volunteer paper

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Mission Statement, Goals and Purpose Mission Statement The organization’s mission is to create a secure home for foster children. It aims at ensuring that kids live in a nurturing environment. Goals The goal of “A Kid’s Place” is to formulate, carry out and monitor programs that improve residential nurturing for foster kids. Purpose The purpose of “A Kid’s Place” is to give residential facilities to youngsters that the social service moves away from their homes for the reason that their parents have abused or neglected them. These children range between zero and seventeen years old. The services being provided in the residential homes should improve the social, learning and psychological requirements of the foster child. The organization’s purpose is also to make sure that children from the same family are kept in one home as they look for a permanent home for them. The requirements of a new home are stability, safety and comfort. Interview During my time in the volunteer program at “A Kid’s Place”, I cross-examined Susan Stagon. Susan is the program’s director of the organization. She is a licensed clinical social worker. Through the interview, she told me that there were stringent requirements one had to meet before getting this LCSW license. One requirement is that one has to hold a Master’s Degree in a relevant field. She told me that she had a Master’s Degree in Social Work and had ten years experience in the sector. An addition, she took short courses in human sexuality, substance abuse and dependency, child abuse assessment and reporting, spousal assessment and long-term care. Susan had vast work experience both in supervision and supervised work. Susan told me that LCSW license also requires one to go through a standard... ... middle of paper ... ...e culture. It greatly improved my communication skills. Although I spent a lot of with children, I had regular interactions with foster parents, child support officials and house parents. I learnt to communicate properly with children and with adults. Mrs. Stagon also taught me to manage budgets. She taught me how to get funds and then channel them to the most productive projects. The volunteer program also helped me to get valuable contacts and network extensively. These contacts helped me understand the benefits of social work and the rewards it brings. They gave me information about the opportunities available in similar organizations. I am now certain that I will secure a job before even graduating. This is a great achievement. Voluntary work helped give me insight on my career. I have decided to enroll for a Masters Degree in Social Work in the next two years.

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