trademark infringement

621 Words2 Pages

To begin with, a “trademark” may refer to any word, name, symbol, device or combinations thereof used by merchants or manufacturers of goods and services to identify these specific goods and services, as well as to distinguish them from others offered in the course of trade (____________________________).
Upon registering a trademark, the mark is in fact established. This process is essential in granting the owner the exclusive right to using the trademark, i.e. the right to prevent all third parties who do not have the owner’s consent in using the trademark within the course of trade. Establishing and registering trademarks has several purposes. Firstly, it helps consumers in differentiating between inferior, counterfeit goods and services that appear to originate from the original merchant. This prevents them from deception. Secondly, trademarks protect the owner’s investment in reputation and therefore protect the businesses with which they are associated with (________________________). Once they are registered, trademarks are valid for ten years from date of applic...

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