Bobcat Essays

  • Cougar Biology

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    35-60 kg for females. 2 Their length can vary anywhere from 5 to 9 feet. 3 Cougars can be mistaken for wild bobcats, fishers, and coyotes. 3 Best way to recognize a cougar is by checking it's tracks: 2 -Their tracks have 3 lobes at the back (Dogs & coyotes have 1 indent) -Their toes are shaped similar to teardrops (Dogs & bobcats' are oval-shaped) -Their tracks are about 3-3.5 inch wide (Bobcat tracks are obviously smaller) -The rarely have visible claw marks (Dogs & coyotes have visible claw marks)

  • Analysis Of South Texas Bobcat Series By Kristina L. Garcia

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    the UTRGV Visual Arts Gallery in Edinburg, Texas; its opening reception took place between 6:00 PM and 9:00PM. The exhibition, which opened at the universities Visual Arts Building, showcased the work of artist Kristina L. Garcia titled “South Texas Bobcat Series”. Garcia’s work is a three-dimensional piece that was created in 2018. There are definitive aspects to this work, including materials, textures, colors, and shapes. It is best described as a series of animal craniums or skulls manipulated

  • Summary Of Middle School And Snake Hill

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    The Muskrats had to find something to blame the Bobcats on, therefore one of them came up with the idea to shoot a picture of them smoking in the woods. The sneaked out of the hut and quietly ran to the woods. As soon as they saw the Bobcats, they snapped some photos. The antagonist caught a glimpse of the camera’s flash light and the Bobcats all followed Rafe. Rafe made it to the hut safe, but something horrible happened. The photos were blurry

  • where the red fern grows

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    In the story, Billy was walking home one day when there was a dog fight in the ally and he went to investigate to see what was going on and there was a bunch of dog’s beating up on one dog so he decided to get involved and break it up. They all scattered away when they saw him coming. The dog that was getting beat up and was lying on the ground and it was hurt. He went to the dog and saw it was a beautiful hound dog. He also noticed that the dog wasn’t hurt that bad, just scared. When Billy was a

  • Fruit Heights: A Short Story

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    Bobcats in Utah By the age of 6 we had lived in four different houses. For the time being, we were living at a house in Fruit Heights. This house was much different than any other house I had ever lived in. Since I was the youngest out of five girls, I felt it was my duty to be the rambunctious one. I never sat still. Always moving, always going. I probably had enough energy to run all the way to China and back if I could! But since that was impossible, the forest would have to suffice. Within

  • An Essay On Burmese Python

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    Andrew Collins Mr. Smith Biology, Period 6 25 April 2014 Burmese Python An introduced species is an organism that would be considered introduced to a new environment and then transported to a new location by humans or human activity. Invasive species are organism that take over a native area occupied by plants. They can cause ecological and economic harm where it is not native. Invasive species are able to cause extinctions of native plants, altering habitats, and reducing biodiversity. An invasive

  • Bienville High School: A Short Story

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    As the Bobcats waited to be introduced they knew how hostile the crowd was going to be. They were in Lafayette, the birthplace of Louisiana hockey, playing the home town Acadiana Wreckin' Rams. Acadiana High was introduced, and now it was their moment. The arena speakers boomed, the band, who had a decent trip in just a few school buses, played the fight song as the announcer said, "Ladies and gentleman, the Bienville High School Bobcats." The players on the second through fourth line skated onto

  • The Stellar Attitude and Career of Michael Jordan

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    “If somebody says no to you, or if you get cut, Michael Jordan was cut his first year, but he came back and he was the best ever. That is what you have to have. The attitude that I'm going to show everybody, I'm going to work hard to get better and better” (Magic Johnson). The quote above couldn’t be any truer. Michael Jordan epitomized that. Jordan is an influential person of the 20th century because of his determination to play, success in the NBA, and the legacy he left. Michael Jordan was a

  • Michael Jordan's Basketball Hall Of Fame

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    and Jasmine. Jordan was given one of basketball’s greatest honors: being inducted into the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame, in April 2009. In 2010, Jordan became the majority owner of the Charlotte Bobcats and serves as the chairman of the team. Beside his work with the Charlotte Bobcats, he is also involved with a few business ventures, including several restaurants. Additionally, Jordan did a lot of charity. He hosts the annual golf event otherwise known as the Michael Jordan Celebrity Invitational

  • Short Story Spunk

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    inlcudes how the treatments from her stepmother and being driven away from her home. made her feel as though nobody should remarry. zora was very angry about it. later thier was talk of this black bobcat around lena and spunk house. the black bobcat howled, spunk goes to get his gun to shoot it, but the black bobcat looks him square in the eyes. it makes spunk very nervous. zora wants to get revenge so this her way of saying that revenge will be mine. im not afriad of you any more. spunk clearly says that

  • The Museum of Contemporary Art Detroit (MOCAD)

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    there are some pieces of art was walk-trough art. The artists idea was to take found materials and utilitarian objects to propose creative solutions to complex problems. The art named The Neighborhood Machine 2010 1996 773 Bobcat is an example of industrial design. The bobcat is a moving sculpture and parts are functional. The other exhibit is Latoya Ruby Frazier Mother May I which is photos and video of the artists grandmother, mother and herself. The photos show real and raw emotions of the artists

  • Michael Jordan: More Than Just Basketball

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    Not only the best basketball player that the bulls have had on there team but he was also an actor, olympic athlete, and a businessman. On the day of February 17, 1963 in Brooklyn, New York a new legend was born, his name was Michael Jeffrey Jordan. Or what people liked to call him as Air Jordan or MJ. He was the best basketball player anyone has seen in that time. In his earlier life before becoming famous he had grew up in North Carolina. As a kid his father had said that he had always had a problem

  • Burmese Python Affecting The Everglades

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    can eat a lot by itself, but then you multiply that by tens of thousands, mass amounts of animal life goes down. The newspaper said,”With no natural predators, these eating machines appear to be wiping out huge numbers of opossums, raccoons, and bobcats, as well as many bird species.” This shows that the tens of thousands of Burmese pythons living in the Everglades are having a mass effect on the animal species living in the Everglades. If the Burmese pythons problem does not go away, it may lead

  • Mary Kate Smith Research Paper

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    named as an honorable mention on the NJCAA All-American team this season. In her one season at Jones County, Smith scored 21 goals, 18 assists, and a total of 60 points for the Bobcats. Her statistics ranked 15th in the nation and 2nd in the Mississippi Association of Community & Junior Colleges and Region 23. The Bobcats were ranked 11th in the nation and finished the regular season 15-2. Smith was voted to the MACJC All-Star game and won the most valuable player award after scoring two goals and

  • How Does Verbally Change In Spunk

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    A person’s perception of a situation, may be changed by the context of how others portray it to them. A persons feelings may be easily manipulated by the words of another if not in the right state of mind. Verbally, a person is able to bring out certain emotions that may not be of their usual nature. A persons persona, in some cases, is also able to shape the way others around them feel. For example, in the short story “spunk” written by Zora Neale Hurston, the main character, Spunk, was able

  • Michael Jordan: The Legend

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    and Virginia. However, there was one college that stood out to him. In 1981 he accepted a scholarship to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill... ... middle of paper ... ...official owner. Jordan is still the present owner of the Bobcats. Jordan also is the owner of Jordan brand company which manufactures clothes and shoes. In April of 2009 Jordan received the most prestigious award; He was inducted into the Hall of Fame (Michael Jordan). Works Cited Christopher, Matt. Michael

  • Conflict in Spunk

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    deeper into the text you will find the issue of love; two men fight over the woman they are in love with. More specifically, Spunk the protagonist of the story battles the ‘spirit’ of Joe Kanty. Spunk seems to slowly almost go insane, for seeing bobcats to Joe’s ‘spirit’ pushing and killing him. The major conflict in Spunk is the two main male characters fighting over the love of Lena Kanty. The character Spunk is in love with Lena but she is married to Joe. Spunk still struts around town with

  • Where The Red Fern Grows

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    “A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes hard work, and determination.” Colin Powell In the story Where the Red Fern Grows by Wilson Rawls the theme of the novel is that hard work pays off. In this book the main character Billy wants coon dogs really bad, but he can’t afford them. In the text Billy has a conversation with his grandpa. “A year passed. I was twelve...Another year crawled slowly by, and then the day came… I had it --my fifty dollars.” (Rawls 21) This quote explains

  • The Complexities and Benefits of Hunting

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    Everybody has different opinions on if hunting is a good thing or a bad thing any more. In my opinion hunting is a good thing in life to do. Not just for the fun of doing it and to pass time with. But there are many good outcomes that come from hunting. Major reason just to be outdoors and active,which is what are world lacks. Hunting is also a big thing for many people for their families to eat during the winter months and we'll also other months but mostly in the winter. The only bad part of hunting

  • Personal Narrative: My First Job

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    I make my money from lawn care and and small jobs. My very first job was working with my neighbor helping him around his property. I started out by just raking and picking weeds, but I soon learned many to do new tasks. When my neighbor bought a bobcat zero-turn ride-on lawn mower, he should me how it runs and how the grass should be cut with it. My first cut on the mower did not end so well, I finished most of the lawn and