Car audio Essays

  • Installing Car Audio

    808 Words  | 2 Pages

    Installing Car Audio When a person gets into a car, one of the first things they do is turn on the radio. Some people like the volume turned down real low and others like myself want loud blaring music. There are several steps to turn a factory sound system into a surround sound theatre. I have installed all kinds of car audio equipment into automobiles and it doesn’t come cheap. First thing anyone wants to do is to set a price range and compare prices at different retailers. The price range

  • The History of Automobile Audio

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    The history of automobile audio dates back to the early 1900s. George Frost did the earliest car audio experimentation in 1922. The evolution of car radios began in the Transitone Th-1, in 1927. The first FM turner band in cars was introduced in 1952. In 1965 the 8-track player was introduced in Ford vehicles. In the early 1960’s, cassettes were introduced, but didn’t become popular until 1977. The FM band became more popular in the 1980s, and the first car compact disc players were introduced

  • The Physics of CDs and DVDs

    1189 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Physics of CDs and DVDs Everywhere you look now days, you see or interact with CDs or DVDs; whether it is in the car, at work, or at home for pleasure, you deal with these modern marvels. Whatever the use, CD has become a reliable medium in which to distribute information, in a reliable way. The cost of a CD is very inexpensive, making it a popular choice by companies trying to advertise, or teach you about something. American On Line (AOL) is one example of companies who have chose this reliable

  • Research on Best Buy Co.

    3956 Words  | 8 Pages

    Research on Best Buy Co. The roots of Best Buy Co., Inc. can be traced back to St. Paul, Minnesota. This is where founder Richard Schulze opened the doors of his Sound of Music store in 1966. Understanding a demand for consumer audio components and systems in the St. Paul area, Schulze managed to provide a combination of great prices and excellent service, thus building a strong customer base, which quickly prompted an expansion into home appliances and video products. The eighties prompted change

  • Surveillance and the right of privacy

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    technology allows a person to amplify sounds (i.e. talking, movement) from a long distance away. For example, a suspect’s conversation can be pinpointed and heard 50 meters away as if the sounds were coming from short distance. Digital Audio Equipment- Digital Audio Equipment allows police agencies to listen and record a phone conversation at any given time. These range from a digital voice stick that can be hidden in a room, or a “bug” device that can be placed inside a phone (landline or cellular)

  • FM Receivers

    1746 Words  | 4 Pages

    message from the carrier wave. Another component, essential in most electronic circuits, is the power supply (DC or AC converted to DC). Finally, a transducer (speaker in the case of Radio) is needed to convert the message signal into its final form (audio, mechanical, etc¡­). Other components more specific to FM receivers are mixers combined with local oscillators used for frequency manipulation, limiters to control amplitude, de-emphasis and other filter circuits. 2 Mathematics of FM Unlike amplitude

  • Sound and Image in Motion Pictures

    2314 Words  | 5 Pages

    Sound and Image in Motion Pictures Motion pictures and television are audio-visual mediums and so of course engage both our visual and aural senses. The meaning and emotion of a piece is commonly thought to come from the image and that the sound at best just duplicates the meanings from the image. For example Aaron Copland has said that a composer can do no more than" make potent through music the film's dramatic and emotional value." (

  • My Home Schooling Experience

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    have taken the majority of the responsibility for my education. Each August my mother and I plan a curriculum together, which is a combination of what I want to study and what she feels I ought to know. I study Latin using a text with accompanying audio tapes and a reader with passages to be translated into English. I complete a detailed research project on a subject of interest in the social sciences -- Australian aborigines, for example, or the Vietnam war. My mother forms a reading list with approximately

  • The Jazz Age

    1451 Words  | 3 Pages

    culture, creating a rise in leisure, specifically mass leisure. Automobiles, movies, and the radio overtook the lives of Americans, becoming necessities and part of everyday routines. This period also marks the beginning of films with soundtracks, an audio component, marking the rise of the musical and giving the American people another vehicle for leisure activity. The Jazz Age shaped the culture and attitude of America, “it was the first truly modern decade and, for better or for worse, it created

  • Defining Environmental Philosophy

    5032 Words  | 11 Pages

    Defining Environmental Philosophy The Greek word 'philosophy' means literally the (filial) love of wisdom. But 'wisdom' is not a commonly used word in our society so we need to make some effort to locate its meaning. What is indicated by the tradition in which philosophy seeks wisdom rather than merely knowledge or justified belief? While Plato and Aristotle did not agree on the basis of wisdom, they clearly did agree that wisdom is acquired with age and that it transcends mere knowledge

  • Stereotypes of Hispanic Women in Cinema

    2501 Words  | 6 Pages

    The Latina women, even throughout the era resistance cinema, have not been able to make much progress in overcoming the degrading stereotypes that Hollywood has created for them. Despite the many advances that minorities have made in the cinema in recent years, Latina actresses still take on the roles of the "dark skinned lady" and other such stereotypes with strong sexual connotations. It is often debatable whether or not the role of the Latina has undergone dramatic changes since the days of Dolores

  • Canterbury Tales

    1021 Words  | 3 Pages

    large in depth with many features that will keep any Chaucer fan busy for hours or help students find whatever they may need. Some of the features include: different quotes from Chaucer, a paragraph summary of his life, links to many of his works, audio excerpts from The Canterbury Tales, discussion groups and links to other Chaucer pages. This site was created by Anniina Jokinen and it is clear that she did a very good job. Another fantastic site that relates to Chaucer is

  • Multimedia

    1663 Words  | 4 Pages

    Multimedia As a technology, it is called multimedia. As a revolution, it is the sum of many revolutions wrapped into one: A revolution in communication that combines the audio visual power of television, the publishing power of the printing press, and the interactive power of the computer. Multimedia is the convergence of these different professions, once thought independent of one another, coming together to form a new technological approach to the way information and ideas are shared. What

  • DVD Vs. VCR

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    to the purchase price of both systems, as well as the cost of movies and maintenance. A second consideration of consumers when choosing between VCR and DVD should be the video and audio quality. Various technical factors can alter the quality of both picture and sound in both of these systems, making picture and audio quality a major consideration when shopping for home entertainment components.A final consideration that consumers should give special attention is the accessibility of the systems

  • The Computer’s Positive Impact on Education

    892 Words  | 2 Pages

    resources teachers and students have access to through the use of computers is phenomenal. Basically, software and the Internet are the methods used to obtain access to overwhelming amounts of data. The information may be in the form of written material, audio material, games, user-interaction, animation and many more. The Teacher Resource Center (TRC) in Indiana maintains an updated website of teacher resources at "". Software provides age-appropriate instructional

  • Comparing Marlow of Heart of Darkness and Willard of Apocalypse Now

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    changes inevitably have to be made. The medium of film offers several advantages and disadvantages over the book: it is not as adept at exploring the inner workings of people - it cannot explore their minds so easily; however, the added visual and audio capabilities of film open whole new areas of the imagination which, in the hands of a competent writer-director, can more than compensate. Heart of Darkness relies heavily on lengthy philosophical and expository passages, as well as some very unusual

  • Copyright Law in Canada

    850 Words  | 2 Pages

    everyday life. They is audio/video tape copying, plagiarism, and software piracy. The first, and most commonly violated aspect of the copyright law, is the copying of audio tapes for oneself and friends. Thanks to the invention of dual cassette stereos, this has become very easy. You simply take an original or even another copy of a tape, as well as a blank tape. Stick them both in to the stereo and bingo you have a new tape. You also just broke the law. Along with copying audio tapes, now we can copy

  • Analog Vs Digital

    1123 Words  | 3 Pages

    service: analog, and digital PCS. Analog is the more expensive option and has long been the standard for mobile phone service. Digital PCS is the newest form of phone service. It works by converting human speech into software codes and converting them to audio signals before the codes reach the listener. Because it is software based it provides a perfect platform for a variety of advanced wireless features. Digital PCS is the future of mobile phone service and the soon to be de facto standard for wireless

  • Internet Regulation

    1274 Words  | 3 Pages

    world that store the information made available to the global Internet community. The Internet is primarily used for these functions: 1. To send and receive e-mail. 2. To transfer files from one computer to another (the files may be text, images, audio, video, etc.). 3. Research to locate information for either government, educational, commercial, etc. 4. To communicate with other computers, either one at a time (Instant message) or many at once (chat rooms or discussion groups). The internet

  • Geoffrey Chaucer: A Near Contemporary of Malory

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    containing these quotations can be found by clicking on the link labeled “The Works of Geoffrey Chaucer.” The information provided by clicking on these links is broad. The website offers everything from general notes on Chaucer’s literary works, to audio excerpts, and translations of passages (which are difficult to read in the original Middle English). The only major flaw of the website is a link that goes to the Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia website for information on Chaucer’s life. The little