realism report

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“You cannot convince people to love you. This is an absolute rule. No one will ever give you love because you want him or her to give it. Real love moves freely in both directions. Don't waste your time on anything else” (Ghatourey). This is a simple quote, yet it is true to life. It constitutes realism merely because it is practical. Realism is practicality. Although realism is truthful to actuality as a unit, the definition of realism contains diverse clarifications. The authors Henry James and Joel Chandler Harris illustrate the different interpretations of realism through their work.
There are countless definitions in regards to realism. Some are universally accepted more than others. The interchanging views unaccompanied, demonstrate the different methodologies of examining the subject matter. Lathrop states:
Realism sets itself at work to consider characters and events which are apparently the most ordinary and uninteresting, in order to extract from these their full value and true meaning. It would apprehend in all particulars the connection between the familiar and the extraordinary, and the seen and unseen of human nature. Beneath the deceptive cloak of outwardly uneventful days, it detects and endeavors to trace the outlines of the spirits that are hidden there; tho measure the changes in their growth, to watch the symptoms of moral decay or regeneration, to fathom their histories of passionate or intellectual problems. In short, realism reveals. Where we thought nothing worth of notice, it shows everything to be rife with significance (Lathrop).
This sums up one idea of realism as shown in Daisy Miller. In Daisy Miller, the thing that "ultimately matters" is Winterborne's attempt to determi...

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...fe exudes various elucidations.

Works Cited

Works Cited
• -- George Parsons Lathrop, 'The Novel and its Future," Atlantic Monthly 34 (September 1874):313 24.
• Ghatourey, Ritu .’Realism Quotes”. SerachQoutes. web.09.Feb.2014.
• Harris , Joel Chandler, How Mr. Rabbit Was Too Sharp for Mr. Fox, translation, Uncle Remus Tale. web.08.Feb.2014
• “Daisy Miller". Henry James. The Norton Anthology of American Literature. 8th ed. Gen. ed. Nina Baym.Vol. A. Norton, 2011. Web. 09 .Feb. 2014.
• "Realism." Def. 3. Merriam Webster Online, Merriam Webster, n.d. Web. 09 Feb. 2014.

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