Caporegime Essays

  • Bad Boys

    1407 Words  | 3 Pages

    James laid in his bed with his pillow over his head in a deep peaceful sleep oblivious to the storm that raged on outside and to the events which transpired in it. His sleep was cut short when his cell phone rang and woke up him. He raised the pillow ever so slightly to scowl at the damn thing before finally mustering the strength to reach out it and see who was calling him. His scowl and anger only intensified once he saw it was his long time partner Tony calling. James (half-asleep & annoyed):

  • Write An Essay On The Mafia Family

    1269 Words  | 3 Pages

    Not all families are determined by blood. In the Mafia, families are made up of both relatives and friends close enough to be considered family. The Mafia originated in Sicily, Italy with somewhat similar goals to those members have today. The Mafia eventually moved to the United States and is now also known as La Cosa Nostra. It has been greatly affected by various social and economic situations throughout history and has developed over time. The Mafia has ties from hundreds of years ago, it’s roots

  • Italian American Mafia Research Paper

    639 Words  | 2 Pages

    system. The Boss, or Don is at the top of the pyramid. He makes the major decisions for the family (“Structure,” n.d). He also has the most respect of all the members and receives a portion of each member’s earnings. The Boss is voted in by the caporegimes of the family (“Mafia Structure,” n.d). The first Boss of the Genovese family was technically Lucky Luciano. It was later renamed “Genovese” when Vito Genovese obtained power in 1957 (“American Mafia History,” n.d). Next in line is the underboss

  • Comparing The American Mafia And Bonanno Crime

    797 Words  | 2 Pages

    Genovese, and Lucchee. The Bonanno crime family is the most vicious one. A crime family is made up of a boss, underboss, consigliere, caporegime, and soldier. The boss is the head of family. The underboss is appointed by the boss as his right hand man. He is usually the second head of command in the family. The consigliere plays an adviser role in family. The caporegime is

  • Impacts of the Mafia

    745 Words  | 2 Pages

    Impacts of the Mafia The Mafia is an Italian secret criminal society. The Mafia, or syndicate, impacts cities all around the world. Most of the effects of the Mafia are negative, but there can be several positive effects on the culture and economy of the cities in which it frequents. Peter Maas declares organized crime the “biggest business in the country” (Maas). “The largest and best known organized crime group is the nationwide organization variously known as the ‘syndicate’, the ‘mob’, the

  • New England Patriarca Mafia

    2697 Words  | 6 Pages

    Organized crime in the United States keeps the FBI and other law enforcement agencies in a never-ending investigation of criminals suspected of the infiltration of legitimate businesses. A notorious twentieth century organized group was the New England Patriarca Mafia, or N.E.P.M.. Originating in 1915, the N.E.P.M. evolved over the early twentieth century decades, until 1954 when Raymond Loredo Salvatore Patriarca was donned as boss* and promptly began to expand its power. Due to mafia-related language

  • Italian American Mafia

    1142 Words  | 3 Pages

    Giuseppe Masseria in the Casellammarese War, Salvatore Maranzano initiated the organization of the “Families” in 1931. Maranzano introduced the now-familiar mafia hierarchy: boss (capofamiglia), underboss (sotto capo), advisor (consigliere), captain (caporegime), soldier (soldato), and associate; and declared himself capo di tutti capi (boss of all bosses). By declaring himself the capo di tutti capi he was breaking the deal he has made with Lucky Luciano. This later got Maranzano was

  • La Cosa Nostra

    1244 Words  | 3 Pages

    La Cosa Nostra Perhaps one of the most poignant moments in American cinema is the closing scene in the film “The Godfather” when Don Vito Corleone’s son Michael takes over his father’s position... and one of the most unforgettable moments, a severed horses’s head lies bloody in a man’s bed. It is this tradition and brutality that characterizes the Mafia, a secret Sicilian society that lives and functions just as much today on American soil as it did and does still in Italy. To understand this organized

  • The Gambino Crime Family

    1209 Words  | 3 Pages

    determined to make a power play of his own. To decide who would be the leader, Genovese decided to call a gathering that notably became the largest Cosa Nostra reunion in history. In attendance there was nearly one-hundred bosses, underbosses, caporegimes, and labor officials all called on upon by Genovese who hope to be voted in as “boss of bosses”. The meeting was to be held on the giant estate of Joseph Barbara, near the village of Apalachin on November 14, 1957. The higher-ups of La Cosa Nostra

  • Joseph Pistone's Career

    1665 Words  | 4 Pages

    mobster of the Bonanno Family named Dominick “Sonny-Black” Napolitano killed three of the top members of the other family during the war that took place. After that, Napolitano ordered Brasco to kill a man named Anthony “Bruno” Indelicato, who was a caporegime (a term used in the mafia for a high ranked member of a crime family who orders around a crew) for the Bonanno Crime Family. At the time, Brasco and the FBI thought the best plan would be to arrest Indelicato before the day of the hit, but they

  • The Gambino Crime Family

    1324 Words  | 3 Pages

    “This life of ours, this is a wonderful life. If you can get through life like this and get away with it, hey, that’s great. But it’s very unpredictable. There’s so many ways you can screw it up” said Paul Castellano, boss of one of the biggest mobs in American history. Stemming from the enormous crime syndicate called Cosa Nostra, meaning “our thing” in Sicilian, the Gambino family and Cosa Nostra became a national menace. La Cosa Nostra, as it was referred to by law enforcement¬ and members, was

  • John Gotti

    2851 Words  | 6 Pages

    From its very existence the Mafia has always been feared and respected. They are respected for the power that they posses to do what they want whenever and with whomever they please. Also the Mafia is respected for the money that they poses and the ability to get it by all means possible. They are feared by people knowing that the Mafia would not hesitate to kill someone if need be. "The roots of the mafia go way back to Sicily where their history is ancient and bloody" ( Cummings and Volkman 3)