Al Jolson Essays

  • Al Jolson's The Jazz Singer

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    On October 6, 1927, cinema was forever changed when Al Jolson’s voice pierced the audience attending New York’s Warner’s Theatre to view The Jazz Singer. “Wait a minute, wait a minute. You ain’t heard nothin’ yet” Jolson exclaimed to the audience, cementing the first synchronized vocal performance in the history of film; and there has never been another more fitting line of dialogue in any other film to this date.1 The impact of this film was so heavy; it received Academy Award nominations for best

  • Analysis Of Amy Hempel's In The Cemetery Where Al Jolson Is Buried

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    mean it doesn’t happen. In fact it happens every day through every hour; no rich, poor, healthy, or sick can escape it. The contemporary writer Amy Hempel gracefully writes about death between a friendship in her piece titled “In The Cemetery Where Al Jolson Is Buried,” showing a relatable situation everyone will undergo at some point in their life. Hempel’s relatability to the subject of death and reactions, unique style of characterization, and rhythmic balance display the great qualities that make

  • Features of Al-Masjid-Al-Nabawi Mosque

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    worship for practising Muslims where they can pray together. Al-Masjid-Al-Nabawi, also known as the prophet's mosque, is the second holiest mosque in the world and is the final resting place of the prophet Muhammad. The original mosque was built by the prophet himself. The mosque also served as a community centre, a court and a religious centre. The main religious texts provide no rules to what the mosque should look like. Al-Masjid-Al-Nabawi has gone under some major transformations form 629-1921

  • The Last Temptation of Christ

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    The Last Temptation of Christ by Martin Scorsese shows the life of Jesus Christ and his struggle such as fear, reluctance, depression, doubt, and fear. However, the movie departs from the accepted Biblical depiction of the life of Jesus Christ. In other words, the movie is remotely derived from the Gospel of John, Luke, Mark, and Mathew. The movie starts with the renunciation that it is not based on the above gospels. Instead the movie is derived from the book, The Last Temptation of Christ by Nikos

  • The Cause of the Endless Wars Against the United States of America

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    hatred that propelled the attack.  So, the remote sources of this aggression are so deep rooted and far more numerous that it would require a global dialog to prevent such a tragedy in future. Sources Cited and Consulted Bulliet, Richard W. et al.  The Earth and Its People:  A Global History.  2nd ed.  New York:  Houghten Mifflin. Shama Omar.  "Terrorist's Video Vows Insecurity for America."  The Star Ledger.  8 Oct. 2001:  1-9. Zakaria, Fareed.  "Why Do They Hate Us?  The Politics of

  • Effective Use of Conflict in Shakespeare's As You Like It

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    swept away as we are by the sparkling wit of the play, its numerous songs, and the use of stage spectacle (such as the masque of Hymen). But precisely what enables Arden to have such a profound effect on the visitors (Rosalind, Orlando, Duke Senior et al.) is the fact that it is a retreat from the "painted pomp" of the "envious court". The twisted morality of the court, where Duke Frederick hates Rosalind for her virtue, is very much necessary for the purpose of the drama of the play; it is only through

  • Comparing Boys and Girls by Alice Munro and A Clean Well-Lighted Place by Hemingway

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    metal placed under a piece of jewelry to increase its brilliance" ("Foil"). Thus when applied to literature, the term refers to "a character who makes a contrast with another, especially a minor character who helps set off a major character" (Barnett et al. 1331). For example, a foolish character may place a wise character's wisdom in a stronger light, or a cowardly character may make the hero's actions appear even more courageous. A foil is frequently an antagonist or confidant, but whoever the foil

  • Male Dominance Over Women Traced Back to Roman Times

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    conception (qtd. in Lefkowitz et al. 228). Plato asserts that because "all concoction works by means of heat" and "some of the body's parts are 'principles'" (qtd. in Lefkowitz et al. 229), a lack of heat will affect concoction which will, in turn, affect a principle body part. This is crucial to the development of the body as "once a principle has been 'moved' (i.e. changed), many of the parts which cohere with it must of necessity change as well" (qtd. in Lefkowitz et al. 229). Therefore, no heat in

  • The Pros and Cons of the Two World Wars

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    all, as Voltaire said, “No opinion is worth burning your neighbor for” (Bulliet et al. 468). One can never put the world wars into the black-and-white categories of ‘good’ and ‘bad’ into which they have often been placed. But it will be interesting to explore the positive and negative effects of the wars, which changed the world forever as shown in The Earth and Its Peoples: A global History by Richard W. Bulliet et al., historical films like History Channel’s Manhattan Project - The Century and Heritage:

  • A Poet Protesting the Persecution of the Palestinian People

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    A Poet Protesting the Persecution of the Palestinian People Poets from every part of the world from all times of history have written about the issues of oppression and hardships of unfairness and discrimination. It is easy to find writings and poetry by African Americans, Hispanics, Japanese, Chinese, and even Native American poets. These nationalities are very well represented when it comes to poets shouting of the unfair treatment of their ethnic group. However, to find poetry and poets

  • The 19th Century Aesthetic Movement

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    popularity was the Philadelphia Centennial Exposition of 1876. There, in numerous displays, many Americans, artists and craftsmen as well as the general public, were exposed to art objects from a great variety of nations and periods (Bolger Burke et al. 19). Most writers on the Aesthetic Movement agree that its roots lie in the reaction to Industrialization in mid-19th century England The movement incorporated both exotic and historical sources of design generally, the Japanese influence became the

  • The Food of the Gods

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    The Food of the Gods For over 2000 years, chocolate in its many forms has been enjoyed and its effects have been exalted. It was believed that the Mexican god Quetzalcoatl left the cocoa tree for the people. The Aztec emperor Montezuma is reported to have consumed 50 goblets of chocolate a day. It is called "the food of the gods," literally, as a translation of Theobroma Cacao, the cacao bean. (1). Such a title must imply that chocolate has some naturally occurring superior quality. Why else

  • Sports and Gender

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    Sports become stereotyped as gender-neutral, feminine, or masculine based on conceptions regarding gender, gender differences, and beliefs about the appropriateness of participation due to gender (Colley et al., 1987; Csizma, Wittig, & Schurr, 1988; Koivula, 1995; Matteo, 1986). Sports labeled as feminine seem to be those that allow women participants to act in accordance with the stereotyped expectations of femininity (such as being graceful and nonagressive) and that provide for beauty and aesthetic

  • Herto Homo Sapiens and the Origin of Man

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    Tim D. White’s (et al) article “Pleistocene Homo sapiens from Middle Awash, Ethiopia” describes the discovery of the Herto fossils and the research of the artifacts in great detail. The new discoveries raise many questions about the origin of modern man. Tim D. White, the project’s director claims that the Herto fossils prove that... ... middle of paper ... vii[7] White, T.D. et al. Pleistocene Homo

  • Triangle: The Fire That Changed America

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    On the afternoon of March 25, 1911, a fire broke out in the 10-floor Asch Building, a block east of Manhattan's Washington Square. This is where 500 mostly young immigrant girls were producing shirts for the Triangle Shirtwaist Company. Within minutes, it spread to consume the building's upper three stories. Firemen at the scene were unable to rescue those trapped inside: their ladders weren't tall enough. Exits were locked, and the narrow fire escapes were inadequate. Panicked, many jumped from

  • Biography of Albert Arnold Gore

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    her husband in the office. Al was their second child. He had an older sister Nancy who was ten years older than him. Albert Gore Jr. lived two different lives while growing up. During the winter months he lived with his parents in an apartment in the Fairfax Hotel. During the summer months and vacation he moved to the Gore's 250-acre farm in Carthage, Tennessee. When Al was young, he attended elementary school in Carthage until the fourth grade. After that, Al started at the St. Albans School

  • Investigating Skill Acquisition

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    the performers reaction” Movement time - the time between the first reaction to the stimulus and the completion of movement Response time - the time from the presentation of the stimulus to the completion of the movement” (J Stafford-Brown, et al, 2003) Therefore Response Time = reaction time + movement time In order to be a skilled performer the ability to combine quick reactions with quick movements is vital in order to be able to respond to stimuli effectively. For example in 100m

  • Primary Actors in International Society

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    After the end of World War II, two nations remained dominant: the United States and the Soviet Union. From roughly 1945 to 1990, The U.S. and the Soviet Union did not engage in direct military conflict, but they prepared for it. After massive military build-ups and periods of mounting tensions, the Cold War subsided as Communist regimes collapsed and Germany became whole again. Since then, emerging actors have joined states to collectively impact international society, and an important question

  • Faith and Politics

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    The Bush/Gore campaign has been very much influenced by religion. Joseph Lieberman, Gore’s running mate and the first Orthodox Jew to run for vice president on a major party ticket, has been extremely vocal about his faith. Both George W. Bush and Al Gore, a Methodist and Baptist, respectively, have also referred to their religious beliefs during this presidential campaign ("Anti-Defamation League Criticizes"), raising several questions about the part religious faith plays in presidential elections

  • Conflict in Iraq: Retribution for 9/11, or Grave Mistake?

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    However, instead of hunting down Osama bin Laden (the leader of the terrorist group al-Qaeda) or Mohammed Atta (mastermind behind the 9/11 events), the U.S. decided to hunt Saddam Hussein. Secretary of State Colin Powell (directed by the U.S. government) reported in a speech given on Feb. 5, 2003 that Saddam had both the materials and the means to create weapons of mass destruction and also had links to the terrorists in al-Qaeda ("The Path to War"). This declaration led the United States declaring on