Artemis Fowl: The Lost Colony Essays

  • Artemis Fowl Chapter Summary

    1009 Words  | 3 Pages

    Book review -Artemis Fowl This book is set in many different places but the book starts out in Ho Chi Minh City. The next and most significant place we arrive at is Haven, the “New York” for the Fairies. The most noteworthy place we read of is Fowl Manor, the very place where almost all of the action of this book takes place in. Of the many major characters the main character would have to be Artemis Fowl, a teenage mastermind who figured out how to steal heaps of gold from “The People” a group

  • Artemis Fowl Essay

    1015 Words  | 3 Pages

    I have recently read a book, Artemis Fowl, by Eion Colfer that I want to share with your book club. Artemis Fowl is a book that transports you to a whole new world, a world filled with fantasy and excitement. This book was published in Ireland by The Viking Press on April 26, 2001. This book’s main character is the 12 year old child genius, Artemis Fowl II, Artemis is very observant as it is made clear in the first chapter as he recognizes that a man is lying through his first meeting, in which his

  • Book Review

    874 Words  | 2 Pages

    My book, Artemis Fowl: The Eternity Code takes place in Ireland and Chicago, during the year 2005 or so. The main characters are Artemis, the boy genius, Butler, his special-forces black belt bodyguard, Holly, a three-foot-tall fairy with, yes, magic, a dwarf with a special talent for burrowing underground, due to his species’ special physical attributes that allow them to ingest several kilos of dirt a second, strip it of any beneficial minerals, and eject it forcibly out the back end. The first