Cecilia Essays

  • Biography of St. Cecilia, and her Martyrdom

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    St. Cecilia was believed to be born in 2nd century Rome. She was an only child in a wealthy Roman family, was well-educated, and had been a devout Christian from early in her childhood. Cecilia had vowed her virginity to God, but she was promised in marriage to a pagan man named Valerian. She wore sackcloth, fasted, and prayed to the saints and angels hoping to keep her promise to God. On their wedding night, Cecilia informed Valerian that an angel guarded her body and that Valerian must not disrespect

  • Power, Control and Empowerment in Frances Burney's ”A Mastectomy”

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    Frances Burney started feeling pain in her breast in 1810, and in September 1811 a mastectomy was performed to her. In her letter ”A Mastectomy” she describes the illness and the operation, her feelings and fears, to her sister Esther Burney. The letter tells a story of a battle of control and against the feeling of powerlessness. It also speaks of empowerment; writing is Burney's way of regaining control over her operation and making it part of her own history. In this paper I attempt to find and

  • Summary and Analysis of The Second Nun's Tale

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    against sin and idleness. She says that she will tell the tale of the noble maid Cecilia. Analysis The Host's description of the Nun's Priest highlights the disparity between traditional conceptions of the clergy and their actual roles and personalities. The Nun's Priest is, as dictated by his profession, celibate, but the Host serves to remind the reader of his sexual persona. The Second Nun's Tale: Saint Cecilia was by birth a Roman and tutored in the ways of Christ. She dreaded the day

  • Fountain Scene Analysis in Atonment by McEwan

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    in three different perspectives, in the eyes of young Briony and through Robbie and Cecilia. The scene takes place outside the Tallis estate near a fountain where Cecilia is filling up a vase with water. Robbie offers his assistance but mistakenly drops the vase causing it to shatter to pieces (McEwan 29). The vase was of very sentimental value to the Tallis family and Cecilia is very upset with Robbie. Cecilia undresses in front of Robbie to get into the fountain to pick up the broken pieces (McEwan

  • Analysis Of Briony Tallis In Atonement

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    causes her to give a bias and unreliable retelling of her life through the novel Atonement. The self-pity Briony generates for herself drives many of her relationships to breaking point and beyond, therefor she changes the characters, like herself, Cecilia and Robbie, to fit how she sees them not necessarily how they really were. Briony is introduced to us as a thirteen-year-old girl, one that could be borderline obsessive compulsive drawing from her need to be tidy and control everything around her

  • Bed Time Stories of the Saints

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    Astonishing. Trans. King, Margot H., David Wilijer. 2nd ed. Toranto, Canada: Peregrina Publishing Company, 1999. De Pizan, Christine. "Saint Catherine." The Book of the City of Ladies. New York: Persea Books, 1982. 217. De Voragine, Jacobus. "Saint Cecilia, Saint Catherine." The Golden Legend. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1993. 318. Lee, Frank C. SS R. Bedtime Stories of the Saints. Vol. 2. Liguori, Missouri: Liguori Publications, 1980. Lee, Frank C. SS R. Bedtime Stories

  • Cecilia Evans Beekman Research Paper

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    Cecilia Evans Beekman is half Irish and half German. She was born in America and lived in New Jersey her entire life. She got married at an early age and had two kids: a boy and a girl. Cecilia had a lot of different jobs but, her favorite was being a librarian because to her helping people is the most important thing. I, Cecilia Evans Beekman was born in Montclair, New Jersey in 1958. My mother and father were both born in Philadelphia, West Philadelphia within blocks of one another. My mother's

  • Summary Of The Whistleblower Case Cecilia Guardiola

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    In this Whistleblower Case Cecilia Guardiola, a former employee of Renown Health filed a lawsuit under the False Claims Act against Renown Health on June 1, 2012. The plaintiff alleged that fraudulent Medicare claims have been submitted by Renown Health for short stay inpatient claims that should have been outpatient claims. The original complaint that was filed has been seal according to order at the request of the plaintiff (Health, 2014). According to information from case Guardiola was hired

  • Who Goes To College By Cecilia Rodriguez Milanes

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    In the reading “Who Goes to College” written by Cecilia Rodriguez Milanes I was able to see myself in her situation. When she was a senior she had no idea what she was going to do her following year, all she knew was that her parents wanted her to attend college. She always wanted to work, she liked being able to provide for herself but her parents always told her that college would come first. She had no clue of how college worked, what classes she would take or what she would do there. After all

  • Blanche and Stella; Cecilia and Briony Character Analysis

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    written after The Great Depression and the American Civil War. The novel Atonement by Ian McEwan was first published in 2001. It is set in 1935 and is about Briony a 13 year old girl who make a mistake that dramatically changes the lives of her sister Cecilia and her childhood friend Robbie. She spends the rest of her life trying to atone for what she did. Atonement and A Streetcar Named Desire are very different in many ways but they also have similarities, in both the play and the novel, the central

  • Cecilia Brainard's 'When The Rainbow Goddess Wept'

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    Imagine a 9-year-old girl, where and how do you see her? You probably might be thinking her in a luxury car with no doubt in her life, but this 9-year-old girl has such a difficult life. In a Cecilia Manguerra Brainard’s historical fiction book, “When the Rainbow Goddess Wept”, first published in 1991, she explains that the real-life drama of World War 2’s devastating effect on the lives of the Filipinos. Her purpose is to point out the Philippines’ background and to unfold a story that needed to

  • Cecilia Obeng's Research Article: Should Gun Safety Be Taught In Schools?

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    When I was in elementary school, I never feared of having an intruder enter my school, nor did we ever prepare for a tragedy such as that. It was not until recent years that school shootings became more of a common and feared issue. As a future educator, it is a terrifying thought that my classroom could be invaded and it would be my responsibility to protect my students. Even with the number of school shootings rising every day, our government has yet to make it legal for teachers in every state

  • Communication In Cecilia Ng's 'Everything I Never Told You'

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    Valentina Marmol Mr. Chow Thanatology 20 December 2016 Everything I Never Told You It is important to voice one’s opinion, because hiding things can only lead to negative consequences. In Everything I Never Told You, Celeste Ng tells us a story about a girl, Lydia, who tried to carry out her parent’s unfulfilled desires. She deceived her parents into thinking that she was the perfect child that they always wanted her to be, popular and into medicine and science, but in reality it was quite

  • Atonement

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    Cecilia is without any doubt one of the main characters of Atonement written by Ian McEwan. He is able to show the reader her passionate, pensive and passive state through her behaviour and attitude in various scenes. Her character is not as deep as Briony's or Robbie's as the reader does not get many chapters in which one can hear her thoughts and feelings. Nevertheless Cecilia's actions say a lot about her; how she took of her her clothes to get to vase manifests her stubborness and well. More

  • Atonement Theme

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    completion, a letter from the author. The first part of the novel happens all in two days starting from the point of view of a thirteen-year-old girl named, Briony Tallis, the youngest of Jack and Emily Tallis. Briony has two older siblings, Leon and Cecilia; Cecilia is connected to Robbie Turner, a son of the family’s charwoman. The second part of the novel has Robbie in prison on account of false accusation and also his experience through the war in France. Flash forward five years to Briony as an eighteen-year-old

  • Who Is Briony Tallis 'Real In Atonement'?

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    Atonement is a heart wrenching novel that follows the intense and amorous relationship between Cecilia Tallis and Robbie Turner. The novel also tracks the destruction of their lives at the hands of Briony Tallis, Cecilia‘s younger sister. Against the backdrop of World War II, this devastating romantic novel highlights the delicacy of emotion and the reality that humans sometimes do not have happy endings. Briony Tallis is the most significant character in the entire novel. She’s conceited, vastly

  • The Importance Of Social Capital

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    English teacher and was instrumental in helping Cecilia succeed. Prior to enrollment, Ms. Shelton aided in her transition to college by increasing her engagement in the college selection process. Cecilia’s parents work long shifts in a factory and did not have the time or resources needed to drive her to campus visits or to Wellborn for the WUSAP program. Furthermore, her school did not provide resources for such visits. Without the help of Ms. Shelton, Cecilia may not have been able to secure transportation

  • Maturation Of Love In Atonement

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    discusses guilt, forgiveness, and the complicated nature of love through the struggles of growing up. The novel begins in England during World War II, where 13-year-old Briony Tallis is part of a family with dysfunctional dynamics. Her older sister, Cecilia, experiences true love with the family’s gardener, who is the son of their housekeeper, but their relationship is riddled with many obstacles. Most troubling is that Briony naively imagines their intimacy as something more aggressive towards her sister

  • Examples Of Escapism In The Purple Rose Of Cairo

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    Purple Rose of Cairo, each of the central characters including Cecilia, the actor Gil Shepherd and his doppelganger Tom Baxter portray archetypal characteristics of the society and time that they were a part of. Cecilia represents the part of society that was faced with desperation, poverty, and disillusionment during the Great Depression of the 1930s. Cecilia, like the society around her, has difficulty in keeping and finding jobs. Cecilia struggles as many others struggled in her time, to make enough

  • Mary Sameh George Research Paper

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    lives for the sake of Christ. Another name for this ultimate sacrifice is martyrdom. Two examples of martyrs are St. Cecilia and Mary Sameh George. Although separated by several centuries, both of these women had tremendous courage and faith, and because of this, it is fascinating to learn more about who they were and why they did what they did. Most of what we know about Saint Cecilia of Rome is purely legend. However, the story fabricated over the