Background radiation Essays

  • How Can X-Rays Harm The Human Body

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    “will I be affected by the x-ray?” or “will I get cancer?”, “how long will it take” “are x-ray’s safe?”, the list goes on and on. So in this paper we will talk about different types of radiation affects such as affects on children and pregnant women as well as some things that may help reduce some of the radiation that may harm the human body. In dentistry there is a need for taking an x-ray, the x-ray is a way to help the dentist diagnose a patients oral hygiene and to see if there are any other

  • CMBR

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    My topic is on Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (CMBR). It is a really low glow of light that fills the Universe. It could only be detected by using a radio telescope. When you look up at the night sky all you could see is the stars and the darkness behind it so when you use a radio telescope you could see some kind of glow in the sky instead of blackness. It is an afterglow made by the Big Bang and it left the CMBR behind as evidence. Long ago before the stars and planets were formed, the

  • The Origins of the Universe

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    scientists can picture a hot, violent beginning to the universe. Furthermore high temperatures from the start give an explanation to the high amount of helium and even the existence of deuterium. Moreover, scientists were able to detect the faint radiation from the big bang. The theory that the universe began with a big bang is essentially conclusive and may prove to be one of the greatest astronomical discoveries of mankind. Works Cited Big Bang: How Did the Universe Begin?" Ugcs

  • Short Biography: The Life And Biography Of George Smoot

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    mission to provide answers to how the universe began, how it transformed, and how will it continue in our future. Planck’s goal is to measure the remnants of radiation that filled the universe, CMB, with even greater accuracy than the COBE satellite. Smoot Became involved with Planck since its inception in 1992, it held the Cosmic Background Radiation Anisotropy Satellite (COBRAS) that led to a more definitive examination of CMB. George Smoot’s discovery of the blackbody form and anisotropy of CMB, has

  • The Big Bang Theory

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    universe is thought to have come from a singularity which is said to have a extreme heat in it, it was believed that there should be a background heat still in existence in the universe. In 1965 two radio astronomers, Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson, discovered a 2.725 degree Kelvin (-454.765 degree Fahrenheit, -270.425 degree Celsius) Cosmic Microwave Background radiation (CMB) that is spread out across the universe. This is believed to be remnants of the extremely high-temperature from the big bang.

  • The Big Bang Theory: The Theory Of The Big Bang Theory

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    The Big Bang Theory according to National Geographic was a massive blast that had occurred 10 to 20 billions of years ago. It allowed all the universe’s known matter and energy, including space and time to evolve from an unknown type of energy, that has only been unraveled up intill the big bang. The theory believes that at the instant of that very second after the big bang had happened, the universe started to increase at an unclear rate of speed, that has not never been recorded. From what was

  • Essay On The Big Bang Theory

    533 Words  | 2 Pages

    is continually expanding. The big bang theory has evidence to support it. An example of this evidence is the cosmic microwave background. The cosmic microwave background was discovered in 1964. The cosmic microwave background is radiation left over from the beginning of the universe or the big bang. This background is important because the radiation is the type of radiation that was seen at the beg...

  • Technology's Role in Unraveling Cosmological Mysteries

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    something that he could not see was there, causing this; he dubbed this dark matter. However, Zwicky was ridiculed for this idea. In the 1960s, Kent Ford designed what is now called a spectrograph, a device that disperses electromagnetic radiation, making the radiation visible to the user. This innovation allowed Ford and Vera Rubin to observe the orbital speeds of stars and gases in galaxies from different distances from the central black hole of that galaxy. When doing so, Rubin observed that the

  • Reasons Supporting the Existence of the Big Bang Theory

    612 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Big Bang theory states that although the universe is currently cooling and expanding, the universe was once much hotter and smaller. The most compelling evidence for the proof of the Big Bang theory are the movement of distant galaxies, the expansion of space time, and the hydrogen and photons in the universe. A spectrometer is used to measure the movement of distant galaxies. The spectrometer can measure the type of atoms the light was produced from, how bright the light is, and if the light

  • The Big Bang Theory: The Beginning Of The Universe

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    The big bang theory reveals the beginning of the universe. It states that the Universe was formed about 14 billion years ago for a giant explosion of very dense and hot matter which then expanded and as it expanded, it started to cool down by going through different transitional phases. Since, it has been expanding. The Big bang theory has the answer of every creation in the universe. The big bang theory states, all the matter that are present in the universe came to existence at the same time of

  • Weaknesses of the Big Bang Theory

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    other galaxies were moving from earth at a high speed in different directions. This theory was further boosted by the Arno and Penzias Wilson’s discovery of cosmic microwave radiation, which is believed to be the tangible remnant leftover light from the big bang. According to this theory the universe, all of its matter and radiation was compressed into a hot, dense mass, which was very small. However, the theory states that there was a blast which enabled all of universe’s matter and energy to spring

  • The Big Bang Theory of the Origin of the Universe

    2982 Words  | 6 Pages

    INTRODUCTION Since the beginning of time, people have wondered about why we are here, how we got here, and where we came from. Although many of these questions have not been answered, the question of where the universe we see today came from has been answered, or at least answered as well as possible with the technology available. Currently the leading theory for the origin of the universe is the Big Bang theory. Although some scientists still dispute this model for the development of the universe

  • History of the Big Bang Theory

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    makes its own predictions regarding the exact distribution of fluctuations of the cosmic microwave background, which have so far been confirmed, though complete confirmation will have to wait until the MAP and FERMI satellites become operational later in this decade. The bottom line is that historical sciences (in this case, cosmology) can make testable predictions: the existence of background radiation and its properties, the distribution of light isotopes, the presence of galaxy evolution, the age

  • The Big Bang Theory

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    The Big Bang Theory Why is the Universe expanding? What is Cosmic Back Ground Radiation (CBR)? There are many questions asked about our Universe, which we know so little about. Scientists, in their attempt to answer these and other confrontations, have found one idea that seems to explain much of what we don't understand: The Big Bang Theory. An explosion of incomprehensible speed was the beginning of our known Universe and existence. At that time matter as small as the head of a pin inflated

  • The Expanding and Accelerating Universe

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    In 1998 The Accelerating expansion of the Universe was discovered by two competing groups of scientists called the Supernova Cosmology Project and the High-Z Supernova Search Team that were led by Saul Perlmutter, Adam Reiss, and Brian Schmidt. And In 2011 they were awarded noble prizes in physics for their discovery of the accelerating expansion of the Universe. They did so by applying new technologies like computers and digital cameras to study and measure the spectrum and brightness of the light

  • Cosmological Theory Essay: The Big Bang Theory

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    caused a big “bang”. To current cosmological theories was the event that caused the universe. There are abundant pieces of evidence that support the Big Bang Theory, including redshift of galaxies and an expanding universe, cosmic microwave background radiation, and the abundance of elements from the Big Bang. The first piece of evidence

  • Big Bang Theory

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    amounts of protons and neutrons at this stage; approximately 1 for every one billion photons, neutrinos or electrons (Maffei). The density of the Universe in its first moment of life is thought to have been 1094g/cm3 with the majority of this being radiation. For each billion pairs of these heavy particles (hardens) that were created, one was spared annihilation due to particle-antiparticle collisions. The remaining particles constitute the majority of our universe today (Novikov). During this creation

  • Essay On The Big Bang Theory

    699 Words  | 2 Pages

    the big bang theory. Second the big bang theory explains the “Abundance of helium and other nuclei like deuterium in the “Abundance of helium and other nuclei like deuterium in the universe. Third astronomers could not actually see the comic background radiation. The last evidence concluded the theory of the universe beginning that Stephen Hawking said “It is discovery of the century if not of all time. According to the big bang theory they say that universe began by expanding form “Infinitesimal volume

  • Pros And Cons Of The Big Bang Theory

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    The Big Bang Theory is “the beginning of space, time, matter, energy and the expansion of the Universe.” The Universe started off as a small point in the middle of nowhere. It was around ten billion degrees less than a second after starting. As everything expanded and got pushed apart, it all started to cool down. As the particles formed together, they created atoms. Over time, the atoms grouped together so much that they started making stars and galaxies. After an even longer time, the atoms started

  • Essay On Big Bang Theory

    660 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Success of the Big Bang Theory At the beginning of time, there was nothing. In a sudden “bang”, the entire Universe and all of the energy in it began to expand outwards from one point. According to many scientists, this is how the Universe began. This theory is known as the Big Bang theory, and it is one of the most widely accepted explanations for the origin on the universe, both among scientists and ordinary people. Part of the theory's success is the strong evidence supporting it; however