the shocking change of teenagers

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Have you ever noticed all the different changes of this generation? And parents had been wondering happen to this generation. As if there is a huge gap with our generation and their generation. It is very clear a lot of things have changed today. Everywhere you see is a change from the material things like cell phone and iPod or the newest fashion. due to technological advances a lot of things have change and these changes is good however there are things that went overboard and it is getting out of hand as teenagers today have a lot of negative changes in terms of behavior, values and preferences compared to the older generation.

According to the Wordbook dictionary “the word change comes from the old French word changier, from late latin cambiare, from latin cambire “to exchange barter”, of Celtic origin from proto-Indo-European base kamb, “to bend”. But the modern definition means an event that occurs when something passes from one state or phase to another. my definition of change means modifying the old things into new something new or something different than the usual or doing something different that is not being done to this time or becoming different in some particular way, permanently losing one’s or its former characteristics or essence, for example of my definition of change: teenagers before are well mannered unlike the today’s teenagers today became spoiled and unruly.
One of the negative changes of the teenagers today is the change of behavior. One example of the changes of behavior of teenagers, teenagers of today are more lenient in their studies compared to the older generation. And two reasons to prove why teenagers of today are more lenient in their studies, the first reason why teenagers of today are more l...

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.... And it is not too late to change that as early as now we might fix or change the negative changes of behavior, values and preference, before things gets worse. Since this youths are the next future leaders of the world.

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(2010, Feb 22) institute of global ethics. “Big Changes in Tweens and Teens’ Attitudes and Values over Two Decades” Retrieve from

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