Alabama Essays

  • Alabama Industrial Boom Essay

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    and limestone and producing iron in north Alabama during the 1800s had a tremendous impact on Alabama’s economy of the time. It provided opportunity for the expansion of the railroad and work. Cities were born around this industrial boom. All of these things encouraged economic growth in Alabama during this time. Alabama: A Documentary History to 1900 states “it is a truism that the Civil War altered the economic life of the south” (Griffith, Alabama: A Documentary History to 1900). Before the

  • A Visit to Florence, Alabama

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    people call it home. Florence, Alabama is located at the foot of Muscle Shoals on a hill overlooking the Tennessee River. Life is simply beautiful in Florence, from the beautiful University of North Alabama campus to the historic downtown area to the view of the Tennessee River. Florence is one of the oldest cities in Alabama being established in the early 18th century. But how did this historic city begin and grow into what it is today? The land of Florence, Alabama used to belong to the Chickasaw

  • Point Clear, Alabama

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    For many, the quaint town of Point Clear, Alabama represents the Old South rooted in tradition, charm, and grace. Halfway down the bay and nearly hidden among oaks adorned with Spanish moss, Point Clear was founded in the early 1800s. Today, the city continues to honor its role in the Civil War, perpetuates the memories of its residents, and evolves as a greater and better place. Following the coast line, early Spanish explores first discovered Point Clear situated on the Bay of the Holy Spirit

  • Letter Written By MLK From Birmingham City Jail, Alabama

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    serving as president of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, an organization operating in every southern state, with headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia. We have some eighty-five affiliated organizations across the South, and one of them is the Alabama Christian Movement for Human Rights. Frequently we share staff, educational and financial resources with our affiliates. Several months ago the affiliate here in Birmingham asked us to be on call to engage in a nonviolent direct-action program if

  • Alabama Sky

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    Blues for an Alabama Sky was written by Pearl Cleage in 1995. Cleage was interested in portraying the lives of African American musicians, artists, and social activists in Harlem during the era of the Harlem Renaissance and the Great Depression. The Harlem Renaissance is an important part of the history during the play. The Harlem Renaissance was a period that began in the 1920’s which lead into the 1930’s. The southern African American s were moving towards the north in the United States in order

  • Persuasive Essay On Crime

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    probable cause, the officer will then search the vehicle and often times finds the individual in possession: We 've got some low amounts that will get you a misdemeanor arrest and low amounts that will get you a felony arrest," Rizzardi acknowledged of Alabama laws. "All I 'll say is that somebody who uses a lot of marijuana or drinks alcohol uncontrollably and gets behind the wheel – let 's say at the corner of University Drive and the Parkway – my vantage point has to be the safety of the public in general

  • George Wallace

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    George Wallace Former Gov. George C. Wallace of Alabama, who built his political career on segregation and spent a tormented retirement arguing that he was not a racist in his heart, died Sunday night at Jackson Hospital in Montgomery. He was 79 and lived in Montgomery, Ala. Wallace died of respiratory and cardiac arrest at 9:49 p.m., said Dana Beyerly, a spokeswoman for Jackson Hospital in Montgomery. Wallace had been in declining health since being shot in his 1972 presidential campaign

  • The Life of Nelle Harper Lee

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    of Nelle Harper Lee On April 28, 1926 in Monroeville, Alabama, Nelle Harper Lee was born to Amasa Coleman Lee and Frances Finch Lee. Along with her siblings, Alice, Louise, and Edwin, Harper was educated in Monroeville Public Schools before going on to attend Huntingdon College in Montgomery, Alabama. After a year at Huntingdon, Lee decided to follow in the footsteps of her father and began studying law at the University of Alabama in 1945 [2]. She left there to study abroad at Oxford University

  • Selma March

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    law on your side, but we have morality on our side” (Martin Luther King Jr.). Dr. King fought the long and hard battle in Selma, Alabama with a non-violence policy. Dr. King planned a protest march from Selma to the state capital of Montgomery, 54 miles away. King began the march on March 7, 1965. He organized a group of 600 people, but they were denied access by Alabama state troopers. The troopers hit them with whips, nightsticks, and tear gas limiting their ability to breathe. The powerful force

  • Brief History of George Strother Gaines

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    wife of fifty-six years. Gaines went through many trials and tribulations throughout his life and will always remembered as a true statesman for both the states of Alabama and Mississippi. III. After reading this journey of a man who was born in North Carolina, raised in Tennessee, and became a statesman for both Mississippi and Alabama, I honestly believe I have learned a lot about a great and knowledgeable man. Before reading this book, I had no wisdom of this man nor his accomplishments. I had

  • A Comparison Of Harper Lee And Truman Capote

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    expressed it,” (Shields). This passage refers to Harper Lee and Truman Capote. Each known as brilliant writers who are well established in the world of literature. The two were childhood neighbors and close friends, growing up together in Monroeville, Alabama (Shields). They kept this friendship even as adults, but they did have thier differences. While Capote welcomed fame, Lee ran from it, which may be part of the reason they drifted apart later in life (Keneally). Even though their friendship was not

  • Martin Luther King’s Letter from Birmingham Jail

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    response to an editorial addressing the issue of Negro demonstrations and segregation in Alabama at the time. He writes in a way that makes his argument approachable; he is not attacking his opposition, which consists of eight Alabama clergymen who wrote the editorial. This is illustrated in his opening sentence: “My dear Fellow Clergymen” (464). King was an activist for civil rights during this time, and came to Alabama to help out his fellow brothers that were facing opposition. He was concerned with

  • Analysis Of Bad Blood: The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment

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    Introduction The book, Bad Blood: The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment, by James H. Jones, was one of the most influential books in today’s society. The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment study began in 1932 and was terminated in 1972. This book reflects the history of African Americans in the mistrust of the health care system. According to Colin A. Palmer, “James H. Jones disturbing, but enlightening Bad Blood details an appalling instance of scientific deception. This dispassionate book discusses the

  • F Scott Fitzgerald Research Paper

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    literature and artwork help defined the roars twenties. Zelda Sayre Fitzgerald was born on Tuesday, 24 July 1900, to Minerva Bucker Machen Sayre and Anthony Dickson Sayre in Montgomery, Alabama. Her mother named herself “for a myth, was known locally as an avid reader” (Cline 1). Her father on the other hand was an “Alabama Supreme Court Justice” (Curnutt). Zelda was the youngest child to be born from her parents. Zelda went to Sidney Lanier High School in 1914. Zelda’s teachers found her to be mischievous

  • Mercedes Benz Advantages And Disadvantages

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    being offering incentives and packages towards MNC aggressively since economic growth is the main priority of southern government. Alabama is one south-eastern state of USA, with estimation of 4,833,722 populations in 2013. Mercedes-Benz U.S. International (MBUSI) is the name of Mercedes-Benz manufacturing plant, which is located in Tuscaloosa County, Vance, Alabama. The subsidiary was established in 1993. Not only Mercedes-Benz, but also Honda, Hyundai, Toyota, and more than 300 companies invested

  • Character Analysis Of Tom Robinson In To Kill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee

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    be a “mockingbird” of the story. A mockingbird is unlike several other birds and never harms anyone, therefore should not be killed because it would be like killing peace. Tom is used in the novel as a mockingbird to show how the town of Maycomb, Alabama is racist. Scout becomes curious to why her father says it is a sin to kill a mockingbird, so she asks. Atticus tells scout, “Mockingbirds don't do one thing but make music for us to enjoy…but sing their hearts out for us”(Lee, 103). Atticus gives

  • Osceola Pros And Cons

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    young man. Osceola was born in 1804 on the outskirts of Alabama, Georgia in a small cabin; despite being birthed with the conviences of "modern society" him and his mother made their way back to their roots; however, it was short lived. After being pushed out of his Alabama homeland early on in his adolescence (circa 1814), him and his mother made haste, along with many other


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    chose politics as his way to rule over the people. In 1958, he entered the governor’s race and lost to his opponent. This overwhelming lost caused Wallace to “significantly adapt his socio-political ideologies to appeal to the state’s voters” (Alabama Governors, 2014). In other words, he changed his views when it came to racial and segregation related issues. His desire to win an election at all cost caused him to...

  • Moundville Burial Sites and Evidence of Social Stratification

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    About 800 years ago, a great civilization inhabited the land in west Alabama, located along the Black Warrior River, south of Tuscaloosa. It encompassed a known area of 320 acres and contained at least 29 earthen mounds. Other significant features include a plaza, or centralized open area, and a massive fortification of log construction. The flat topped, pyramidal mounds ranging from three to 60 feet, are believed to have been constructed by moving the soil, leaving large pits that are today small

  • Gender Equality In Harper Lee's To Kill A Mockingbird

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    When she stayed in Alabama, she lived with her sister who took care of her legal and financial affairs. Lee was very involved in her church and community and became famous for avoiding the press as a celebrity. She even went so far as to only donate to charitable causes if