Colorado Springs Essays

  • Colorado Springs: A Military Family's Paradise

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    end up. Outdoor enthusiasts, like most military families are, make Colorado Springs a desirable duty stationed. The perfect location Colorado Springs has. The weather offers many clear, beautiful days, allowing Colorado Springs to be a playground to enjoy most of the year round. Many points of interest and vacation sights that can be done in or around Colorado Springs make it a favorite in the military community. Colorado Springs burrowed at the base of Pike Peak, which declares their majesty, as

  • Black Forrest, Colorado Springs, Colorado

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    Overview The heavily wooded but fast growing area of Black Forest, Colorado is a fantastic destination for habitual wildlife, familial, and individual enjoyment. Located just north of Colorado Springs and situated in El Paso County, originally known as “the pineries”, Black Forest is chock-full of rich Native American antiquity and well-made frontier handiwork accompanied by beautiful natural wildlife, county and historic parks for small and large group fun. Black Forrest is one of Colorado’s natural

  • Colorado Springs Transportation Problems

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    In the past few years, Colorado Springs has seen a substantial population increase (St. Louis-Sanchez 2014). This has led to an increase of a variety of issues. Due to the increase, one of the biggest issues is that the roads cannot handle the new volume of traffic, and the drivers that are new to the region cannot always handle the roads, particularly in the winter. While the city continues to attempt to widen the roads, this only causes more congestion and stress no matter how temporary. On top

  • Persuasive Essay On Mental Health

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    that we care about and they care about us too. People tend to underestimate how important health is and that includes mental, physical and spiritual well being. El Paso County is located in the south eastern part of Colorado and is about 61 miles away from Denver the capital of Colorado. El Paso County sits at 6,035 feet which sits over one mile above sea level, though some areas of the city are significantly higher. El Paso is also near one of the famous fourteeners of America, Pikes Peak. (Source:

  • Personal Narrative- My Trip to Colorado Springs

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    My youth pastor pulled out of our church parking lot at three am in the morning loaded down with a bus full of twenty four teenagers including me. We were off at last head to Colorado Spring Colorado, little did I know, our bus was going to fall apart this very day. The anticipation of this day had been building up for some time over that last few months, and now it was upon me at last. I didn’t feel the same excitement I had leading up to this moment, I even kind of grumbled to myself about how

  • Waldo Canyon Fire Case Study

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    The Waldo Canyon Fire Approximately three miles west of Colorado Springs in the Pike National Forest, the Waldo Canyon fire of 2012 was the most destructive wildfire in Colorado history burning 18, 247 acres, killing two people, destroying 347 homes and damaging many more (City of Colorado Springs, 2013). In addition to property damages and loss of life, there were other damages caused from this wildfire to include wildlife, plant life, watershed and soil. Economic damages caused by this wildfire

  • Travelers and Tourism in Colorado

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    Colorado is such a beautiful state. It brings in a lot of outsiders but not only for its beauty, but for its history as well. Travelers and tourists have been visiting Colorado since before the 19th century. However, during the 19th century, the development of Colorado boomed greatly because of its iconic people and the fact that so many travelers and tourists enjoyed seeing Colorado. The people contributed to making Colorado history more appealing to tourists so the state really emerged. Tourism

  • Pikes Peak Research Paper

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    Pikes Peak, the highest summit in America Tara Dhungana James Fell HIS-225CC1 Colorado History March 7, 2016 Most often, geography and history are relatively synonymous, because several locations have a resounding places in history. The main concepts of geography such as location, place, and regions are related with the major ideas of history such as time, period, and events. The relationship between history and geography is especially close because they represent two fundamental dimensions

  • More Than A Grandfather

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    His kindness, love and good examples were stepping stones for me to follow. John B. Martinez was born to John Martinez Sr. and Dora Martinez on November 11, 1929. My grandpa was born and raised in the wild and rugged terrain of Colorado Springs, Co. He was the youngest of five children, and was raised during a tough time in our history, the Depression Era. However, his family was rich in other ways, they had each other and they had the land they lived on, which was filled

  • Cripple Creek Miners Strike In Colorado

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    Cripple Creek Miners Strike: At the end of the 19th century, Cripple Creek was the largest town in the gold-mining district that included the towns of Altman, Anaconda, Arequa, Goldfield, Elkton, Independence and Victor, about 20 miles from Colorado Springs on the southwest side of Pikes Peak. Surface gold was discovered in the area in 1891, and within three years more than 150 mines were operating there. As the silver miners came into the gold mines they caused a lowering of wages. Mine owners

  • Mountain Ranges of North America: The Rocky Mountains

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    The Rocky Mountains are an incredible mountain range located in North America in the Western Hemisphere. The mountain range stretches from northern Colorado and into southwestern Canada. It is home to a diverse ecosystem, both geographically and biologically and is revered as a monumental landform worldwide. The geologic history of the Rocky Mountains has come about as an aggregation of millions of years. Briefly speaking, the formation of the Rockies transpired from hundreds and millions of years

  • My Perfect Dream Place

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    My Perfect Dream Place A white, fluffy snow covers the Colorado peaks like a fuzzy, thick blanket. The snow is like a big overstuffed pillow ripped apart, spilling white cotton over everything. It is snow so fluffy that when laid down on it makes one believe that they are in heaven, floating around the sky on a feathery cloud. The mountains look like a picture out of National Geographic. There is not one sign of human disturbance anywhere. The mountain creek only flows when the sun is warm enough

  • The Rocky Mountains In Colorado

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    The Rocky Mountains are one of the earth’s most remarkable landscapes, providing an abundance of biological resources to Colorado and other surrounding states. The Rocky Mountains in Colorado create headwaters that provide 4 regional watersheds, Colorado, Rio Grande, Arkansas, and Missouri (South Platte). These watersheds help supply water to nineteen Western states. In addition to water, the Rocky Mountains are a source of mineral deposits, oil shale, forests, and recreational attractions that

  • Mesa Verde National Park

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    Alexandra Ellis Exam 1 September 23rd, 2015 Mesa Verde National Park Mesa Verde National Park, established in 1906 by President Roosevelt, is a part of the Colorado Plateau and lies in the Southwestern corner of Colorado. The park covers about eighty-one square miles and the entire Mesa Verde area which contains the park, is about five hundred and twenty square miles. ( The park was established as a “national park” to protect archaeological sites made

  • Escape From the City

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    century life in an American city. Mans desire to commune with nature can be traced back to the earliest civilizations, and while that desire may have lessened somewhat in the past couple hundred years, the enjoyment of nature still remains. In Colorado, a mixture of big city life surrounded by wondrous miracles of nature can be found. Thus, every Friday in summer time one can observe long lines of vehicles traveling the vast highways leading out of the city and up into the Rocky Mountains.

  • Joshua Tree National Park Description

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    Tree National Park should always be at the top of your list. In Southern California, Joshua Tree National Park, is one of the greatest national parks known in the nation. The Joshua Tree National Park is where two main deserts merge, the Mojave and Colorado deserts. It is a great destination for families to enjoy days of hiking, camping and walks enjoying all the beautiful scenery in the park. Many plants and animals make this their homes because of the strong winds and occasional rain showers. The

  • Alternatives to Building More Dams

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    the Arkansas River. When would I make it back to Colorado to run this river? I considered the the portage again; it's an impressive drop with no shame in walking. But what if they dam the Arkansas? I had the pleasure of kayaking about fifteen miles of the Arkansas river, in Colorado, this summer. Flowing from its headwaters near Buena Vista, the Arkansas is a virgin river. Only a trickle during the winter, "The Ark," is reborn every spring with the life bearing waters of fresh mountain snow

  • Mesa Verde National Park

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    Within the state of Colorado lies a well know national park, which is known for its breathtaking geologic features and history of ancient civilizations. This site of interest is known as Mesa Verde National Park. In the Spanish language, Mesa Verde means green table. This park serves a medium for the protection of the thousands of well-known archeological sites that lie within it. Many of these preserved sites served as a home for its inhabitants, the Ancestral Pueblo people, over a thousand years

  • Free Narrative Essays - Making Plans

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    Making Plans It was a gorgeous summer morning as I, my brother David, sister Marcia, mom, dad, and baby girl were traveling home to Laramie from Colorado Springs where we had gone to visit my grandma.  The atmosphere in the car was fun and filled with laughter.  We were glad to be together. Our chatter was constant and our conversations often overlapped.  One learned young that if you want to be heard in my family, you must merely speak louder than everyone else.  Or, you might simply

  • Gloria Naylor's City Boy Vs. Country Girl

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    Set apart from the rest of the world because it belongs to neither state, Willow Springs has many traditions unlike the world around it. Candle Walk, for instance, the tradition that created Willow Springs, goes back to the legend of Sapphira Wade, Cocoa’s great-great-great-grandmother. Saphira Wade had walked to the ocean in hopes of returning to her mainland with only the light of a candle