Queen Elizabeth

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Her father and mother where King Henry VIII and Anne

Boleyn and had one brother and sister, Edward and Mary. But Queen Elizabeth had

troubles of her own. She was abandoned by her own father, locked away by her own

sister, but that didn’t stop her to become the greatest queen we know.

Elizabeth father had some crimes on his own. When Elizabeth was only three he

beheaded her mother, Anne Boleyn because she did not give him a baby boy; she gave

birth to a girl. Soon after Elizabeth wasn’t raised in a palace with her father she was sent

away. Fortunately, Elizabeth had many loving people look after her. (Eding/Harrison, 9)

She had a governess name Catherine but Elizabeth called her cat. Another important

person in her life was Roger Ascham, he was her private teacher. When Elizabeth was

thirteen, her father died and price Edward was only nine. Still, he became king of

England. Bur king Edward often lived sick, so he died at the age of fifteen. Next in line

was her sister Mary, she was thirty-seven years old when she became Queen of England.

Though Mary made trouble in England. She grew up Catholic but many people including

Elizabeth where Protestant, and many people were scared she may change religion. And

though she did, because she married Prince Philip of Spain and he was too Catholic. She

insisted that everyone else in England be Catholic as well. Those who didn’t obey could

be put to death. During her rule, more than 250 people were burn to stake.

(Eding/Harrison, 15) Mary believed that her sister Elizabeth was practicing the Protestant

religion in secret (Robert, 13) and that she was plotting to be queen, so she threw

Elizabeth in jail. At first Elizabeth didn’t want to go because she knew there was no

escape. So she sat down on the cold, wet floor. For two months Elizabeth stayed locked

way not knowing if she will live or die. She would write letters to Mary asking for

innocence, but Mary would ignore. Finally Mary released Elizabeth . Still, she had to live

in house arrest for a year at a nearby palace. (Eding/Harrison,17) As for Queen Mary she

was desperately trying to have baby because she wanted her to make sure her loved one

rule. But unfortunate she did not have any kids so next line was Elizabeth.

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