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America is known for the freedoms we receive, but did you know that about 100 thousand women are involved in prostitution, and their rights stripped away by the people who claimed the would protect them, given them shelter, and would provide food for them? No you don’t know media doesn’t cover it, because prostitution is a crime that is swept under a large rug and covered up to protect politicians, government officials, police officers, and so many other organizations reputations. When people think prostitution they think free will, they do it because they want to, it is not true, most women are forced into it. What about protecting women form being used in such a horrible, disturbing, painful, troubling way? These women are forgotten, arrested, abused, violated, and so many are killed. American needs to take a stand and make prostitution illegal in all states. Right now 48 out of 50 states have made prostitution illegal, 1 out of every 10 men in the world have hired a prostitute, prostitution is legal in 22 countries, about 40 million prostitutes in the world, but we can do so much more than make it illegal, we can make the “need” for prostitution disappear for good, we could make more programs for women straight out of college, do a welfare program with intensive background check to make sure the money would be used correctly, furthermost things are healthier, better, and safer than prostitution.
What is prostitution? It is not an act performed by a woman who got bored and felt like having sex; prostitution is the exchange of sexual acts for money, food, rent, drugs, and other material goods ( One of the earliest known civilizations to refer to prostitution was the Sumerians in south...

... middle of paper ... to keep food on the table, to keep a roof over their head, to pay for medical bills, to pay off debt, etc, no longer will they waste their potential, but they can live it. Furthermore I propose we make it a federal offence to take part in the act of prostitution, so the women can get help, shelter, food, and keep them off the streets. This will help cut down some of the violence in America that is associated with sexual crime; it will also keep the death rate for women at a much more constant rate. Without supply, demand for sex slaves, prostitutes, or another person who sells their body will lower exponentially. The fact that over 40 million people sell themselves all over the world worries me, because no one ever mentions all the lives ruined by prostitution, all the children without childhoods, all those women and men scared to leave this slavery, its horrific.

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