Best, worst and average case Essays

  • Bubble Algorithm Essay

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    In general, if we have list of n elements, we will have the following list, (n-1) + (n-2) …. + 2 +1 = (n-1) n / 2 comparisons. The complexity here based on quadratically(degree 2) in n. For Best Case: The time complexity of the best case scenario is O(n). For Worst Case: The time complexity of the best case scenario is O(n2). Note: The Bubble sort is not efficient, there are other sorting algorithms that are much faster. Assignment#1.2: Q- Discuss the Complexity of searching algorithms. Complexity

  • COP 3530, Discrete Data Structures and Algorithms, Summer 1999, Homework 1

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    101], then the maximum would be 101. The best case (least work) in the preceding algorithm would occur when the maximum of the n-element sequence is the first element of the sequence. Where is the maximum located for the (a) worst case, and (b) average case? Support each answer with a proof, not just an example. Alternatively, you could assume that the maximum was not known beforehand, and a)-b), above might be easier...Either assumption is o.k. o Case 1: Maximum unknown a priori -- You have

  • Proposal of a New Sorting Algorithm

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    applications are in file systems, sequential and multiprocessing computing, and a core part of database systems. A number of sorting algorithms have been proposed with different time and space complexities. There is no one sorting algorithm that is best for each and every situation. Donald Knuth in [1] reports that “computer manufacturers of the 1960s estimated that more than 25 percent of the running time on their computers was spend on sorting, when all their customers were taken into account. In

  • Big O Notation

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    large n) grows not faster than g(n) (give or take a constant factor). The order of growth of t(n) is not larger than g(n). When put in terms of order of growth, f = O(g) is like "f <= g." When two searching algorithms are compared, both the worst and average time is O(n) for a sequential search and O(log2 n) for the binary search. (Sestoft, p. 110) Big-O notation is concerned with what happens for very large values of N, therefore only the largest term in a polynomial is needed. All smaller terms

  • Kraft Foods: The Coffe Pod Launch, Case Topic

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    KRAFT FOODS: THE COFFEE POD LAUNCH CASE TOPIC Geoff Herzog is the product manager for coffee development at Kraft Foods Canada. After reviewing successful results of single-serve coffee pod systems, he wondered whether it would be successful in other areas. It was July 6, 2004, and Herzog had just learned that Kraft Foods North America was planning an aggressive launch of coffee pods in the United States. He then had only a month to decide whether or not the company should proceed with a simultaneous

  • Algorithm Research - Quicksort

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    ‘Quicksort’. Quicksort is a popular and speedy sorting algorithm that is the multi-purpose, sorting algorithm of choice for many mathematicians and computer scientists. Though of course the choosing of an algorithm comes down to which algorithm is best suited to the clients needs, and is dependent on the specific set of data to be sorted, Quicksort has proven to fulfill the required criteria on many occasions. C.A.R. Hoare developed the Quicksort algorithm in the year 1960, while he was working

  • Analysis Of Knuth Morris Pratt Algorithm

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    Algorithms 1. Brute-Force Algorithm: Introduction: Brute force is a straightforward approach to solve a problem based on the problem’s statement and definitions of the concepts involved. It is considered as one of the easiest approach to apply and is useful for solving small - size instances of a problem. In computer science, brute-force search or exhaustive search, also known as generate and test, is a very general problem-solving technique that consists of systematically enumerating all possible

  • Financial Case Study: Tremont

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    more appropriate to use Weighted Average Cost of Capital, as Tremont uses a mix of debt and equity. Next, given that Tremont has two mutually exclusive options for what to do with their property, it is important to review the different metrics we have calculated and focus on which is the better approach for Tremont. While EAA is calculated in the analysis, the equal timelines of the two mutually exclusive projects are the same, so EAA is largely irrelevant in this case. Additionally, the CFO’s requested

  • Nordstrom Case Summary

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    operation in the United Kingdom, the five showroom like brick-and-mortar locations are projected on average to generate $154.6 million in sales. This estimate is based on the European retail sales average of $773 generated per square foot of retail space (Phipps, 2017). However, the best-case scenario would be a 20% growth in sales per square foot, to generate $185.6 million in sales. Conversely, the worst-case scenario would be a 20% reduction in sales per square foot, to generate $123.6 million in sales

  • The Difference Principle

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    principle or the maximin rule. In accordance with this principle, all income and wealth is to be distributed equally unless the unequal distribution is to everyone's advantage. Rawls holds the ideal political theory. I believe that this is in fact the best principle in which we should live. When viewing justice as fairness, this outcome will be the most favorable for all parties involved. In this society everyone benefits, so even if there are slight inequalities, the end result will come out better

  • Wildwood: One Of The Best Restaurant In Brisbane

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    Australian Good Food and Travel Guide has selected Wildwood as one of the best restaurant in Brisbane.

  • Real Teammates in the Game of Basketball

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    satisfaction of just being on the team, “Jankin’ Jersey” give little or no effect. They will not go hard at practice or work outside of practice to get better. They have no desire to get better when they can be great and play. They are fine with being average. For instance, Lazy Larry comes to practice every day. He does just enough to get through practice. He does not try to be first in sprints or get on the court to scrimmage first team. It is always the bare minimum for him. The “Jankin’ Jerseys” are

  • Robber Barons

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    The Robber Barons, as they were called, were the kings of American Industry and American Society during the late 1800's and early 1900's. Rich beyond the average man's wildest dreams, these industrialists were often criticized for their philosophies and their ways of making money. Robber Barons can also be viewed as immoral, greedy, and corrupt, and the evidence to support such a view is not difficult to find. Bribery, illegal business practices, and cruelty to workers were not uncommon in this period

  • A Career In Pediatric Oncology

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    oncology.” (Stanford). You will first complete the required medical program and then begin on your residency and during that time you will begin to specialize in Pediatric Oncology. The Council of Pediatric Specialties gives a look into what an average work week looks like for Pediatric Oncologists. “The majority of pediatric Hematologist/Oncologists work more than 40 hours per week and hence those considering this career should be prepared for hard work both during training and beyond” (CoPS).

  • Marshall Metro High School Case Study

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    The case study titled "School Officials from Marshall Metro High School Attempt to Motivate Students & Teachers to Achieve Higher Performance" is about the different ways the school system used to motivate the students to come to school (Kinicki & Williams, 2013, p.405). It is also a good example of how rewards and behavior can affect the outcome of the situation. The case study starts out with telling you about a simple phone call (Kinicki & Williams, 2013). This call was a wake up call to a habitual

  • COP 3530, Discrete Data Structures and Algorithms, Summer 1999, Homework 4

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    Class Notes: Data Structures and Algorithms Summer-C Semester 1999 - M WRF 2nd Period CSE/E119, Section 7344 Homework #4 -- Due Wed 16 June 1999 : 09.30am -- Answer Key Answers are in blue typeface. * Question 1. Write pseudocode and a diagram that shows how to implement the merge part of the merge-sort algorithm using two stacks (one for each subsequence), and be sure to use the correct ADT operations for stacks. Do not write Java code, or pseudocode for merge-sort. Answer: 1. Put

  • Hurricane Sandy: Flood Prevention In New York City

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    Since 1900, New York City’ s average annual temperatures, measured from Central Park,have increased by over 1.67 degrees Celsius, and the sea levels surrounding the cities have risen by over a 30 centimeters. In addition, sea levels could rise additionally up to 2 meters by 2100 (Gerken, 2015). Resultantly, more extreme precipitation events are expected to occur in the future, such as hurricanes and flooding. Currently, 11 percent of the city’ s area is currently included in the 100-year flood plain

  • Seagate Case Study

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    serving both highly standardized products and high end differentiated product Seagate managed to maintain adequate sales while foreseeing a steep decline in the disk drive industry product cycle. However, by being its own supplier, Seagate has above average CAPEX and variable costs, 2 indicators we shall pay close attention to as they essentially pertain to our buyout

  • Health And Physical Health

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    field that is studied in order to protect and promote the general wellness for all individuals in the population. Physical health, specifically, is an aspect of every individual that is essential to have at its best. Thus, in order to provide not only the best physical health, but also the best mental, emotional, social, and behavioral health, public health officials and other members in the public health field work vigorously in order to comprehend the health situation of every social group in society

  • The Cloning Debate Essay

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    is the consequences that result from the use of such power that is the truly the harmful part. The ultimate evils are our separation from God and the harm we do to others. Due to our flaws, humans are not capable of handling the power of God. The worst part is that the evil is masked by the promises of a better