Carmarthenshire Essays


    1098 Words  | 3 Pages

    In the past we’ve seen how the ancestors of today’s Lord Dynevor were once major military and political players in Tudor Wales. When Henry VII awarded Llandeilo landowner Rhys ap Thomas a knighthood for his support during the battle of Bosworth in 1485 he didn’t, however, award him a title. To the English Rhys ap Thomas was only a minor landowner in obscure west Wales and the lack of any aristocratic connections in his family tree just wasn’t sufficient to impress the status-conscious English aristocracy

  • A Brief Biography of Dylan Thomas

    575 Words  | 2 Pages

    Swansea Grammar School, he only attended for six years (1925-1931). In the years he went to school, he showed great interest in extracurricular activities that were related to school work. He spent many of his summers visiting his maternal aunts at Carmarthenshire. Town life and country life, or life o...

  • Dylan Thomas Fern Hill Analysis

    751 Words  | 2 Pages

    when we become adults some people stop dreaming and wishing and we’re forced to deal with the “real world”. “Fern Hill” is a poem that discusses the evanescence of life. Thomas describes his experience living on his Aunt's farm, Fern Hill, in Carmarthenshire, Wales. The beginning of the poem has a cheerful, serene tone, using images such as "fields high as the house" and "spellbound horses walking" to describe the haven of Fern Hill. He describes his experiences and love of the surroundings and wildlife

  • Dylan Thomas: More than just Do Not Go Gently into that Good Night

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    not go on without a fight. AUTHOR BIOGRAPHY Dylan Thomas was born in Swansea, Glamorgan, Wales, on 27 October 1914. As a child he spent a large portion of his life in Swansea; however he did take trips to visit his maternal aunts’ Carmarthenshire farms. Carmarthenshire gave him inspiration for much of his work, especially his short stories, radio essays and the poem Fern Hill. Thomas suffered with illness as a child; he usually suffered from bronchitis or asthma. Thomas's formal education began

  • A Summary Of The Sea Empress Oil Spill And The BP Oil Spill

    980 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Sea Empress oil spill and the BP oil spill have had major damages to their environment. In both cases, different species have been killed and endangered because of the now polluted waters. Industries, such as the fishing industries, have been closed down because of the oil flowing through the water. However, the cleanup process for both spills were drastically different, and it lead to a completely different result. For the Sea Empress spill, people were dedicated to the cleaning up straight

  • Introduction To Monitoring And Monitoring In The Workplace Case Study

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    INTRODUCTION TO MONITORING AND SURVEILANCE IN THE WORK PLACE As instructed by our lecture in IT Applications Dr. Larry Stapleton we were given a document entitled monitoring in the workplace. It was based on Blackburn Rovers Football Club who decided to install a software called Spector 360. The product provides company wide monitoring of employees on a day to day basis focused on their high level of internet based activities during the work period. The main purpose of this software is to improve

  • The Importance of Language Choice for Social Workers

    1464 Words  | 3 Pages

    Language is not just a way we communicate; it is part of our cultural identity, and having the right to choose the language we wish, as a user of personal social services in essential to our basic rights. A country that has made steps to preserve its national language is Wales, through government legislations and incorporating the language into all public sectors successfully. As to be discussed there is extensive research that exists explaining why it is important to be able have the freedom to