There are many perception and judgement toward “social problems”. Henshel (1990) argues that social problems are social factors that adversely impact significant numbers of individuals in a similar way, but not all stressful conditions defined as social problems (pp. v-4). According to Moulder (2000) social problems are socially constructed by interaction of people with another in society as they define something as a problem and how they will regconize nature of the problem (p. 3). Social problems are also refer to behavior and condition that fail to comply with existing norms and values found in society (Long, 2012). One of the major social problems is baby dumping. The baby dumping is referring to discarding or leaving alone a child less than 12 months of age in private setting or in public with the intent to dispose of the child. In community, teenagers always seen to be involved in this situation. Common scenario related to teenagers that leads to baby dumping is the teenage parents give birth, usually in motel or bathroom, and leave the baby for dead in dumpster or in the toilet. Dianne Hubbard (2008) who studied on baby dumping and infanticide stated that the teenagers or young mothers may feel overwhelmed by idea of parenthood and may have difficulty coping with the drastic and emotional changes they are experiencing leads to the decision of committing the baby dumping. Besides, fear that they unable to provide for the child and shame of having given birth outside of marriage also factors for such act. However, none of those feeling can be excused for the abandonment or murder of a child. Children supposedly are gifts to be treasured, not as problems to be thrown away. Another type of social problem is poverty. Poverty ... ... middle of paper ... ...y and unsafe sex must be avoided. One should remember that prevention is better than cure. Since social problems related to negative affect to certain people, therefore white collar crimes also type of social problem. The term white collar crimes widely known today. As mention by Friedrichs (2010), the term white collar crime was introduced by Edwin H. Sutherland in 1993 although the crimes has been detected well back in history (pp. 2-3). Some prefer to define white-collar crime as violations of criminal law. In Adam’s (2011) view, this type of crime refer to non-violent crime usually done by a respectable and higher status individuals and institutions such as embezzlement, fraud and corruption which are motivated by financial gain (p. 1). According to cases took place in Malaysia, it had recorded losses of RM 6 billion once regarding to this crime (Adam, 2011).
A social problem is an issue that is defined by society to be exactly that; an issue. This can range from issues such as murder; which is commonly agreed on in Australia, or to issues such as smoking or loud music being played in parks, where only certain individuals in society see it as a problem. Unemployment in Australia is considered to be a social problem, due to it affecting around 6 percent of Australia’s population (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2014). If unemployment only affected a few people then it could be said that those individuals being lazy or could not hold down a job, but due to it affecting a majority of society it then becomes a social problem.
White collar crime is a term created by Edwin Sutherland in 1939 that refers to crimes committed by people of higher social status, companies, and the government according to the book “White-Collar Crime in a Nutshell” by Ellen Podgor and Jerold Israel. White collar crimes are usually non-violent crimes committed in order to have a financial-gain (Podgor and Israel 3). A very well known white collar crime that has even been taught in many history classes is the Watergate scandal. This is a white collar crime that was committed by government authorities. Watergate was a crime that shocked the nation.
Gusfield, J. (2011). How Do We Decide What are Social Problems? Retrieved April 6, 2011 from
White-collar crime is the financially motivated illegal acts that are committed by the middle and upper class through their legitimate business or government activities. This form of crime was first coined by Edwin Sutherland in 1939 as “a crime committed by a person of respectability and high social status in the course of his occupation.” (Linden, 2016). Crime has often been associated with the lower class due to economic reasons. However, Sutherland stressed that the Criminal Justice System needed to acknowledge illegal business activity as crime due to the repercussions they caused and the damage they can cause to society (Linden, 2016). Crime was prevalently thought to only be
White collar and corporate crimes are crimes that many people do not associate with criminal activity. Yet the cost to the country due to corporate and white collar crime far exceeds that of “street” crime and benefit fraud. White collar and corporate crimes refer to crimes that take place within a business or institution and include everything from Tax fraud to health and safety breaches.
White collar crimes do not garner as much media attention as that of violent crimes (Trahan, Marquart, & Mullings 2005). This is an odd fact because white collar crimes cost society much more than violent crimes do (Messner & Rosenfeld 2007). While there are many different definitions for white collar crime, Schoepfer and Piquero describe it as a nonphysical crime that is used to either obtain goods or to prevent goods from being taken (2006). People who commit these crimes are looking for personal or some sort of organizational gain and are being pressured to be economically successful from the idea of the American dream. The authors suggest that there are two types of people who commit crimes, those who have an immense desire for control and those who fear losing all they have worked hard for (Schopfer & Piquero 2006). Both groups have different reasons for turning to crime, but both groups commit the crime to benefit themselves. It was found that higher levels of high school drop outs were directly correlated to levels of embezzlement in white collar crime (2006). Because they are drop outs, they are less likely to be successful legitimately and turn to crime more often than their graduate
This course has taught me very valuable things regarding sociology overall, but its focus on the processes of social problems has been of the most particular importance over the semester. The different types of problems identified in the book, as well as their subjective reparative measures, have opened my eyes up for the future. Although only my first sociology class in high school, this course introduced me to all the terminology and background information needed to advance in the study of social problems.
While reading over the guidelines for this essay, I wondered what exactly was meant by a social problem. I wasn't sure if it just meant a problem societies face as a whole or if there was some other terminology behind it, so I looked up social problems as a term. After reading several definitions, I combined a few into a single definition. Social problems are issues that effect each individual member of a society either directly or indirectly...
The two aspect that would consider to a be a social problem is personal troubles and public issues. This key understanding educated C. Wright Mills' fantastic refinement between personal trouble and public issues. According to Mills’ definition and description that personal troubles allude to issues that influence people and in addition different individuals from society and normally point the finger at people for their own failings. For example dietary issues, separation, and unemployment. Public issue, whose source lies in the social structure and culture of a general public, allude to social issues that influence numerous people. In this way social issues represent singular issues. Mills felt that numerous issues customarily thought to be
In America, one million teenagers get pregnant every year (National Abortion Federation, 2003). Of these pregnancies, 78% are unplanned because these teenagers start having sex at a very young age and are unaware of ways to prevent pregnancies. Thirty-five percent of the pregnant teenagers chose to abort, as they fear that the consequences of the pregnancy might have significant effects on their lives. The problems that come with teenage pregnancies include dropping out of school, receiving inadequate prenatal care, developing health problems, relying on public assistance to raise a child, and probably divorcing their partners. In most states, the law allows pregnant teenagers to take their babies for adoption without consulting their parents.
Kids are prone to sexual materials at an early age because they are immersed in the fascinating world of social network. This scenario leads to myriad of social vices including baby dumping. One of the reasons to implement sex education is the surge in number of baby dumping cases in Malaysia. This issue is becoming chronic day by day as it is in increase every year. Twenty six baby dumping cases were reported nationwide in the first quarter of this year. New born babies found alive or dead in most unlikely places like rubbish dump, public toilets, litter bins, side drains and so on. The most anguish fact is that majority involved in baby dumping cases are teenagers. Engaging in unprotected sex before marriage without any planning, unreported rape cases, sex before marriage and also prostitution are few of the undeniable reasons of this baby dumping cases. Many teens who fall into promiscuity, and eventually reach a dead end to find herself with unwanted pregnancy. In desperation, they have to discard their babies and their immature mind makes them to adopt baby dumping as the easiest option because they see the baby as a burden.
Kids are prone to sexual materials at an early age because they are immersed in the fascinating world of social network. This scenario leads to myriad of social vices including baby dumping. One of the reasons to implement sex education is the surge in number of baby dumping cases in Malaysia. This issue is becoming chronic day by day as it is in increase every year. Twenty six baby dumping cases were reported nationwide in the first quarter of this year. New born babies found alive or dead in most unlikely places like rubbish dump, public toilets, litter bins, side drains and so on. The most anguish fact is that majority involved in baby dumping cases are teenagers. Engaging in unprotected sex before marriage without any planning, unreported rape cases, sex before marriage and also prostitution are few of the undeniable reasons of this baby dumping cases. Many teens who fall into promiscuity, and eventually reach a dead end to find herself with unwanted pregnancy. In desperation, they have to discard their babies and their immature mind makes them to adopt baby dumping as the easiest option because they see the baby as a burden.
social problems are inevitably subjective, and that a more valid definition could be sought in
Fraud and white-collar crime are common forms of crimes that people commit in various aspects and positions in the corporate world. Fraud and white-collar crimes have similar meaning as they refer to the non-violent crimes that people commit with the basic objective of gaining money using illegal means. The cases of white-collar crimes have been increasing exponentially in the 21st century due to the advent of technology because fraudsters apply technological tools in cheating, swindling, embezzling, and defrauding people or organizations. White-collar crime is a complex issue in society because its occurrence is dependent on many factors such as organizational structure, organization culture, and personality traits. Thus, the literature review examines how organizational structure, organizational culture, and personality traits contribute to the occurrence of white-collar crimes.
The crux of the matter here regards the awareness of a social condition as a problem (Ferreira 2005:87). The presence of a social condition and any possible problem associated with it is not enough to signal a social problem. Group perception of a social condition as a threat is key. That is, the consequences of a given social condition are perceived to be problematic. The interesting facet about perception is that it is subject to change and finds itself at the mercy of context. A social condition perceived to be a problem of today may have been dismissed as inconsequential a couple of centuries ago. Just as a social condition perceived as unproblematic today may be judged as problematic in the future. This is not to suggest that the awareness of a social condition as a problem only moves in one direction, indeed, what was once conceived as a social problem may later become a norm.