pages

    In the United States there is a program that deals with all the science and technology that has to do with space and airplanes, it is called NASA. NASA stands for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and was founded in 1958. Since then NASA has launched many different missions to help expand our knowledge on our solar system. One of these missions was titled Galileo which soul purpose was to collect more data from Jupiter and its surrounding moons. This spacecraft was named after Galileo

  • The Man Behind Hubble: Bob Williams

    3667 Words  | 8 Pages

    electrifying pictures of all, the Hubble Deep Field image began literally as a shot in the dark: the sum of 342 exposures taken with Hubble's Wide Field and Planetary Camera 2 in December 1995 of a black speck of northern sky. Although the Shoemaker-Levy 9 comet impact on Jupiter may have generated a bigger media splash, astronomers still are agog over the Deep Field. Aides to Vice President Al Gore ordered a Deep Field poster from the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI), which manages the Hubble's

  • Armageddon

    4497 Words  | 9 Pages

    Armageddon In 1998, Touchstone Pictures released Armaggedon, the most recent in a premillenial barrage of films focused on the end of the world. The film included a trendy Hollywood cast, headlined by Bruce Willis, Billy Bob Thornton, and Ben Affleck, and was directed by Michael Bay, whose previous film credits included the 1996 top ten hit, The Rock. Although Armageddon received nods from the Academy of Motion Pictures for Best Effects (Sound Effects Editing and Visual Effects), Best Music