Columbus Day Essays

  • Columbus: The Columbus Day

    1220 Words  | 3 Pages

    In every history course, you are taught that Columbus was the one who founded the Americas, the hero. Now that you have researched more about Columbus through the years, is he really the superb person they characterize him as? Columbus could be either portrayed as a hero by replenishing culture or as a villain by killing many innocent lives. It is quite obvious that his evil actions outweigh his few accomplishments. It is “politically correct” that there is no cause for celebration. Citizens argue

  • Columbus Day: The Cruelty Of Christopher Columbus Day?

    1490 Words  | 3 Pages

    Columbus’ Cruelty Zach Dubinsky Freshman Seminar Mr. Kean Columbus Paper Christopher was and always will be a controversial figure on what he did and discovered. He did discover new land, but he did not get where he wanted to go. He always loved to and had a passion to sail. Starting from his first voyage he took his ownership and power way too far. I do not believe that Columbus Day should be celebrated because it honors slavery. In 1451, Christopher Columbus was born. He was born in a

  • Columbus Day and Christopher Columbus

    613 Words  | 2 Pages

    “In fourteen hundred ninety-two, Columbus sailed the ocean blue”, starts the beginning of one of history’s biggest fabrications. We teach our children to be honest and truthful, but then lie to them for the first six to eight years of their educational lives about their own history. For in fact, Columbus did not discover America and did not unveil the myth regarding the world being flat. At the moment, I have yet to discover if Christopher Columbus ever discovered anything at all. Knowing the meaning

  • Columbus Day Debate

    683 Words  | 2 Pages

    The spirit and values of a nation are reflected in the nation’s heroes. Christopher Columbus has been regarded as an American hero since 1792. Every year Columbus Day is held on the second Monday in October to honor the man and his legacy. However, many people debate whether or not Columbus Day should be celebrated. I believe that Columbus Day should be celebrated in the United States because he opened up the New World to Europe, inspired a spirit of exploration and adventure that still lasts today

  • Christopher Columbus Day: The Achievements Of Christopher Columbus Day

    867 Words  | 2 Pages

    Christopher Columbus day should not be celebrated because of his brutal actions against the Native population he did achieve many good things that brought change but what he did to the natives overshadows all his good achievements. Christopher Columbus was born in the Republic of Genoa, Italy 1451 he was considered to some a great explorer and navigator. During the time he lived Columbus made four voyages in the Atlantic ocean his purpose was to find a way to Asia because he learned that there was

  • Celebrating Columbus: Global Perspectives on a Historic Day

    1326 Words  | 3 Pages

    the anniversary of Christopher Columbus ' accidental arrival in the Americas, which happened on October 12, 1492. The landing is celebrated as Columbus Day in the United States, as Discovery Day in the Bahamas, as Día de la Raza in many countries in Latin America, as Día de las Américas in Belize and Uruguay, as Día del Respeto a la Diversidad Cultural in Argentina, as Día de la Hispanidad and Fiesta Nacional in Spain, and as Giornata Nazionale di Cristopher Columbus or Festa Nazionale di Cristoforo

  • Christopher Columbus: A Hero Or A Columbus Day?

    1114 Words  | 3 Pages

    Christopher Columbus as a hero or tyrant and continue to celebrate Columbus Day? Lastly, how is puritanism being viewed in the United States? All of these ideas have become controversy in American history. Will these events remain the same or be viewed differently? The Native Americans were once a proud and power race but now they are become discriminated upon. As the united states continue expand and improve in technology; it pretty much left the Indians

  • Columbus Day Abolished

    954 Words  | 2 Pages

    The explorer who supposedly discovered America, Christopher Columbus, was also the one to cause the destruction of the Native Americans residing in the ‘New World’. For this embellished act of exploration, there is a holiday, Columbus Day, held in honor for his infamous exploration. Columbus Day should be abolished from being a national holiday because of the fact that after he set reign over America under Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand populations of the Indians in Haiti decreased rapidly from

  • Arguments Against Columbus Day

    1231 Words  | 3 Pages

    In America many people are given the day off from work on the second Monday of each October for the national holiday known as Columbus Day. This day is set aside to celebrate a “great” explorer who “discovered” America. The controversy over this particular holiday and whether or not Columbus is someone worth celebrating has intensified in recent years. Our nation should not have a holiday that honors the heinous acts of a man who is responsible for the abuse and annihilation of entire cultures of

  • Argumentative Essay: The Columbus Day

    688 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Columbus Day holiday should not be replaced with Indigenous People Day. In the year of 1492, a man under the name of Christopher Columbus set out to find India. Instead of the planned trip, he sailed 4,285 miles and came to a foreign land; a land we now call America. However, a controversy has arose from this story. Because of Columbus, thousands of millions of people suffered and died (Lassitter). Many people blame him for the death of these people, and for never actually finding North America

  • Importance Of Christopher Columbus Day

    1189 Words  | 3 Pages

    Christopher Columbus Day is a holiday celebrated yearly, every October, around the nation. This day celebrates the anniversary of the arrival of Christopher Columbus in America. It also remembers the discovery of America, which happened on October 12,1492. Numerous people believe the day should be celebrated, because it was the beginning of the America and it’s history. Others believe that even though Columbus’ arrival was the beginning, the day shouldn’t be celebrated because of his horrible actions

  • The Controversy Of Christopher Columbus Day

    825 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Columbus Day Controversy Have you ever heard of the classroom rhyme that goes like this “ In 1492 Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue?” Well, Christopher Columbus did not actually discover the Americas first, but just so happened to stumble across it on his way to discovering a shortcut to India where spice and luxury goods were found. Fast forward to hundreds of years later in a more technologically advanced society, historians are continuously learning and writing more about Christopher

  • Christopher Columbus Day Essay

    706 Words  | 2 Pages

    Should Columbus Day named be changed? What Christopher Columbus did was not only tragic but unfair towards the Indians. He brutally murdered natives that lived on the land he had discovered and claimed the land for Spain. To celebrate the actions Christopher Columbus performed to gain this land is absurd and outright wrong. Action to be immediately taken to tell the real story of Columbus and the Native people of the new world. The violence and slavery was used to force conversion from natives to

  • Essay About Columbus Day

    753 Words  | 2 Pages

    Columbus Day, which is celebrated on the second Monday of October every year, is a federal holiday celebrating when Columbus arrived in the Americas on October 12, 1492. This year, Columbus day falls on October 10. For some people, it seems rather shocking that this is still a holiday. The reasons there is questioning about this being a Federal Holiday is because of Columbus’ questionable character traits, negative impacts on society, introduction of encomienda into modern day, and the fact that

  • Columbus Day Research Paper

    1702 Words  | 4 Pages

    History 201 Columbus Day: A Celebration Of Destruction Casaus shows that the West, and particularly Spain, ravaged the land they raided. The people native to the Americas, at the time, were peaceful and accepting of strangers; being accepting of strangers made them easy prey for wide spread exploitation by western powers. If there is to be anything to celebrate about Columbus’ Day it is not the beginning of a wholesale destruction of peoples, cultures and ways of life that Christopher Columbus heralded;

  • Should Columbus Day be Removed?

    537 Words  | 2 Pages

    “More than a year after his arrival in 1492, Columbus returned to the Americas with 17 ships and 1,200 men, enslaving the natives in search of gold. With his expedition also came disease, decimating the population. By 1555, some claim that two million natives on the island of Hispaniola were nearly reduced to extinction. And for this cruelty, America awards Columbus with a holiday” (Kan). In the previous quote one can clearly see that the arrival of Columbus to the Americas has severely negative connotations

  • Christopher Columbus: Hispanic Day

    1383 Words  | 3 Pages

    European History Period 8 5/11/2014 Hispanic Day -- October 12 A young Christopher Columbus set foot on a hot, tropical island on October 12th, 1492. Little did he know that his discovery has become a crucial part of Hispanic culture and its influence on the history of mankind. Hispanic Day commemorates the day in which the Hispanic culture was first spread to the Americas with Christopher Columbus during Spain’s Golden Age. The day Columbus’s troop landed on that Caribbean island, vast

  • The Purpose Of Columbus Day In The New World

    1170 Words  | 3 Pages

    Columbus Exposed Even though some people claim that Columbus Day is for the purpose of Columbus founding the New World and not what he did to the people that live there. Columbus did much more than that, not only did he falsify documents to get what he wanted, but he also was responsible for the genocide of countless native people. Furthermore, how could Americans celebrate a man who was responsible for such despicable things? Every October in America, the death of seven and a half million people

  • Rethinking Columbus Day: Celebration or Condemnation?

    564 Words  | 2 Pages

    Persuasive Essay What is Columbus Day? Americans ask this question when Columbus day comes around every year. We know who Columbus is but, we often don’t know what he actually did. So my next question is “Should we celebrate Columbus Day?” I say no we shouldn’t because Columbus was NOT the first one to discover America and he was a betrayer. He also worked with all criminals who he called his “crew” members. Columbus wanted also all fame for himself. A betrayer… you wouldn’t think a betrayer deserved

  • Persuasive Essay: Christopher Columbus Day

    553 Words  | 2 Pages

    Columbus Day Persuasive Essay Christopher Columbus; when hearing that name a large majority of Americans conjure an image of a noble hero who courageously sailed west to get to the far east, furthermore discovering America and bringing the barren land out of its destitution by creating a modernized colonization. Because that is the utopical heroine that is taught in elementary schools, most people do not stop to think about the character of the man who “sailed the ocean blue in 1492” apart from the