Celts Essays

  • The Ancient Celts

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    In the Iron Age and the Medieval Era lived a group of tribal societies, who we know as the Celts. The Ancient Celts were mysterious pre-Christian people, who had a legendary history. They were not an illiterate society, in fact they had a twenty-letter alphabet called Ogham, but they preferred to transfer their legends and knowledge orally to keep their sacred teachings as a secret. The regions where these people lived were wide spread. They came from Central Europe and populated much of Western

  • Celts' Religious Beliefs

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    Celts' Religious Beliefs The Celts originated in the 1st century from much of western, central, Eastern Europe, and Asia Minor. “ The Celts were a group of tribes speaking Indo-European dialects. Armed with iron weapons and mounted on horses, they spread rapidly over Europe, crossing into the British Isles, moving S over France, Italy, and Spain, fighting the Macedonians, and penetrating into Asia Minor, where they raided Hellenistic centers,”( Columbia encyclopedia Online). Many of the Celts

  • Roman Army's Superiority to the Celts

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    Roman Army's Superiority to the Celts Sewers, Baths, Toilets, Roads, Theatres and the Cambridge Latin Course are just a few examples of the wonderful and innovative technology brought to this country by a much accomplished and conquering Roman Army. The Roman Army had advanced as far as (Great Britain) conquering along the way Germania (Germany) and Gaul (France) amongst others. However their arrival in Britain was greeted by the native Celts who were 'one of the four great barbarian people

  • Celts La Tene Culture

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    the Celtic culture since the days the Celts were introduced to the world. The most known age of the Celts was the La Tene age. During this time period, the Celts incorporated intricate geometric designs and stylized plants and animals into their crafts. Although halfway through the fifth century BCE, a different type of La Tene art was introduced and it tended to have curvilinear characteristics. In order to produce this ethereal beauty into their art, the Celts had used materials that were found in

  • Learning About Celts Through Roman Authors

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    Learning About Celts Through Roman Authors The Celts left very little written documentation behind them. What is known about the Celts has been discovered through archaeology and through the writings of Roman authors such as Caesar, Strabo and Tacitus. Caesar wrote about the Celts in his Gallic Wars as he documented his arrivals in Britain in 55 and 55 BC. Strabo was a Roman geographer, and included his knowledge of the geography of Britain in his texts, and Tacitus in his "Agricola", his

  • Why the Boudica Fought the Romans

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    Boudica Fought the Romans The History of the Celtic People The Iceni were a Celtic tribe which resided in Norfolk and Suffolk in the east of Britain. Boadicea was part of this noble and warlike people, the Keltoi or in Latin, Celtae. The Celts of the first century appear to be farmers, traders and crafts people. Frank Delaney 1989 quotes from Strabo writing in the first century saying “They wear ornaments of gold, torcs on their necks and bracelets on their arms and wrists, while people

  • Halloween Through History

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    as the Celts celebrated a holiday they called Samhain. The Celts lived two thousand years ago in what is now Ireland, the United Kingdom, and Northern France. Celts began each new year on November first; This is the day that ends the harvest and marks the beginning of winter, cold and hard, which many then feared they had not stored enough food to survive. With that in mind it is no small wonder that this time of year was often associated with death. So the day before, Samhain , Celts believed

  • Brigid: From Celtic Goddess to Irish Saint

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    Ireland. Brigid was originally a Celtic goddess. The Celts are an ancient people who are still thriving to this day making them one of the oldest people groups in the world. Today the terms Celt, Celts, and Celtic are primarily used to refer to the people, culture, art, and languages of the peoples of Ireland and Scotland, as well as a few places in Wales, the British Isles, and the Brittany region of France. Many modern day Celts seek to connect Celts didn’t share the gender preconceptions seen in most

  • Celtic Lifestyle

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    Celtic Lifestyle During the period when the Celts existed, which is approximately 800 BC - 400 AD, they were just a little tribe compared to other large civilizations such as the Romans and Greeks. They still managed to conquer many regions and prove victorious in most of their battles. Who were these Celts that survived numerous struggles? Where did they originate? What kind of social structure did they have? What kinds of beliefs did they have? What sort of weapons and armor did they use in

  • A Clash of Cultures and Mythoi

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    When two civilizations as disparate as the Celts and Anglo-Saxons collide, the ideas and perceptions of one will inevitably affect the other. These cultures had 600 years to interact with each other until the Normans came A.D. 1066, and the mix of the Celts’ Christianity and the Anglo-Saxon’s pagan belief system intermingled to create many interesting literary works. Perhaps most notable of these is Beowulf. With its blended Christian/pagan mythos and epic fight scenes, it has been a topic of discussion

  • Celtic Druids

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    Evidence of the Celts first came about 400 BCE from Northern Italy. More evidence or encounters were found during the young Roman Empire. Many of the accounts we hear of them come from Greek and Roman writers, such as Julius Caesar and Diodorus. There were various tribes to this group, many of them called Galli by the Romans and Galataoir Keltoi by the Greeks, these terms meant Barbarian. The Greek word Keltoi was what Celts came from, this is the reason the C is pronounced as a K. As languages went

  • Ancient Celtic Mythology: A Vision of Gods and Goddesses

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    Ancient Celtic Mythology: A Vision of Gods and Goddesses Upon investigating the supernatural reality that the Celts endured, it is necessary to somewhat overlook the myths to see what lies behind them. It is essential to find when and from where the myths originated and how true the storytellers, or narrators, really are. The Celtic gods and goddesses, in such an early mythological time defined as " 'a period when beings lived or events happened such as one no longer sees in our days' " (Sjoestedt

  • The Celtic Celebration of Samhain and Halloween

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    day—somewhat—equivalent, that which is embraced now-a-days in the United States, Halloween. Halloween takes its roots from he Celtic-pagan celebration called Samhain; although it has also been sculpted by other cultures in the centuries that have past, the Celts are the foundation of the ideas of such a celebration. I would like to establish more of a contrast between the two celebrations: what exists now and here versus what existed then and there. Therefore, my main approach will be to establish the differences

  • Halloween: The Celts And Druids

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    celebrate the holiday, the history of Halloween remains the same. The Celts and Druids The first trace of Halloween was associated with Samhain. According to Scottish and Irish historical texts, Samhain was a summer end celebration observed annually by the Celtic people. This religious celebration was to honor the end of summer and to provide the spiritual magic needed for the Druids, Celtic priests, to prophesize the future. The Celts were completely dependent on the land and believing in magic was a

  • blerghhh

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    commonly known of the religions and myths of the ancient people just to the north of the Romans; the Celts (7). The Celtic region spanned the British Isles, and the north western portion of the European continent from prehistoric times until the Roman invasion in the first century where the region shrunk to Ireland and Scotland (7). Though many conquered cultures managed to survive through Roman rule, the Celts did not (5). This essay explores the limitations of our knowledge of the Celtic religion, and

  • The Druids

    758 Words  | 2 Pages

    historians, doctors, seers, astronomers, and astrologers. The word "druidae" is Celtic in origin. It is said to be derived from the Greek word "drus", meaning "oak", and the Sanskrit word, "Vid", meaning knowledge. The Oak tree was a sacred tree to the Celts. In the Celtic social class the title of "Druid" was given to men and women who possessed the "Oak Knowledge."(www.crystalinks.com) The druids emerged when the Celtic people had no choice but to live in harmony with nature simply because they lived

  • The Mythology Of The Tuatha De Danaan

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    were more a “godlike” people than anything else, although Celtic mythology would like to have us believe otherwise; “…the Tuatha De’, to some degree, became gods by the time they arrived in Ireland.” (Leeming, 81) This is due to the tradition of the Celts and their telling of the settlers of Ireland all being deities. “In accordance with Irish tradition, much of its history and mythology were viewed as one and the same- many diverse races of both gods and humans alike settling Ireland.” (Rosenberg,

  • The Tale of Boudicca

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    interpretation of Boudicca since the first century AD? The tale of Boudicca, the warrior queen dates back to 60 AD, when the Celts rose up in revolt against their Roman oppressors. Yet the only ancient written sources about the battle today are riddled with bias and fabrications. All due to the fact that history is written by the victors and in this case the literate. The Celts or the Britons were an illiterate people therefore the majority of our knowledge about these peoples comes from Roman scholars

  • Legacy of Queen Boadicea

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    Boadicea is a celebrated the war-queen who led an ultimately unsuccessful rebellion against the Roman occupancy of ancient Britain in the first century AD. Our knowledge of Boadicea stems from works of Roman historians, Tacitus and Cassius Dio's. Tactius's Agricola and Annals along with Cassius Dio's Roman History are the three major works that document the violent legacy of Boadicea. The only known description of her is found in Cassius Dio's work: She was huge of frame, terrifying of aspect, and

  • A

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    ruling classes, Catholicism, the Pope, and the church as a whole. Celtic Gaul First and foremost, the Celts were a linguistic group that originally hailed from the Bavarian and Bohemian regions of present-day Germany and Czech Republic beginning around 1100 BC. They slowly spread out and migrated to Western Europe (which included modern-day France) and even made it as far as Britain and Ireland. The Celts had 3 main social types: warrior heroes, poets and smiths. Warrior heroes dominated the culture and