Carl Andrew Spaatz Essays

  • The Way and Life of General Carl A. Spaatz

    3106 Words  | 7 Pages

    The Way and Life of General Carl A. Spaatz The name General Carl ‘Tooey’ Andrew Spaatz has become synonymous with the phrase air power and strategist. Air power has come along way since Wilbur and Orville launched the first airplane in 1902 in the city of Kitty Hawk. Famous engineers have taken the Wright-Brothers design and made great improvements to them while slowly integrating these new powerful means of transportation, weaponry and communication aids into the military. Since the onset of World

  • Civil Air Patrol

    1420 Words  | 3 Pages

    Every operation that Civil Air Patrol does, whether it is training or not, has to be executed with discipline and ultimate control to receive the best outcome available. Works Cited Citation. Citation. Citation. Citation. Citation. http://www.gocivilairpatrol