Aftermath Entertainment Essays

  • Descriptive Essay Example: The Football Field

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    The Football Field The wheels on the bus went round and round, all the way to Paonia. The ten mile trip seemed to last forever. Whoosh, Whoosh was the only sound could be heard as the wheels ran through the new rain puddles that were created earlier that day. It was dead silent, you could have heard a pin drop. We all knew what was at stake. For each of us it was a different thing, but on both sides of the ball we knew that in order to have bragging rights for the rest of our lives this would

  • The Hoopster, By Alan Lawrence Sitomer

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    The Hoopster There lies a black teen in a parking lot, looking mentally and physically damaged. Andre is a black teenager who loves to play basketball. His best friend Shawn is white and his cousin Cedric, who is also black, are Andre’s teammates and are the people that he hangs out with the most. The Hoopster, by Alan Lawrence Sitomer, is an urban fiction novel that describes Andre’s life and his problems associated with racism. Andre is a gifted writer that is asked to write an article about

  • Crimebusters-Personal Narrative

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    “The fix really was quite easy,” he said, “You just had to snap off the front end, snap the ruler, stick part of the ruler underneath the front end and glue it all back together.” “Oh,” Chelsea and I said. And Mr. Wolfe told us to not panic, that we’d always done well and we know our team is very good. As soon as Mr. Wolfe had left with the machine and the car, I collapsed into my mom’s arms, sobbing, as we made our way to the exit. We had sealed the deal. Our team was doomed thanks to us. We had

  • Wed Frugality Essay

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    Weddings and Frugality *Note - I am currently working on a book that I have tentatively titled Wed Frugal. I did not want this book to turn into a clone of Bridal Bargains by Denise and Alan Fields. As a result, I no longer have a publisher. Regardless, I will likely finish the book in the fall/winter of this year and eventually try to find a publisher for it. My goal is to finish the book in the manner that I have always wanted to write it. Below, you will find an excerpt of the book: Weddings

  • Stan Poem By Eminem

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    “Man is not truly one, but truly two,” A split personality, completely distinctive from one another, coexisting in one individual. The song “Stan” by the American rapper Eminem creates a fictionalized dialogue between himself and a crazed fan named Stan. The song is an allegory expressing Eminem’s fear of losing himself to his alter ego ‘Slim Shady’ Which will eventually lead to his demise. The song is a series of messages in the form of letters between the fan and the artist. In the first verse

  • The Pros And Cons Of Temple Run

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    Like all parkour games, the primary playing method of Temple Run is crossing the obstacles and traps to continuous running. In this game, players control a character that is escaped from an ancient temple in the tropical rain forest and is caught up by a group of fiendish guards. The character is automatically run forward, while players need to control him to avoid the dangers in the run. However, it is quite difficult to get a high score without the use of some tips. The first major strategy I want

  • Eminem Research Paper

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    Eminem was born in Missouri, but his formative years were influenced by his life in the neighbourhood of Detroit. Having developed a passion for rapping, at a young age of fourteen, he began by attending local open-mic competitions with friends Mike Ruby and Proof. As he grew up, he formed a group of rappers called 'D12', which became quite popular with audiences. Soon, he caught the attention of famous record producer, Dr. Dre, and the two formed a long-lasting professional relationship. With Dre's

  • Young Thug Research Paper

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    He is engaged to Jerrika Karlae, who manages a swimsuit line. Thug is signed to 300 Entertainment in June 2014. He equally released the mixtape Black Portland with Bloody jay and some other artist. He also has interest on fashion. (, Net Worth and Source of Income Jeffery Lamar, aka Young Thug, is

  • Marshall Bruce Mathers III: The Rap God

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    Eminem truly is a Rap God. Works Cited "Eminem." Contemporary Musicians. Vol. 53. Detroit: Gale, 2005. Biography in Context. Web. 21 Nov. 2013. Eminem. “Cleanin’ Out My Closet.” The Eminem Show. Aftermath, Shady, Interscope, 2002. CD. Eminem. “Headlights.” The Marshall Mathers LP2. Aftermath, Shady, Interscope, 2013. CD. Reece, Rod. “Biography of Eminem.” IMDb., 2013. Web. 22 Nov. 2013.

  • Catherine Haunt's The Oregon Trail

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    In the game The Oregon Trail, the player tries to make the journey west for gold without their character dying. Just like the game portrays, the trail was a grueling journey to follow a dream. The trail was a game of reality for families moving west. The dream of striking god and being rich. Women tagged along with their husband’s on their journey for gold. The journey was long a difficult often leading to injuries and death. While on the journey women kept a feminine demeanor even though being faced

  • The Colonization of Hawaii and Tourism

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    beautiful beaches, crystal clear water, and fantastical women. This is the Hawai'i tourists know. This is the Hawai’i they visit. However, this Hawai'i is a state of mind, a corporate-produced image existing on the surface. More precisely, it is an aftermath of relentless colonization of the islands' native inhabitants by the United States. These native Hawaiians experience a completely different Hawai'i from the paradise tourists enjoy. No one makes this as clear as Haunani-Kay Trask, a native Hawaiian

  • Cause and Effect Essay - The True Cause of School Shootings

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    Most of us learned when we were very young that we should not judge by appearances. But, in the aftermath of massacres in schools everywhere, a sane person has to take seriously what the material world shows - and pass judgment. After all, a lack of judgment and subsequent action may lead to further youth violence. This event has been thoroughly dissected by a whole herd of politicians and pundits over a period of some months. But they have, unfortunately, failed to reach the heart of the matter

  • The Uplifting Tale of Today Will Be a Quiet Day

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    people coping with transition. Even its location in the table of contents under the heading "Childhood and Adolescent" (Barnet), implies that the story is not about death at all. A newly defined family, one man, a boy and a girl, is faced with the aftermath of divorce and explore among themselves the intricacies of life. The story gives us sublime but keen insight into the transition and adjustments these three people make in this story. The children’s transition is marked by a rivalry, one that

  • Symbolic Healing in Toni Morrison's Beloved

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    Symbolic Healing in Beloved Toni Morrison’s powerful novel Beloved is based on the aftermath of slavery and the horrific burden of slavery’s hidden sins.  Morrison chooses to depict the characters that were brutalized in the life of slavery as strong-willed and capable of overcoming such trauma.  This is made possible through the healing of many significant characters, especially Sethe.  Sethe is relieved of her painful agony of escaping Sweet Home as well as dealing with pregnancy with the help

  • The Character of Prospero in Shakespeare's The Tempest

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    The Character of Prospero in The Tempest The presence of Prospero is felt continuously in The Tempest, even in those scenes in which he does not appear personally. He is the manipulator of the action of the play, and occupies the center of the stage very markedly, especially if one compares his position with that of the central characters of, say, most of Shakespeare's history plays. For in the latter plays, England itself becomes the hero - the English crown, in its resistance to civil war

  • The Rise in Political Power of 17th Century England and France

    530 Words  | 2 Pages

    Monarchy in France increased greatly. These conditions were inspired by three major changes: the aftermath of the reformation, the need for an increased governmental financing, and the reorganizing of central governments. These three points were each resolved in a different way in both England and in France. The first major point which eventually increased political power was the aftermath of the Protestant reformation. In England, after the establishment of the separate Anglican church

  • The Coup de Grace

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    The Coup de Grace The short film, The Coup de Grace is a realistic war movie that illustrates the casualties of war. This film does not glorifies war, instead it gives a very realistic view of its aftermath. One of the many artistic techniques use in this movie is the illusion of action which is achieved by the quick movement of the camera. For example, the Captain at the beginning of his search is stationary and facing forward for a long time. As he is facing forward, the background is in motion

  • Laidlaw by William McIlvanney

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    who requires to be looked at and examined closely. Jack Laidlaw is a universe apart from other examples of detectives , he examines the more intriguing issues of how and why people can commit the reprehensible crime of murder and the harrowing aftermath of crime and violence. Jack Laidlaw can deeply understand people more than anyone could ever imagine. Jack Laidlaw is an odd sort detective, and this is an odd sort of novel. He lives and works in the gloomy, cheerless heart of urban Glasgow; and

  • Relationship between the Individual and Nature in The Open Boat

    553 Words  | 2 Pages

    Relationship between the Individual and Nature in "The Open Boat" From the beginning, the four characters in the aftermath of a shipwreck do not know "the colour of the sky" but all of them know "the colours of the sea."  This opening strongly suggests the symbolic situations in which human beings are located in the universe.  The sky personifies the mysterious, inconceivable cause of reality , which humans cannot understand, and the sea symbolizes the earthy, mundane phenomenon, which humans

  • Personal Narrative- Suicide Aftermath

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    Personal Narrative- Suicide Aftermath Some thoughts sneak into our mind without our knowledge, and some thoughts are already in our mind without our knowledge. Music either triggers this knowledge, or it draws the already present knowledge to the surface. For example, this morning was like any other morning. I got up, made the bed, fed the dog, and brushed my teeth while she ate. I got dressed and took her potty after putting on the same blue leash I have put on her every morning since she was