psychological perspectives

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Psychodynamic approach
Sigmund Freud’s theory of personality was the first and main influence for the development of Psychodynamic perspectives. Freud discussed about instincts, anxiety, and defense mechanism, levels of personality, structure of personality and psycho sexual developments of a child. Freud believed, the childhood experiences will affect to lead the future life. Freud’s psychotherapy is called psychoanalysis. After Freud’s personality theory was developed by neo Freudians like Carl Jung and Alfred Adler, Anna Freud. Carl Jung focused on the ego, the personal unconscious and collective unconscious, extraversion and introversion and archetypes. Alfred Adler presented the ideas on Superiority complex Inferiority complex social interest, psychological types, faulty life styles and the Birth order.
Freud’s psychoanalysis theory has criticized because Freud used case studies, clients’ experiences to explain the theory; Freud failed to prove the theory through a scientifically acceptable method and keep verified accurate data record. Researchers have found every child has not gone through a sex experience in the child hood.
In modern psychology, Freud’s psychoanalisis method is used slightly by therapists. because understanding of client’s background and his feelings are helpful to therapist to decide client’s mental state. Therapists let clients to speak on past experiences, people who are related to the client and dreams to expose the clients mind. (Hook n.d.). For an example: In 20th century, Psychoanalysis was used in 20-30% for therapies related to mental disorders. (Tuckett/Psychology the science of mind and behavior ‘The science of psychology’2005 cited in Passer, and Smith 2001:9).
Jung’s analyzing methods are st...

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...xplain freedom and personal growth of a human and called as the third force of psychology. Client centered therapy was proposed by Carl Roger. The major concept of Roger’s theory is “self”. Roger developed the concept of fully-functioning person and believed proper communication between the client and the therapist is the basement of the therapy. Abraham Maslow focused on positive side of human’s mental health and Used Hierarchy table to explain human needs, figure 2:

Humanistic psychology has been categorized as Division 32 in American Psychological Association.(APA n.d.). Client centered theory is used in expensive arts therapy for expressing and releasing human’s emotions. (Rogers 1993). Many people have experienced the support of client centered therapy to share feelings and ideas with the therapist and find a solution for problems.(Sammons n.d.).

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