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Marxism is a principle based approach to International Relations. This essay looks at the core principles of Marxism and the popular theories that have stemmed from Karl Marx’s initial ideas. By gaining a thorough understanding of Marxism and Neo-Marxism it will then be easier to critically evaluate how useful the two approaches are. The analysis of the 2008 Financial Crisis and the Democratic Republic of Congo shows how Marxism can still be considered relevant today.

In order to critically evaluate Marxism and its relevance it’s important to have an in-depth knowledge of the principles of Marxism and some of the key Neo-Marxist theories it inspired. Marxism is the brain child of Karl Marx (1818-83). The ideals of Marxism were influenced by the conditions of the working class of the nineteenth century. It puts human suffering and class poverty at the centre of analysis and explanation of world systems. In this respect it regards classes as the ‘key’ actors in International Relations and as class conflict as the main form of conflict opposed to war or economic competition.
Marx’s work after 1857, in close collaboration with Friedrich Engels, concerned the nature of capitalist societies in relation to their economic abilities. Marx developed the ‘labour theory of value’ . He viewed the ways in which goods are produced and the conditions under which they are produced as ‘modes of production’ . He argued that the difference between what workers produced and what they were paid was called surplus value. Profit was defined by Marx was surplus value gained from the exploitation of labour from the working class.
He believed that ‘capitalism was driven by the accumulation of surplus value’ . Marx believed that economic forces drove a...

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...s remain trapped in this cycle as they are dependent on the rich as explained in paragraphs above. Neo-Marxism is used to describe the inequalities prevalent in the poorer countries in a globalized world. World Systems Theory can be consider relevant in the way it has the ability to explain the inequality of states through the concept of core’s exploitation of periphery states as discussed above.

In conclusion, following an in-depth analysis and critical evaluation of Marxism and Neo-Marxism it is easy to agree with the belief that Marxism to an extend is relevant today through its legacy’s such as World Dependency Theory, whilst many argue that Neo-Marxism’s ability to adapt will continuously create relevance it is important to note that adaptation at a faster rate is the only way Neo-Marxist will be able to be considered relevant to the next mode of production.

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