Brain Transplant Essays

  • The First Artificial Heart Transplant

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    The First Artificial Heart Transplant History was made on December 02, 1982 when Barney Clark became the first recipient of an artificial heart transplant, which was performed by the medical staff at the University of Utah Medical Center. Although Barney Clark was the center of attention, there were many events that led up to this historical moment. The development of the artificial heart began in the early 1950’s. The initial prototype, developed in 1970’s by the artificial developmental

  • The False Hope of Cryonics

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    drugs to minimize freezing injury and is then further cooled to the boiling point of liquid nitrogen (-320°F, -196°C) (Alcor, 1). Neurosuspensions are the freezing of the human head and brain. The reason for doing this is because it is much cheaper and they feel that all other body parts are replaceable by transplant. Alcor charges $50,000 for neurosuspensions and $120,000 for whole body suspensions (Alcor, 27). The first problem to consider is our current and possible future population problems

  • Organ Transplantation and Ethical Considerations

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    heart-lung transplant at Duke University Hospital that went badly awry because, by mistake, doctors used donor organs from a patient with a different blood type. The botched operation and subsequent unsuccessful retransplant opened a discussion in the media, in internet chat rooms, and in ethicists' circles regarding how we, in the United States, allocate the scarce commodity of organs for transplant. How do we go about allocating a future for people who will die without a transplant? How do we go

  • Xenotransplantation, Transgenics, and the Animal-human Boundary

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    transplanted. Doctors’ ability to transplant is thwarted, however, by the disproportionate number of patients in need of such life-saving treatment relative to the number of donor organs available. Due to a variety of circumstances there just aren’t enough spare organs to go around. In light of this situation and the ever increasing number of people who die every year while waiting for an organ donor, xenotransplantation has become a very attractive alternative to human transplants, for obvious reasons. While

  • Pima Diabetes Curse

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    school and dating. You worry about what to wear and what your plan is for Friday night. Now factor a few more items into the equation. One, your Father has lost a leg due to complications from diabetes. Two, your mother is in need of a kidney transplant as a result of diabetes. Three, your older sister is in the beginning stages of diabetes and four, you know that you’re next. This case scenario seems far-fetched, but if you are a member of the Arizona Pima tribe, this is commonplace. In fact

  • Heart Donation

    1946 Words  | 4 Pages

    crash in Florida which has left him brain-dead with no hope for any kind of recovery. The majority of his vital organs are still functional and the man has designated that his organs be donated to a needy person upon his untimely death. Meanwhile, upon checking with the donor registry board, it is discovered that the best match for receiving the heart of the Florida man is a male in Oregon who is in desperate need of a heart transplant. Without the transplant, the man will most certainly die within

  • Cloning Madness

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    would violate human dignity...But why suppose that cloned persons wouldn't share the same rights and dignity as the rest of us? ...There's the fear...that parents might clone a child to have 'spare parts' in case the original child needs an organ transplant. But parents of identical twins don't view one child as an organ farm for the other. Why should cloned children's parents be any different? ...Even if human cloning offers no obvious benefits to society why ban it? (64) Macklin also states that

  • How Aids Has Affected Our Society

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    effect on society has been dramatic. It is unknown whether AIDS and HIV existed and killed in the U.S. and North America before the early 1970s. However in the early 1980s, "deaths by opportunistic infections, previously observed mainly in tissue-transplant recipients receiving immunosuppressive therapy", were recognized in otherwise healthy homosexual men. In 1983 French oncologist Luc Montagnier and scientists at the Pasteur Institute in Paris isolated what appeared to be a new human retrovirus from

  • Progress in Xenotransplantation

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    Xenotransplantation Introduction In the last few years, progress has been made toward successfully using animal organs in humans who need transplants, an operation called xenotransplantation. The biggest obstacle has been preventing the body from destroying the transplant as a foreign body. The speed of rejection depends on the species and tissue involved. In transplants between discordant species, such as pig to human, the recipient has natural antibodies against the donor organ. In untreated discordant

  • Care Ethicist and Virtue Theorist

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    analysis is on John Q. John Q. Archibald (care ethicists) is an ordinary man who works at a factory and takes care of his family. His wife Denise and young son Michael are his world. But when Michael falls seriously ill and needs an emergency heart transplant operation that cost $250,000. John can’t afford the money, but vows to take the initiative to do anything in coming up with money by selling all his personal belonging. John and Denise (wife) then goes to numerous health clinics to receive aid,

  • The Relationship Between Science and Reality

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    Philos. a. something that exists independently of ideas concerning it. b. something that exists independently of all other things and from which all other things derive. I have a 5-year-old nephew who is alive because he received a heart transplant a few weeks after his birth. His parents very public request for organ donors received a lot of attention at the time, including a local radio talk show that discussed the organ donor program in general and whether this particular baby should be

  • Use of Regitine During Transplants

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    Use of Regitine During Transplants As of February 2000 there were in the United States 67,340 people waiting for organ transplants.8 In 1998, 4,855 Americans on that list died waiting.8 Against this backdrop of critical need, physicians in Wisconsin are using a controversial drug, Regitine, to preserve organs from patients on life support who still have brain activity, but who are not expected to survive their injury or illness.4 These donors, who typically die of cardiac arrest following

  • Xenotransplants - Animal to Human Organ Transplants

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    Xenotransplants - Animal to Human Organ Transplants We should NOT risk the human race for the benefit of the few! When asked how he feels about the advancement of science to places that were once notions to be the job of the creator, Dr. Martin Luther King replies by saying, “Cowardice asks is it safe? Expedience asks is it political? Vanity asks is it popular? But the conscience asks is it right?” This essay is about animal to human organ transplants otherwise known as Xenotransplants. Even though

  • The Importance of Organ Donation

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    donated, yet each day 17 people die because they do not receive a transplant ( These statistics show that people who are waiting for organ transplants have a good chance at being saved and get what they need. The sad truth is though, because of the lack of people willing to donate organs, many people will continue to wait for organs to save their lives. ?Waiting lists of patients for organ transplants become longer as the need for transplantable organs increases

  • Christiaan Barnard: Trailblazer In The Medical Field

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    Christiaan Barnard was a trailblazer in the medical field. He successfully completed the first human-human heart transplant. This procedure opened the door to all other organ transplant operations. The first human heart transplant was not only a consequential moment in medical history, but it was a remarkable achievement in the world’s history as well. Christiaan Neethling Barnard was born on November 8th, 1922 in Beaufort West, Cape Province, South Africa. His father was named Adam Barnard and his

  • Why Should Organ Donation Should Be Encouraged

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    kidney and pancreas list for a transplant. 25 years after the transplant she is still seeing how organ transplant changed her life in many great ways. Her kidney and pancreas were provided by a man, who was registered as an organ donor, passed away. The double transplant she received caused her health, and her life, to immediately be taken back over by her. She never ended up needing dialysis or any insulin injections since her transplant. Years after her transplant, she learned that her donor was

  • Organ Transplant and Donation

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    although occasionally, it can not. Diseases such as Cystic Fibrosis and Coronary Artery Disease, or abnormalities and defects such as biliary atresia, can all disrupt the function of human organs (“Transplant Australia”, n.d ). Thankfully, through radical advancements in modern medicine, organ transplants are a safe and highly viable option to restore the human body’s perfect harmony. No matter the reason for organ failure, once it occurs, the patient’s journey to receiving a new organ begins. Through

  • Ethical And Legal Aspects On Organ Transplantation

    6402 Words  | 13 Pages

    Ethical And Legal Aspects On Organ Transplantation Recent reports of public figures receiving life-saving transplants have brought renewed attention to the scarcity of organs and the importance of organ transplants. Although more transplants are being performed in the United States each year the transplant waiting list continues to grow. It has been considered that the decrease in organ donors is due to the unsuccessful measures taken by health care professionals. This is a limited view of the

  • The Pros And Cons Of Organ Donation

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    vital organ that would save their lives. Another name is added every twelve minutes. Far under this number is the number of donors willing to sign a donor card and donate their organs after their death. Only around twenty eight thousand of these transplants are filled every year; the others are still waiting and most are not too fortunate. As the number of waiting lists patients goes up, many people find that signing the organ donation card will bring them no real cost and is a noble deed, but the

  • The Pros And Cons Of Organ Donation

    1964 Words  | 4 Pages

    Should organ donation be required? Throughout the world, organ donations and transplants have been known to become an important and beneficial asset to the enhancement of technology in the medical field but it has also proven to be a disaster (Organ). Organ donation is a process that surgically removes an organ or a tissue from one person and transplants it into another, who is capable of receiving and utilizing the organ. Currently hundreds of thousands of people worldwide are in need of organs