Chest tube Essays

  • Tention Pneumothorax can Lead to Death

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    symptoms and initial complaint Wildgruber and Rummeny (2012) define tension pneumothorax is a life-threatening condition where air enters the pleural cavity during inspiration but cannot escape during expiration. It is more common in patients with chest traumas and those with mechanical ventilations (Briggs, 2010). Increased the thoracic pressure will compress against the heart and the unaffected lung impairing cardiac functions and ventilation (Pons, & National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians

  • case study

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    structures or the chest wall allows air to enter but not leave the thoracic cavity (Rodgers, 2008). The pressure in the intrathoracic space will continue increase until the lung collapses, place tension on the heart and the opposite lung leading to respiratory and cardiac function impairment, and eventually shock may result (Professional guide to pathophysiology, 2011; Rodgers, 2008). Tension pneumothorax usually results from a penetrating injury to the chest, blunt trauma to the chest, or during use

  • Case of a Women with Multiple Myeloma Analysis

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    A 73-year old female presented to St Vincents Emergency Department, with a 3 week history of progressive dyspnoea, cough, and lethargy, on a background of a 6-year history of Multiple Myeloma. Just prior to presentation, she had also developed a fever. In terms of her presenting complaint, she described herself as an active lady, who ran her own pub, but her recent symptoms rendered her unable to carry out her normal activities, such that her husband recommended she should go to hospital. Following

  • Mesothelioma

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    organs move easily among surrounding structures. In the case of the lung, it helps reduce friction between the lung and chest wall during normal breathing as the lung expands. The most common place for mesothelioma to develop is in the mesothelial membrane, also called the pleural lining, surrounding the lungs. The most common symptoms of mesothelioma are difficulty in breathing, chest pain, or both. Occasionally, a patient may not have mesothelioma symptoms at diagnosis. Other less common symptoms include

  • How to Use a Stethoscope

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    Laennec was examining a female patient, and was embarrassed to put his ear to her chest. This was common practice among physicians in this time period, but Laennec was simply resistant. Instead, he recalled that sound travels through solid materials. He rolled up 24 sheets of paper, and placed one end to his patient’s chest. The other end he placed to his ear, and to his amazement, listened to the noises of her chest cavity. Not only could he hear the sounds his patient was making, he noticed the

  • Lung Cancer: A Serial Killer

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    types of cells in the lung and spread in different ways. Small cell lung cancer is limited to a section of the chest known as the hemithorax and regional lymph nodes (World Book, “Lung Cancer';). Small cell lung cancer usually exists early and spreads out abruptly (Virtual Hospital, 3/23/99). Non-small cell lung cancer is first confined to the lung, then spreads throughout the chest (MSKCC, “Lung Cancer';). Small cell lung cancer spreads quickly (World Book, “Lung Cancer';). In

  • Asthma

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    follow. Normal breathing is controlled by the lungs and the chest cavity. Airways are tubes with muscle that contracts and relaxes wrapped around them, and this accounts for the motion of the chest that is associated with breathing. The diaphragm, which is located underneath the rib cage, along with the intercostal muscles, or those in between the ribs, control the movement of the chest cavity(6). When these muscles contract, the chest expands, which lowers the pressure inside the lungs. Since air

  • Methods Of Execution

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    electrocution. Present in nine American states, it was first used in New York in 1890. When a condemned man is scheduled to be executed, he is led into the death chamber and strapped to the point of immobility into a reinforced chair with belts crossing his chest, groin, legs, and arms. Two copper electrodes, dipped in brine or treated with Eletro-Creme to increase conductivity, are attached to him, one to his leg and the other to his head. The first jolt, between five-hundred and two-thousand volts depending

  • Guillain-Barre Syndrome

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    doctor. (5) GBS is also known as acute inflammatory demylinating polyneuropathy and Landry's ascending paralysis after Jean B. O. Landry, a French physician who described a disorder that "paralyzed the legs, arms, neck, and breathing muscles of the chest." (4) (1) GBS was named after French physicians Georges Guillain and Jean Alexander Barre who, along with fellow physician Andre Stohl, described the differences of the spinal fluid of those who suffered f... ... middle of paper ... ...undation

  • Asthma

    691 Words  | 2 Pages

    Asthma is a condition of the bronchial tubes characterized by episodes of constriction and increased mucous production. A person with asthma has bronchial tubes that are super sensitive to various stimuli, or triggers, that can produce asthma symptom.In other words, asthmatics have special sensitivity that causes their lung tissue to react far more than is should to various stimulating factors or triggers. For this reason, people with asthma are said to have "twitchy airways."Some symptoms that people

  • Survival Story *not Really A Research Paper Its A Creative Story*

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    lying open by a sapling. It is empty except for a roll of white gauze. I take it in my hands, swiftly wrapping it around the small child and hoping the warmth of the thin fabric will turn purple lips back to a healthy hue. I hold the newborn to my chest and wrap it further in my own clothes. “We’ll never make it.” A nameless voice utters, stabbing the silence. I glance up and glare at the thought. “It’s too cold, we have no supplies. We’ll never make it.” He repeats. Ignoring the obvious truth I recall

  • My Father's Heart Attack

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    My Father's Heart Attack In March of 1998, my father was rushed to the hospital because of a heart attack. I remember getting home from basketball practice without my mother home. Instead, my sister was there with her children. The fact that my sister was there was familiar to me, but something did not seem right. My sister stayed with me and did not tell me what happened. Later that night, after my sister left, the news that followed would prepare me to encounter the most defining moment of

  • A Change of Heart

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    A Change of Heart Stepping through the revolving glass doors of the hospital felt like entering a completely different world. With my arms crossed over my chest, I followed my parents though the never-ending, eggshell white hallways. My nostrils burned from the fumes of cleaners and sterility. Lovely paintings and luscious plants filled the walkways, trying to mask the hollow, empty feeling that most visitors felt. We passed two types of people along the way to our destination: the kind that

  • Smoking and Lung Cancer

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    two weeks. Another is constant chest pain. Other symptoms include wheezing, shortness of breath, coughing blood, hoarseness, and repeated pneumonia or bronchitis. (1) There are also less noticeable signs such as unexplained fever, weight loss, or appetite loss. (2) As mentioned earlier, there are two types of lung cancer: NSCLC and SCLC. NSCLC can be divided into three sections. First, there is epidermoid carcinoma which is usually starts in the large breathing tubes, and grows slowly. (5) There

  • Physiological Effects of Ventolin

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    healthy trachea, and inflamed one and another with a mucus plug from the left main bronchus. These pictures were taken from the internet, with the address on the handout. A Ventolin inhalator is breathed in through the mouth to open up the bronchial tubes of the lungs. It relaxes the smooth muscles of all the airways, from the trachea to the terminal bronchioles. Ventolin also clears the mucus in the bronchi, making it easier for patients to breathe and reduces coughing. For Ventolin to work optimally

  • Archery Vocabulary

    4499 Words  | 9 Pages

    Anak, Panah: An arrow, Malay. Anchor: The location to which the hand that draws the bow string is positioned to when at full draw. Anchor point: The place where an arrows nock is drawn to before release, usually the chin, cheek, ear or chest. Used to help aiming. Aquande-da: The leather bracer of the Omaha. Arbalest, Arbalete, Alblast, Arblast: The European crossbow of the Middle Ages. Arbalete a Cric: A crossbow drawn by a rack and pinion. Arbalete a Jalet, Pellet crossbow

  • Neutralisation of Stomach Acid Investigation

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    mistaken for a heart attack or a heart attack could be mistaken for indigestion. Symptoms of this malady include: belching or slight regurgitation of stomach contents into the mouth, giving an acid taste, burning or uncomfortable feeling in the chest, difficulty swallowing, mild abdominal pain or bloating, and occasional nausea or vomiting. This unpleasant condition can be avoided by refraining from smoking, overindulging in food and, especially, alcohol. Other measures include decreasing fat

  • Scary Story

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    farther I traveled into the forest, the darker it seemed to get. I was very had to even take a breath due to the stifling air. The only sound familiar to me was the quickening beat of my own heart, which felt as though it was about to come through my chest. I began to whistled to take my mind off the eerie noises I was hearing. In this kind of darkness I was in, it was hard for me to believe that I could be seeing these long finger shaped shadows that stretched out to me. I had this gut feeling as though

  • Albrecht Durer Self-Portrait

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    more believable and long-lasting to us than something we hear" (Hutchison 68). The position of the right hand held in front of his chest is almost as if in blessing (89 Russell). Joachim Camerarius, a professor who published a Latin translation of two of Durer's books, wrote of Durer's "intelligent head, his flashing eyes, his nobly formed nose, his broad chest," and then noted: "But his fingers- you would vow you had never seen anything more elegant" (Russell 8). Along with his qualities of

  • Jetliner by Naoshi Koriyama

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    “Jetliner” Now he takes his mark At the farthest end of the runway Looking straight ahead, eager, intense With his sharp eyes shining He takes a deep, deep breath With his powerful lungs Expanding his massive chest His burning heart beating like thunders Then… after a few… tense moments… of pondering He roars at his utmost And slowly beings to job Kicking the dark earth hard And now he begins to run Kicking the dark earth harder Then he dashes, dashes like mad, like mad Howling, shouting, screaming