
  • My Life After The Army

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    I sometimes get asked if I killed anyone. After five years in the army, I have accumulated a range of responses at the ready from darkly humorous to simply annoyed depending on the situation or my mood. Normally when asked such questions I just answer no. I didn’t join to fight or support the ongoing wars, I had joined to afford college tuition. After serving my time in the military I find myself back in the classroom. Lately, like many who leave the army to start school, I feel a disconnect between

  • Essay About Facebook

    756 Words  | 2 Pages

    Facebook: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly A social media site such as Facebook can be a positive or negative social networking service for college students. The positive aspect is that it is a great way for college students to communicate with each other. On the contrary, there is a negative aspect to Facebook, too. Such as, I have missed deadlines for assignments and turned in late work due to the time I spent on Facebook. One day in class, my classmates and I gave out surveys to get each other

  • Online Social Networking

    665 Words  | 2 Pages

    Social networking is the grouping of individuals into specific groups, for example like small communities or a neighborhood subdivision. Although social networking is possible in person, especially in the workplace, universities, and high schools, it is most popular online this is because unlike most high schools, colleges, or workplaces, the internet is filled with millions of individuals who are looking to meet other people, to gather and share first-hand information and experiences about cooking

  • My Experience Essay: An Interesting And Learning Experience

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    This fall semester of 2014 has been an interesting and learning experience for myself. I haven’t attend school in nearly a decade and was unsure of what to expect from my teachers and myself. I would have to say being in Professor Dybala’s English 1302 to start my school day is interesting. She is an energetic professor and I’m able to feel her passion for teaching and that motivate me to try my best in her class as the rest of my classes. I was driven to do the best of my ability and whatever the

  • The Pros and Cons of Three Types of Online Communities- Chat Rooms, Social Network Sites, and Online Classrooms

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    An online community is a network of people who come together and communicate online, usually because of a common interest or goal. There are many different types of online communities. Some examples of online communities are: email distribution lists, message boards and newsgroups, instant message (IM) services, chat rooms, blogging sites, social networking sites such as MySpace and Facebook, and online classrooms/school groups. I intend to discuss three of these types of online communities –

  • Social Media is Changing the World

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    over 45 million accounts. Another popular way people share information is through social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. The first networking site called GeoCities was created in 1994. Forty-million people still use, a site created in 1995 to connect former classmates. Facebook, a company only nine years old, is the fastest growing social networking site with almost a billion users. Facebook was first created to connect the students at Harvard, but quickly

  • Social Media’s Impact on Society

    694 Words  | 2 Pages

    Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Snapchat, what do they mutually have in common? They are all social media websites. Social Media has become the number one way to communicate with other people from around the world. It has been beneficial and helpful to many, on the contrary harmful to some. People use social networks to catch up with a childhood friend, endorse their business, or develop news faster. Other people use it to steal identities, cyberbully, and abuse others. It has stated that

  • The Influence Of Social Media And Social Life

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    people could engage in conversations and exchange ideas, however, not everyone had access to them, and they certainly did not impact our society greatly due to infrequent use of them. When the Internet became more popular, sites such as Hi5, Bebo,, or were

  • Why Social Networks Have Done More Harm Than Good in Our Society

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    such as Facebook, Twitter, my space,, instagram, tango, and last but not the least texting. According to, “47% of American adults used social networking sites like Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, LinkedIn, and in 2011, up from 26% in 2008. [26] on social media sites like these, users may develop biographical profiles, communicate with friends and strangers, do research, and share thoughts, photos, music, links, and more” ( 1). Although these

  • social networking sites, more harm than good?

    1964 Words  | 4 Pages

    Since the late 1990s, the proliferation of social networking sites has grown to permeate the lives of not only Americans but also people worldwide. Beginning in 1997, the use of social networking sites has grown to the point where “Facebook reported one billion monthly users worldwide on October 4, 2012” ( Established less than ten years ago in 2004, Facebook is currently the world's most popular social networking on the planet, counting one out of seven people worldwide interacting with

  • The Pros and Cons of Social Media

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    future generations to come. First off, when and how did social media become such a dominant aspect in our world? This revolution began when computers decreased in price in the late 1980’s. The startup of internet service providers (IPS): AOL,, and, initiated communication through the internet, and the... ... middle of paper ... ...ced. As a teenager, your identity and reputation can be crucial, but using media to create identities is not an effective way to establish