Batman: The Animated Series Essays

  • Batman: Mask of the Phantasm - A Critical Review

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    Batman: Mask of the Phantasm This paper will break down the elements of the critical process using the three critical methods that were discussed in class. Also included in the paper will be the notes that were taken from the conversation I overheard at Hardees, about the movie “Batman: Mask of the Phantasm” between Seiter, Thompson, and Meehan. This critique will discuss the several components to each of the three critical methods including cultural codes in the movie, gender roles, and advertisement

  • Harleen Quinn Research Paper

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    such as “Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker” and the retelling of Mr. Freeze’s origin in the Batman animated series. She was modelled after one of Dini’s friends, Arleen Sorkin, from Days of our Lives. He even borrowed some personality traits from Sorkin and allowed her to voice the character. Unlike most comic book characters, she was introduced on a television series and then later added to the comics as she rose in popularity. Her first appearance is on the television series, “Batman: The Animated

  • Harleen Quinzel Character Traits

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    be viewed as such, Harleen Quinzel’s life is anything but funny. She was first created as a simple character by Paul Dini and Bruce Timm and was meant to be a one time appearance as the Joker’s sidekick in the episode “Joker’s Favor” in Batman: The Animated Series. Fans quickly fell in love with her playfully charming characteristics so she was soon developed into a deeply complex character with a past and a storyline. Unfortunately, her lovable persona serves mainly as a cover up for the true trauma

  • Examples Of Redemptive Violence In Harley Quinn

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    ones who usually use redemptive violence in their stories to develop their characters. It is not surprising that that even villains are made to follow this trope to develop their characters. Harley Quinn is a villain who first appeared in “Batman: The Animated Series.” She became quite popular and it is no surprise that fans want to see her character development. While she is becoming her own person in comic books, she often must use violence to bring order to her chaotic life. Before I can explain how

  • Harley Quinn's 'Deadshot'

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    “Harley Quinn nice to meetcha! Love your perfume! What is that the stench of death?” After the release of Suicide Squad its been all anyone can talk about. Halloween comes around and all you see are mini Harley Quinn and Jokers running around the city. Directed by David Ayer this 2016 science fiction film is sure to bring all your DC fanfictions to a whole new level. U.S. intelligence officer Amanda Waller (Viola Davis) assembles a team of 6 Supervillians to fight the meta-human threats of

  • Argumentative Essay On The Joker

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    madness” (Camp et al, 2010). The president of DC comics is not the only one that keeps coming back to The Joker. Audiences around the world are captivated by his character. Unlike any other super hero movie, the villain gets just as much attention as Batman. The Joker is such a complex and intricate character that his victims and audiences are easily influenced by his actions but even more manipulated by his

  • Harley Quinn Essay

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    Harley Quinn, issue 16, the third installment of the story arc: Domination Abomination. I think the highlight is the gorgeous team up of Harley, Power Girl and Atless. Having a team up of all superhero women is exceptionally rare. I am loving this series, it has a lot of uncommon moments. And art has a way of always breaking boundaries. That is post-post-modern art. In addition, the love Harley shows is wonderful, she’s practicing self-care, in the previous issue she says “keepin’ busy” is the best

  • Good And Evil In Society

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    The Nature of the Good and Evil in Society A society is an environment where different types of individuals live together in a more or less ordered community. The conception that some people are good and some are evil is what establishes a society. Evil without good has no interpretation. Likewise, good without evil has no meaning because it lacks opposition. They are inseparable; both coexist because without the dynamics of good and evil, there would be no use of heroes to guide our society.

  • Batman Theme Song 'Jason Todd: Under The Red Hood Tribute'

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    1. Original Batman Theme song ( I would include this song because it would bring the intro to the book alive restoring the feel of watching the show and reading the comics. I actually listened to it while reading the book and it gave me more excitement about reading a book than i have ever felt. When i read the book I actually did research on the topic in the book. This is the only book i have ever done that with. Just listening to it gave me a new found

  • Creative Writing: Wonder Woman

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    Diana turned around suddenly at the new voice in the batcave, amazed that someone had managed to sneak up on her. A young man, fully suited as Robin, stood nearby and hesitantly offered information. She smiled shyly, trying to play a part, as Batman introduced her as an alli. She'd heard Cassie talk about Robin and a few of the other Titans, but Wonder Woman had always brushed it off as childish musings. There was nothing childish about the man in front of her and she could see why Cassie constantly

  • Jokers Venom

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    well-known venoms portrayed in Batman’s comics/films. Since 1940, Jokers Venom has been a part of Joker’s arsenal making it’s first appearance in Batman #1. When someone is to breathe the Joker Venom or gas , it kills its victim quite rapidly ,finalizing with a sardonic, vicious smile on his/her face. On one of the episodes of an animated series of Batman , The Laughing Fish , the venom was injected into the fish along into cats to attack the target and conduct the venom. In Jeph Loeb’s and Tim Sale’s

  • Why Is Batman Really Happened In The Mid-1980s?

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    Universe’s animated productions – especially the Batman films. Much of my dismay stems from the usage of Damian Wayne, who, for all intents and purposes, is little more than a modern version of what Jason Todd, should have been when he was introduced in the mid-1980s. To be frank, he’s a sniveling little brat that needs to die... Oh wait, he already did (in the pages of Batman Incorporated) – and then he was brought right back. But, I digress… When we last saw Damian Wayne (Batman vs. Robin)

  • Research Paper On Batman

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    of Batman, and the various characters in the film. I love how the movie uses flashbacks in a story, the characters usually remember an event while at the location of where it happened. These events usually happen before their eyes and they are always an important integral to the plot of the film. Adding to the list of excellent things about this film are the voice cast. This movie opted to not use any of the cast from the animated series and I did not mind it. Bruce Greenwood plays a Batman that

  • Batgirl Thesis

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    Cape And Cowl: A Look At What ‘Batgirl’ Could Be About Caution! This article contains minor spoilers for the 2017 WonderWoman Film #Batgirl is just as important to the Batman universe as well, Batman himself. With this year’s #SDCC come and gone, it was only a matter of time before got information on upcoming film projects. It was announced that #Avengers director and creator of #BuffyTheVampireSlayer, #JossWhedon would be taking on the long rumoured film project, Batgirl. Whedon is no stranger

  • How Do Movies Change Over Time

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    such as, the original Batman cartoon vs the new movies. Batman has been a very iconic

  • Persuasive Essay On Batman

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    which discusses the TV show Batman to be very interesting. Gould talks about how the show was a comedic representation of the 1960’s. I have personally never seen an episode of the show. However, I have seen the original batman movie and I have to say that I thought it was so cringe worthy that I could not watch any more than that. The show does have its charm, but I just can’t get past how corny it is. I much prefer the darker and more serious interpretations of Batman. And I am apparently not alone

  • Animation: The Silent Age

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    Have you ever once seen an animated TV series or movie and wondered when animation first started? Well animation, like or many other things had to start somewhere, which for animation started at the Silent Age, to the Golden Age, to the Dark Age, from the Renaissance Age, and finally the Millennium Age, which is today. Before animation for came to be it had to start from the very beginning like many other things, this age where animation all came to be had begun in what is known as the Silent Age

  • Batman Character Analysis

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    Batman is one of the most complex and interesting characters in fiction created in the last 100 years. Created by Bob Kane and Bill finger in Detective Comics Issue 27 in 1939 Batman is seen as the worlds second Super-Hero debuting just a year after Superman who had debuted in Action Comics Issue one the previous year which Kick started off what is known as the Golden Age of Comics. Since then Batman has been in movies whether its the Tim Burton films of the late eighties to the early nineties or

  • Batman Hero

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    been a fan of Batman. Ever since I first discovered the character when I watched his animated series as a child, I have been obsessed with him. Hours of my childhood were spent watching him solve mysteries and fighting villains on television. As a child, I loved the costumes that he wore, the villains that he fought, and the gadgets that he used. However, today I love him for another reason. I love Batman because he has impacted me more than any other superhero has. Initially, Batman began to have

  • Comparing The Joker's Girlfriend: How Harley Quinn Of Crazy To Sweetheart

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    More Than Just The Joker’s Girlfriend: How Harley Quinn When From Quinn Of Crazy To Sweetheart Who doesn’t love a good supervillain? Superman had General Zod and Lex Luthor. Flash has Reverse Flash and Zoom. Green Arrow has Deathstroke. Who does Batman have? His supervillains of choice include Joker and his nutty girlfriend Harley Quinn. Best known as the Joker’s ‘other half’, Harley was introduced to audiences in 1992. Her debut came in the #BatmanTheAnimatedSeries episode Joker’s Favor[1]. In