Brink Essays

  • The Brink of War

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    The Brink of War In 1914, there were many things that placed Europe at the brink if war. Nationalism, militarism, imperialism, social darwinism, and Jingoes where five of the main forces that were pushing Europe to the brink of war. Another main force was the development of Alliance systems. These ideas and systems threatened the balance of power which could then cause a major war to break out. In Europe at the time, there were many ideas which were causing friction. Nationalism, which was the

  • Mother Daughter Relationships - Daughter Pushed to the Brink in Amy Tan's The Joy Luck Club

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    A Daughter Pushed to the Brink in Joy Luck Club In Amy Tan's novel, Joy Luck Club, the mother of Jing-mei recognizes only two kinds of daughters: those that are obedient and those that follow their own mind. Perhaps the reader of this novel may recognize only two types of mothers: pushy mothers and patient mothers.  The two songs, "Pleading Child" and "Perfectly Contented," which the daughter plays, reinforce the underlying tension in the novel. These songs represent the feelings that the daughter

  • Waiting for a Title

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    a century ago, one must wonder what he was thinking as he penned the book. Nabokov tells us in his essay, "On a Book Entitled Lolita," that his sole purpose in writing such a controversial novel, had "no purpose other than to get rid of that book"(Brink 311). Nabokov's not-so-clear explanation leads many minds to wonder about the "true meaning" of Lolita. One of the most often asked questions, is, of course, Nabokov's personal sexual preference: was he a pedophile? It seems unimaginable that a person

  • My Passion for Art

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    Imagine a rather large canvas, comprised of millions of tiny dots that have been strategically placed to form brilliant shapes and shadows. Such is the technique of pointillism, created by nineteenth century artist Georges Seurat, where points of pure color are grouped together to give off the appearance of a solid figure. My absolute favorite of his works is the popular "A Sunday on La Grande Jatte", a large mural depicting a social gathering in a park setting. The artist's dedication to use this

  • My Summer as A Counselor In Training at Camp Morasha

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    besides sleeping. Although I usually enjoy working with young children, this was not my idea of how to enjoy a summer vacation. But I decided to perservere, hoping to be switched to another bunk. Alas, no such switch came, and I was driven to the brink of insanity by these innocent looking young devils. These kids saw nothing wrong with playing sports inside the bunk (and breaking three windows while doing so), going weeks without showering, or with not going to sleep. I soon realized that however

  • College Days

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    A year has past and now we stand on the brink of returning to a world where we are surrounded by the paradox of everything, and yet nothing being the same. In days we will reluctantly give our hugs and, fighting the tears, say goodbye to people who were once just names on a sheet of paper to return to people that we hugged and fought tears to say goodbye to before we ever left. We will leave our best friends to return to our best friends. We will go back to the places we came from and

  • The Judgment of Athena in Oresteia

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    Orestes meets the Erinyes and cries out, "O lord Apollo, see, they multiply; and they drip from their eyes a hateful stream" (Libation Bearers, 1056-1057). The Erinyes, a manifestation of the guilt Orestes feels for his mother, drive Orestes to the brink of sanity and exile him to Athens. Athena's judgment does not morally justify the murder; it only relieves Orestes of his suffering. The fact that Athena never dictates that Orestes acted with justice marks a compromised victory for Apollo and Orestes

  • Macbeth Blood Will Have Blood

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    the characters’ guilt is exposed through images of blood. This guilty conscience caused serious mistakes, which eventually led to the downfall of Macbeth. This blood imagery adds to the guilty theme because all the characters are driven to the brink of insanity when they see blood on their own hands or in other places. This can make a character react to the people surrounding him in a unnatural way, or if it is all kept inside, these feelings might make the person totally breakdown. “Is

  • Hamlet is Inhuman

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    are firmly drawn, in the round, creatures of flesh and blood. But Hamlet is not of flesh and blood, he is a spirit of penetrating intellect and cynicism and misery, without faith in himself or anyone else, murdering his love of Ophelia, on the brink of insanity, taking delight in cruelty, torturing Claudius, wringing his mother's heart, a poison in the midst of the healthy bustle of the court. He is a superman among men. And he is a superman because he has walked and held converse with Death

  • Jiang Zemin

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    and nonofficial accounts that bubble up in Hong Kong. These are the same methods of tracking and analyzing China's political movements that outsiders have used for decades. It is in this Byzantine context that Bruce Gilley has written Tiger on the Brink, a biography of Jiang Zemin and a highly readable account of modern Chinese politics. Unfortunately, Gilley is sharply limited by the same lack of access as every other student of Zhongnanhai. A correspondent for The Far Eastern Economic Review who

  • Symbols and Symbolism in The Yellow Wallpaper and A Rose for Emily

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    house,' drenching every room in its subtle aroma of decay" (Gilbert 35). The only thing the narrator "can think of that [the smell] is like is the color of the paper! A yellow smell" (Kivo 23). The narrator feels herself being drawn closer to the brink of insanity by the maddening color and begs her husband to do something about the paper, but he simply laughs at her. As the... ... middle of paper ... ...apy. New York: University Books, 1961. Dillon, George L. "Styles of Reading

  • Success: You can do it!

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    step you take in the process for success. Step five is perseverance. On the road to success, you will most definitely come to setbacks and struggles. The only way to conquer those things and achieve your goal is to have strong perseverance. As David Brink said, "A successful person is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks that others throw at him." Step 1 – Realisation To start your journey to success, you will first have to realise what your goal is and what you will need to achieve

  • Moral Realism

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    initial plausibility, for if grave errors are made in either the causal connection or the delivery mechanism, it would not seem that there would be a valid reason for believing that any of the moral judgments we make are judgments of fact. As David Brink argues, “the degree of credibility of considered moral beliefs probably corresponds more closely with the credibility of these [credible theoretical beliefs] Ö All I claim is that considered moral beliefs have initial credibility.”4 Taking this

  • Oedipus and Hamlet as Father Figures

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    Throughout the play his father's ghost visits Hamlet. Even after his death he has a great control over his son and his actions. These visits are a constant reminder to Hamlet of the truth. Knowing the truth of his father's death has driven Hamlet to the brink of insanity. The only thing he can think of is revenge. His father's death and prior conflict with his brother has left Hamlet in a position of honoring his father and doing right by him, and the only thing he sees fit to do is rid himself of the

  • Advertising: the good and bad

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    combination of the two. Furthermore, the main aim of advertising is to ‘persuade’ to consumer in order to generate new markets for production. “Advertising is far from impotent or harmless; it is not a mere mirror image. Its power is real, and on the brink of a great increase. Not the power to brainwash overnight, but the power to create subtle and real change. The power to prevail.” (Clark) Advertising is used to promote goods, services, images, and anything else that advertisers want to publicize

  • Hamlet: Growing Pains

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    symbol of ordinary humanity and give him the room he needs to grow. The Hamlet that Shakespeare begins to develop in Act I is a typical mortal, bowed down by his human infirmities and by a disgust of the evils in a world which has led him to the brink of suicide.  Hamlet voices his thoughts on the issue:  ‘O  that this  too too solid flesh would melt...' (I. ii. 135).  He is prevented from this drastic step only by a faith which teaches him that God has ‘fix'd/ His canon ‘gainst self-slaughter'

  • Friendship in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

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    could fall back on Clerval to forget the pain. With Clerval’s aid, Victor returned to his former self in a short period and valued Clerval dearest among all friends. When Walton rescues Victor on the northern shores, he finds him “on the brink of destruction';(Shelley 58). Victor puts his quest on a halt to restore himself on Walton’s ship when he states, “And yet you rescued me from a strange and perilous situation; you have benevolently restored me to life';(p.59). From the

  • Without Knowledge, Life Would be Worthless

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    Without knowledge, there would be no means of advancement, for society would lack the potential to do so. In other words, human society is on the verge of experiencing, processing and making use of the vast amount of knowledge present and on the brink of exposu re. Dante Alighiere adequately states, "Consider your origin; you were not born to live like brutes, but to follow virtue and knowledge" (125:30). He is right, in his reasoning, for wisdom leads individuals to more productive and civilized

  • The Understated Narrator of The Masque of the Red Death

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    of his narrators. In fact, many of Poe's tales are arguably about their own existence after the death of their narrators. For instance, "MS. Found in a Bottle" and "Shadow--A Parable" both purport to be written by narrators who are on the brink of death, and who will be dead by the time we read th... ... middle of paper ... ...rupt liquefaction of the dead man at the moment of his hypnotic awakening" (11). Characteristically, Poe gives liquefaction the last word, subverting his own

  • Slaves

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    Turner’s incident slave conspiracies, were always greatly feared for as long as slavery existed. (Brink 312) Another such revolt was by a slave named Gabriel Prosser, who gathered nearly 1,000 slaves to brawl with the slave owners. Somehow a couple of slaves gave the plot away, and it was uncovered and stopped by the Virginia militia. The end of the revolt led to the execution of Prosser and others. (Brink 312) Most slave revolts weren’t anywhere near as extreme as Turner’s or Prosser’s, but there were