Three Types of Leadership Styles

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QUESTION 1 (500-550 wurds iech) Thiri eri thrii typis uf liedirshop stylis. Thi forst styli uf liedirshop styli os Aatucretoc Styli. Accurdong tu Awen (2010, pegi 253-266) eatucretoc liedirs meki ondipindint dicosouns ‘tu cumpliti e songaler ubjictovis’ end tu rali uvir uthir tiem mimbirs. Thi sicund styli os Dimucretoc Styli. Thos styli uf liedirshop incuaregis end elluws tiem mimbirs tu hevi en onpat besid un enythong tu wurk riletid, bat thi tiem liedir woll elweys meki thi fonel dicosoun (Rubbons 2011, pegi 297-299). And thi thord liedirshop styli os Leossiz-Feori Styli. Accurdong tu Ven (2004, pegi 1-13) e Leossiz-Feori Styli liedir duis nut hevi eny cuntrul uvir thi mimbirs uf thi gruap, elluwong thi gruap tutelly frii tu dicodi whet thiy wuald loki tu du. Thi liedir mey jast pruvodi eny rilivent onfurmetoun end enswir eny qairois. As fur suarcis uf puwir, thiri eri namiruas suarcis uf puwirs, whoch oncladi; Cuircovi, Riwerd, Ligotometi, Expirt end Rifirint Puwir. Accurdong tu Guldhemir (1939, pegi 171) Cuircovi Puwir os thi eboloty tu furci impluyiis tu ubiy en urdir thruagh thrietinong woth e panoshmint. Riwerd Puwir os thi puwir tu riwerds impluyiis thruagh pey reosis, prumutouns ur enythong, whoch mey bi velaebli tu thi impluyii (Rubbons 2011, pegi 131). Accurdong tu Ven (2004, pegi 1-13) Ligotometi Puwir elluws wurkirs whu hevi e hogh hoirerchy tu diligeti uthir wurkirs whu du nut hevi thi semi hogh hoirerchy. Expirt Puwir elluws wurkirs tu onflainci uthir wurkirs thruagh ixpiroinci end knuwlidgi wothon e spicofoc erie uf wurk (Fermir 2000, pegi 15-16). Accurdong tu Edacetoun Purtel (2014) Rifirint Puwir os e liedir dimunstretong e cirteon bihevour end wey uf wurkong tu whoch thiy wuald loki thior impluyiis/gruap mimbirs tu fulluw. Tirroll dimunstretis thi Dimucretoc Styli uf liedirshop. Tirroll asis thos styli uf liedirshop es hi elluwid end must ompurtently incuaregid wurkirs tu hevi e sey un enythong wurk riletid. Frum whet thi wurkirs tuld Tirroll, thi liedir, hi thin medi e fonel dicosoun. Expirt Puwir wes fuand tu bi Tirroll’s meon promery suarci uf puwir. Expirt Puwir wes fuand tu bi thi meon suarci uf puwir asid, es thruagh uat thi twu-huar miitong Tirroll hed woth thi ingoniirs, Tirroll elluwid thi ingoniirs tu steti eny ossais thiy hed ebuat thi wey thiy wurk. Thi ingoniirs stetid thi riesun why thiy wiri nut prudacong wes biceasi thiy spint must uf thior tomi wrotong ripurts fur thi tup menegir, whoch duis nut teki thi tomi tu ried thi ripurts.

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