Alphonse Bertillon Essays

  • Alphone Bertillon's System

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    Alphonse Bertillon was born in Paris on April 24, 1853. He was the son of the distinguished physician, anthropologist, and physician, Louis Adolphe Bertillon ( Young Alphonse was seen as hopeless through his fathers eyes. He often suffered from migraine headaches, and nosebleeds, and was very shy and lacked social skills. However, the young Bertillon was not a complete loss, he was an intellectual who had a thirst for knowledge and shared his father's interest in statistics and anthropology

  • The Progression of Forensic Art and How it can be Used

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    forensic art and how it can be used by modern law enforcement. The precursor to modern forensic art has its start in Alphonse Bertillon’s anthropometry. “Mr. Alphonse Bertillon, (born April 23, 1853, Paris—died Feb. 13, 1914, Münsterlingen, Switz.), chief of criminal identification for the Paris police (from 1880) who developed an identification system known as anthropometry, or the Bertillon system, that came into wide use in France and other countries.” (Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc., 2013) His system

  • Al Capone Biography

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    “By Instinct Capone Was A Heartless Mindless Killer” Considered the most notorious gangster in history, Alphonse Capone, otherwise known as Scarface Al, was born in New York, 1899, in a small apartment in the Williamsburg section of Brooklyn. Having many run-ins with the police growing up, he was always around the local street gang led my Johnny Torrio. After beating one of his sixth grade teachers, he quit school, and quickly learned the way of the streets, joining the Torrio gang, call the James

  • Frankenstein: Shelley Use of Mascuine and Feminine Roles

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    with her husband, which renders Victor’s irresponsibility in abandoning the creature more unforgivable. She ‘possessed a mind of uncommon mould’ which was also ‘soft and benevolent’; she is compared to a ‘fair exotic’ flower which is sheltered by Alphonse; she drew ‘inexhaustible stores of affection from a very mine of love to bestow’ on Victor, and her ‘tender caresses’ are some of his ‘first recollections’. She is the idealised mother, a figure that Shelley viewed wistfully, as her own mother died

  • Al Capone

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    His name was Alphonse Capone. His background, along with thousands of other Italians, the Capone family moved to Brooklyn. It was a new beginning in a New World. The Capone’s were a quiet and peaceful family. Nothing about the Capone family was disturbed, violent, or dishonest. The children and the parents were close. They really enjoyed baseball and were often at games. There was no mental disabilities, no traumatic event that sent the boys into the dangerous life of crime. They did not display

  • Alphonse mucha - Cigarette Job

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    Cigarette Job - Alphonse Marie Mucha The purpose of this Essay is to discuss an example of design from the late 1800s, I will relate it to the social, economic, technical and cultural context of that time. . I intend on delivering details of the artist and his life experiences as well as his style and possible interests. I will also evaluate the subject with my own opinion, likes and dislikes, with comparisons of work and artists from within that period up to the present date The design I have

  • Cardinal Richelieu

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    suffer from various maladies for the rest of his life. Armand was extremely intelligent and at the age of nine was sent to College de Navarre in Paris. Originally, Armand was to have had a military career and his older brother Alphonse was to have a religious life, but Alphonse suffered mental problems so, at the age of seventeen, Armand began to study theology seriously, in order to keep the Bishopric in the family. Armand's mother had fought hard for this title and would not let it go easily. He took

  • Al Capone Biography

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    handshake, which if you did not play your cards right, could turn out to be fatal. It took 500 gangland murders to make Capone the boss of Chicago. He was public enemy number one. Capone single handedly gave Chicago the nickname “The Lawless City.” Alphonse Capone was born in Brooklyn, New York, on January 17, 1899. He grew up in a very rough neighborhood and became a part of two gangs during this time. He was a very bright kid, yet he quit school in the sixth grade at age fourteen. He worked several

  • Alphonse Scarface Capone

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    Alphonse “Scarface'; Capone BACKGROUND INFORMATION Alphonse Capone was born on January 17, 1899. He grew up in rough neighborhood in Brooklyn, NY where he would attend school only up to the sixth grade, when dropped out. Capone got his nickname “Scarface'; from a knife attack by the brother of a woman whom Capone had insulted. The attack left him with three scars across his face and a new nickname. Capone joined his first gang when he became part of the James Street Gang, headed by the

  • Discrimination in Harrison Bergeron, after you my dear Alphonse, and The Lottery

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    Discrimination in the Short Stories, Harrison Bergeron, after you my dear Alphonse, and The Lottery The trait of discrimination is the basis for the stories, Harrison Bergeron, after you my dear Alphonse, and Lottery. Discrimination is when someone is hated or acted upon negatively for the reason of race, sex, or nationality. In the short stories the author's feelings of discrimination are expressed through the characters differently. In these stories the author has his own feelings and thought

  • The Man Behind the Lines

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    A man of innovation, style, and creator of labyrinthine masterpieces in all media, Alphonse Mucha is often named the greatest and most influential Czech artists. As one of the fathers of Art Nouveau, Mucha developed a reputation with his posters, architecture, jewelry and sculpture that had never been seen before; a complex weaving of lines and pastel colors featuring voluptuous women and a harmony that can only be described as: Mucha style. His graphic designs and posters often hold the limelight

  • Ergonomics

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    Ergonomics can be described as a science which is primarily concerned with the relationship between people and their workplaces. Essentially, it’s a discipline which incorporates the knowledge based on physical limitations and abilities as well as any other relevant human characteristic related to workplace design (Salvendy, 2012). Ergonomics helps ensure that the interaction with both technical and psycho-social environments is fundamentally seamless. This paper evaluates a workplace from ergonomic

  • FullMetlal Alchemist and Daoism

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    Alchemy Real Alchemy and the Alchemy used in Fullmetal Alchemist both start with similar bases, Chemistry. Though, in Fullmetal Alchemist the use of chemical science is only scene a few times, for example when Edward and Alphonse were attempting to bring back their mother, but even if not shown the thought is still there in the Law of Equivalent exchange. In the scene I stated above, they used a series of elements that a human body is made up of, they then mix these ingredients to help with the bases

  • Comparison Of Alphonse Mucha And Gabriel Moreno

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    I have decided to carry out my Personal Investigation researching into the work of both artists, Alphonse Mucha and Gabriel Moreno. It is said that Mucha was and still continues to be one of the most important artists prior to World War I which has therefore influenced me to research further into his work as an artist. What I admire most about this particular artist is in my opinion Mucha chose this specific style to show that during the 19Th Century, traditionally women of the higher classes tended

  • The Field of Ergonomics

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    Background The field of ergonomics stresses the idea of designing the perfect product for people so that whenever the people interact with the product, they are having a beneficial experience and their health and safety is protected by the shape and design of the product. Not only is ergonomics focused on protecting the body, it is also focused on protecting the cognitive abilities (the mind). Therefore, companies should all have ergonomic or human factor departments within their organizations

  • Alphonse Bertillonage Essay

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    Alphonse Bertillon and the Discovery of the Bertillonage System Have you ever wondered who aided in the discovery of identifying the criminals of today? A French man by the name of Alphonse Bertillon who was born on April 24, 1853, is to be acknowledged for his great work. Bertillon was the son of a man named Lois Adolphe Bertillon who was a physician and statistician. Although Bertillon has greatly contributed his techniques to science, he faced some difficulties before his discoveries. Bertillon

  • Crime Scene Photography

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    evidence to capture some of the most horrific criminals. There were over 70 collections ranging from the 1850’s where the first mug shot was taken by the French, to present day crimes scenes. There were numerous images shot by French Photographer Alphonse Bertillon who was noted for creating the first mug shot which is now being used around the world. On Amongst the collection was the documentation of the reward photo created by American photographer Alexander Gardner in 1865 for the arrest of the criminal

  • Cesar Lombroso Research Paper

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    skinned, obviously a very biased opinion of what criminals are identified. Even though Lombroso’s work was repudiated he did spawn more work in finding a systematic form of personal identification leading to the innovations of Alphonse Bertillon to Law Enforcement. Alphonse Bertillon was a French Police clerk who wanted to end the problem of repeat offenders traveling from area to area and causing crimes here and there with no consequence do to the fact of there not being a way of identifying they were

  • Disadvantages Of Biometric Technology

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    Biometric technologies “Biometrics is certainly the most secure form of authentication, it's the hardest to imitate and duplicate." - Avivah Litan By Jacky Mai The term biometrics is comes from the Greek words bio “life” and metrics “measurement”. Biometrics are unique physical characteristics that can be used for automated recognition, this can range from any physical feature on your body including your eyes, nose, face. In 1858, “William Herschel was working for the civil service

  • History of Fingerprinting

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    Crime investigators have the job to solve crime and find the suspect responsible. Sometimes the offense is very difficult to solve, but with the right pieces of evidence and tools, the investigation can be answered a little more easily. The use of fingerprints is a main tool used at crime scenes. Investigators find these at the actual crime scene and analyze them at the lab to determine whom the prints belong to. Each person has an individual print which is why this is a very useful piece of evidence