Cleopatra VII Essays

  • Cleopatra VII Philopator

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    Born in Alexandria, Egypt in 69 BCE, Cleopatra VII Philopator was one of the seventh Cleopatra in the family. She was the third daughter of King Ptolemy XII Auletus, and her family was known as the Ptolemies, they ruled Egypt for over 300 years. The Ptolemies were Greek rulers, which descended from General Ptolemy who took control over Egypt after the death of Alexander the Great in 323 BCE. At the age of 17 Cleopatra assume the throne when her father King Ptolemy XII died, he left in his will that

  • Cleopatra VII Philopator

    988 Words  | 2 Pages

    speaks for the leader’s life and their contributions. Cleopatra VII Philopator was an important aspect to the Egyptian dynasty and known as one of the most famous female ruler. She became ruler at the age of eighteen years old after her father Ptolemy XII Auletes died. Egyptian tradition focused her and her ten year old brother to share the role of pharaoh when she took the throne( Bio). Tension being to arise between the two and Cleopatra fled to Syria in hope of starting an army of mercenaries

  • Cleopatra the Great - VII

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    by their people. Cleopatra VII, an Egyptian Queen, had exquisite leadership skills which are argued to be better than any man’s, and she was honored and influenced by not only her people, but the world, through the hardships of war, famine, and the expansion of the Roman Empire. Her ideas, guiding principles, and public values influenced why she made the decisions she did. Thus, Cleopatra is the epitome of a ‘Great Man’, according to the criteria of the Great Man Theory. Cleopatra is a substantial

  • Statue Of Cleopatra VII Philopatar

    591 Words  | 2 Pages

    Statue Of Cleopatra VII Philopatar The statue of Cleopatra VII Philopater; Cleopatra known as the "Queen of the Nile" circa-69(39) born Alexandria, Egypt. The statue was made to represent the impact of the ancient Greek art. It shows her in a stride long fitted dress. She wears a corkscrew wif which holds a cornucopia, a horn of plenty in the front headdress is adorned with uraeus which is a (royal snake) the symbol of royalty. Also, in one hand she has an ankh, the ancient hierogylp meaning

  • Cleopatra VII: Queen Of Egypt

    798 Words  | 2 Pages

    I, Cleopatra VII, am writing this in the midst of my rule as queen of Egypt. Currently I control virtually the entire Eastern Mediterranean coast. My journey to become the sole ruler of Egypt was a difficult one. It all begins with my family. I was born in the beginning of the year 69 BC to my father Ptolemy XII. My father had been on the thrown for ten years before my birth. I was the second of his five children. I am three-quarters Macedonian and one-quarter Egyptian. My half-Egyptian mother

  • Cleopatra VII Thea Philopator: The Queen of Wit

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    Cleopatra VII Thea Philopator grew up as a princess. She received riches beyond her wildest dreams and an education of the finest quality. She was born in to the Ptolemaic dynasty at a time when the monarchy was slowly losing its hold on Egypt as empire grew round it, threatening to absorb it at any moment. Her family,the Ptolemies were the last from the set of Greco-Macedonian dynasties that had appeared in eastern Mediterranean after the death of the macedonian conqueror, Alexander the Great in

  • Cleopatra VII: Her Early Life, Family And Her Relationships

    796 Words  | 2 Pages

    will be writing about Cleopatra VII. Her early life, family and her relationships’. Cleopatra VII was born around 69 BC and was the daughter of Ptolemy XII Auletes and Cleopatra V of Egypt. Her parents got married in the year 79 BC. Her father Ptolemy XII Auletes was the king of Egypt during 80-58 B.C. and 55-51 B.C. He was born in 117 BC and was also known as the “Piper” because he played the flute. He died in 51 BC, Alexandria, Egypt from being exiled. Her mother Cleopatra V was the queen of Egypt

  • Cleopatra's Legacy

    1108 Words  | 3 Pages

    shotgun first, or who gets the last cookie. Cleopatra and her brother, however, fought over an entire kingdom. Despite the constant sibling rivalry, Cleopatra managed to rule a successful country, and left behind a lasting legacy. The unique way Cleopatra VII gained power and the legacy she left behind, shows that although there have been many influential women leaders in history, she was the most powerful. Born the daughter of a Pharaoh, Cleopatra VII was already destined a life of wealth and riches

  • Speech On Cleopatra

    1269 Words  | 3 Pages

    Cleopatra VII, one of the most renowned female ruler in history to be last the last one of her family line of Pharaohs. The myths and stories that surrounded her life have made her the subject of books, movies, and plays. Cleopatra VII has been fascinated people throughout the years, but has been misunderstood by all of them. The last Macedonian Greek queen, Cleopatra VII. Born 69 B.C., in the beginning of the King Ptolemy XII reigning years as a king in Egypt. “She was one of the most dynamic figures

  • History Of Egypt

    623 Words  | 2 Pages

    him. There are also losts of people that made Egypt Famous they left a rich history on Egypt. Easter 3 People Cleopatra is one of the most famous Egyptians of all time. Cleopatra VII, often simply called “Cleopatra,” was the last of a series of rulers called the Ptolemies who ruled Egypt for nearly 300 years. She was also the last true pharaoh of Egypt. Cleopatra ruled an empire that included Egypt, Cyprus, part of modern-day Libya and other territories in the...

  • Cleopatra Thea Philopator

    564 Words  | 2 Pages

    Cleopatra VII born into her family's dynasty Ptolemy in 69 BC. Her full name was Cleopatra VII Thea Philopator. She was best know for being the last pharaoh of Ancient Egypt. Cleopatra’s family ruled Egypt for about 300 years. At the age of 18 Cleopatra’s father Pharaoh Ptolemy VII died. He left his role as ruler of Egypt to Cleopatra and her younger brother. This time period Egypt went through a struggle the people dealt with famines and a horrible an economy.Cleopatra married her 10 year old brother

  • Cleopatra: The Cunning and Skilled Queen of Egypt

    1884 Words  | 4 Pages

    Cleopatra: was she a cunning and skilled queen to Egypt who made a few small yet fatal mistakes, or was she a conniving ruler whose corrupt actions dragged her and her kingdom down to defeat? Although some current sources suggest she was quite popular with her people, over the years, Cleopatra’s status as a good queen has been questioned and reconsidered countless times. Due to the war she caused between Antony and Octavian, many people today wonder whether Cleopatra can really be considered

  • Cleopatra Research Paper

    743 Words  | 2 Pages

    Although Cleopatra wasn't an Egyptian, she was the first ruler to speak Egyptian in three-hundred years. She is one of the most famous female rulers in history. She was considered the last Pharaoh, but priests of Egypt did not believe this. She is known for her dramatic stories and love affairs with Julius Caesar and Mark Antony. Her stories inspired William Shakespeare to write a play called Antony & Cleopatra. She had a complicated life growing up with an unusual family that made her a product

  • Cleopatra's Strengths And Weaknesses

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    as a disagreeable champion, Caesar restored the throne to the just as disliked Cleopatra and her more youthful sibling Ptolemy XIV (then 13 years of age). Caesar stayed in Egypt with Cleopatra for a period, and around 47 B.C. she brought forth a child, Ptolemy Caesar. He was accepted to be Caesar's kid, and was referred to by the Egyptian individuals as Caesarion, or Little Caesar. At some point in 46-45 B.C., Cleopatra went with Ptolemy XIV and Caesarion to Rome to visit Caesar, who had returned

  • Essay On Cleopatra

    1502 Words  | 4 Pages

    Cleopatra is known for her beauty and charming wits to seduce her enemies into getting what she wants. However, Cleopatra was much more than a pretty face. She was one of the most brilliant rulers of Egypt. Cleopatra used her brains and showed how even though she had to rule with a male, she had a more dominant position and was the real ruler of Egypt. Her rule lasted for over 22 years. There was some highs and lows, but to rule for that long truly shows how well she adapted over time and used more

  • Cleopatra Research Paper

    1449 Words  | 3 Pages

    demise. The surpass achievement of Ptolemy XII, her father, Ptolemaic dynasty was when Cleopatra first took over the throne. Cleopatra is a legendary figure in ancient history. It is her fame and glory as being a female pharaoh that has made her an ideal icon for many people worldwide. Cleopatra’s ethics and morality is something that truly defines the type of person she was during her reign. There is more to Cleopatra than just being recognized as a strong political figure and military strategist, she

  • Cleopatra: The Historical Seductress

    1338 Words  | 3 Pages

    One such woman is Cleopatra, the temptress whose ambition and seduction both augmented her empire's prestige and brought about her theatrical downfall. Cleopatra was immediately established from the second she burst out of the womb as a member of the royal family of the Ptolemy's; the family which had controlled the Egyptian throne since the rule of Ptolemy I which began in 323 BC. She was born the daughter of Ptolemy XII, King of Egypt, in 69 BC, her full name being Cleopatra VII, or "Thea Philopator"

  • Why Is Cleopatra A Good Leader

    502 Words  | 2 Pages

    Cleopatra is one of the greatest rulers of her time, she knew various languages and she was very intelligent. “For she was a woman of surpassing beauty, and at that time, when she was in the prime of her youth, she was most striking; she also possessed a most charming voice and a knowledge of how to make herself agreeable to everyone.” —Cleopatra VII. Cleopatra was one of the most remarkable leaders of her time, and probably a long time after too, even though she was a woman. For a woman, in

  • Cleopatra's Reign And Accomplishments

    616 Words  | 2 Pages

    Cleopatra: Her Reign and Accomplishments During the Macedonian dynasty, Cleopatra took her reign in Egypt and became a powerful and successful leader. During her reign, she faced many problems, but worked it through and soon it was resolved. When Cleopatra first became ruler of Egypt many believed she wouldn’t be able to do it because she was a woman, was weak, and that she “wasn’t smart.” Her full name was Cleopatar VII Thea Philopator. According to, “Cleopatra was born in about 69

  • Cleopatra: The Ancient Egypt's Formidable Pharaoh

    555 Words  | 2 Pages

    Cleopatra is perhaps, one of the most significant pharaoh’s of Ancient Egypt. She was an extremely significant figure in Ancient Egypt and used her wits and beauty to keep Egypt free from Roman forces. She ruled Egypt for almost 3 decades and led the crumbling Egyptian civilization through many difficult times. She has been remembered and idolized long after her dead and the death of Ancient Egyptian civilization. Cleopatra VII was born around 70-69 BCE and was a daughter of Ptolemy XII (Auletes)