Coercion Essays

  • Coercion, The State, and Anarchy

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    Coercion, and subsequently the right to use violence, is the state’s sole method for functioning and existing. Without it, the state is powerless to exist credibly. Thus, at the core of political theory is the argument to justify the state’s use of coercion; without this, the state cannot be ethically justifiable. However, can a violent, or otherwise morally dubious act such as coercion, ever be truly justified? If enough good comes of it, surely it could be mitigated, but how much ‘good’ is enough

  • Respect, Coercion and Religious Belief

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    Respect, Coercion and Religious Belief In this paper, I articulate and evaluate an important argument in support of the claim that citizens of a liberal democracy should not support coercive policies on the basis of a rationale they know other citizens reasonably reject. I conclude that that argument is unsuccessful. In particular, I argue that religious believers who support coercive public policies on the basis of religious convictions do not disrespect citizens who reasonably regard such religious

  • Animal Farm Theme Essay

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    is filled with themes that help us understand the world around us. In this essay I am going to talk about four themes that Orwell discussed in this story. They are power, totemism, coercion, and violence. Power leads to absolute power, the job of totemism is to keep the people loyal, and after that doesn't work coercion comes in effect by using violence. There is no definite message that Orwell is trying to point out about power, instead he lets us get a view of the negative effects of power. He

  • Hitler's Powerful Leadership

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    can effectively influence people and earn their loyalty. In order to effectively influence peopl... ... middle of paper ... ...mples are extreme. But, leaders must really watch their management styles, and not let the slightest inkling of coercion or manipulation enter into their leadership techniques. Bad news travels fast and the effects are very difficult to restore; the hardest thing for a manager to hear are whispers from a cubicle, "Here comes little Hitler." WORKS CITED

  • Social Support Theory

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    In the article “Applying Differential Coercion and Social Support Theory to Police Officer’s Misconduct”, authors Zavala and Kurtz strive to provide a connection between police officer misconduct and the emerging theory of differential coercion and social support. This is done by giving a brief description outlining the main components of differential coercion and social support theory and then examining coercive forcers, social support, intimate partner violent (IPV), and alcohol consumption among

  • Tolerance, Liberalism, and Community

    3326 Words  | 7 Pages

    Tolerance, Liberalism, and Community ABSTRACT: The liberal principle of tolerance limits the use of coercion by a commitment to the broadest possible toleration of rival religious and moral conceptions of the worthy way of life. While accepting the communitarian insight that moral thought is necessarily rooted in a social self with conceptions of the good, I argue that this does not undermine liberal tolerance. There is no thickly detailed way of life so embedded in our self-conceptions that

  • Philosophy of Classroom Discipline

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    Thomas Gordon’s view of discipline as self-control would be a far superior disciplinary model because it recognizes the true nature of power. Thomas Gordon’s disciplinary model specifically critiques the use of coercion and intimidation to exert power and control over students. Coercion to Gordon only reinforces a notion that violence is an acceptable form of control. Additionally, coerced and intimidated students will often retaliate against authority figures who attempt to exert coerciv...

  • Government Control of the Female Body

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    Government Control of the Female Body Internationally, issues revolving around the female body and reproduction are extremely controversial. For a woman, her body is a very private matter. At the same time, however, a woman's body and her reproduction rights are the center of attention in many public debates. Several questions regarding women's reproductive rights remain unanswered. How much control do women have over their bodies? What kind of rules can be morally imposed upon women? And who

  • The Harm Principle in the 21st Century

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    exercising power over another. Mill further qualified his Principle by adding that it wouldn't be a sufficient condition to exercise power over someone simply for their own good and he does permit some exemptions to the Harm Principle. So he allows coercion in an economic context, like when a more efficient and presumably more profitable company Harms a competitor by seizing an increase in market share. Another exemptions are of the incompetent, the retarded, t... ... middle of paper ... for

  • Nepharious Goings On: An Argumentative Analysis

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    will be reconstructing the initial argument in favour of prohibition on the grounds of coercion by unrefusable offers, Richard’s objection to it, and the argument she suggests be used in its place. I will then asses the merit of the latter reformed argument in being used to argue in favour of organ sale prohibition and conclude that this reformed argument is adequately equipped to effectively

  • politics today

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    streets and healthcare. Through politics, citizens can apply their power in many different ways to get the things they want. Power is the ability to get someone to do something they may or may not want to do. Through the use of or the application of coercion, persuasion, manipulation and negotiation, power is used to influence the system. It would seem as if valued things, such as safe streets and healthcare, would already be established in a society such as ours. Using safe streets as an example

  • Invisible Scar

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    vagina, anus, or mouth. Rape can also be described as sexual intercourse with a person, without their permission. Rape is accomplished by use of force by the assailant. Force can consist of many different things. It may refer to the use of verbal coercion, in order to coax the victim into sexual acts. It could also refer to actual physical restraint, in which the victim is restrained and unable to resist. Other examples of force are intimidation by verbal and physical threats, and in some cases, actual

  • Free Essays - The Controlling Men of The Awakening

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    moment, Edna wants freedom. She wants freedom from the life that has her trapped to be someone she isn't. The Colonel thought that Mr. Pontellier should be more controlling over Edna. "You are too lenient, too lenient by far, Leonce. Authority and coercion are what is needed. Put your foot down good and hard; the only way to manage a wife. Take my word for it" (Pg. 688). Edna does everything around the house when the Colonel comes to visit because she doesn't want him to think she isn't playing

  • Positive Teacher Student Relationship

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    39). The article centers on the social powers model, which entail the use of coercion, manipulation, expertness,

  • economics

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    buyers start wanting more of a certain product than another, production usually shifts to meet the need. Capitalism is based on the concept of free enterprise and the principle of individual rights. This means freedom from private and government coercion. Production and trade help to increase the wealth that people need to support their life. In the capitalism system the person who creates the wealth is the owner of that wealth. ( What goods will be produced in a socialist

  • Ronald Schaffer's America In The Great War

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    mobilization of the United State’s industry and man power. The first two chapters dealt with how the Federal Government shaped the view of the war in America’s minds. The methods that the Federal Government used varied from propaganda to coercion. The point behind the Federal Government’s involvement in propaganda was to rally the country to fight the war. The first step in shaping the people’s mind was to get the labor and industry to work together. The Federal Government established

  • Definition of Leadership

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    they think and what they do. Developing their leadership style in response to diversity, and ethics will give them an edge as they build relationships with their subordinators. Secondly, leaders who begin to use force, coercion, and manipulation must later use more force, coercion, and manipulation precisely because their ability to influence - truly lead - is diminished. In my company I have never seen our lead to use any force to associates for achieving goals, because he’d like to be a true leader

  • Spread of Christianity Among People Groups

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    if this has taken place through our own destruction."(1, p231) The various people groups documented by Gonzalez are primarily groups who claim a common ethnic and political identity in the form of a kingdom. These were at times conversions of coercion through political structures and at times conversions of conveni... ... middle of paper ... ...cepted the gospel. Some of these groups have either made the mistake of claiming the Christian religion as their own, while others have sought to make

  • Emotional Behaviour Problems

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    the future. The first article I read from Behavioral Disorders Journal was “Classroom Management Strategies: Are they setting events for coercion?” This article addressed some common methods teachers are using to force all students to participate in classroom activities. The authors, Richard E. Shaus, Phillip L. Gunter, and Susan L. Jack, described the coercion methods that many teachers use to convince students to work. The purpose of this article was to investigate how students react to teachers

  • The Morality of Torture

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    has come under scrutiny by many national and international organizations as of late. To talk about torture one must really understand what torture is. As taken from “1.a. Infliction or severe physical pain as a means of punishment or coercion. b. An instrument or a method for inflicting such pain. 2. Excruciating physical or mental pain; agony. 3. Something causing severe pain or anguish.” This is just the literal meaning of the word but doesn’t entail the great horror that usually accompanies