police radar

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Police Radar Guns and Jammers
Since Radar’s first use in 1937 by Watson-Watt, where they detected the motion of flying objects by calculating the difference in the signals emitted and received, Radars have been used in various occasion (Crochi). After laser was invented, the modern LIDAR system was used in such missions as the Apollo 15 to help draw moon’s map. Apart from its pervasive use in naval and aerial object detection, the modern technologies, based on the principle of Radar’s working mechanism, are used in smaller handy devices like radar guns to measure the speed of the object. Usually handguns used by police officers, or even an athlete’s coach, use the Radar or the modern LIDAR technologies to measure the speed of the targeted source. Despite their sophisticated mechanism, these surveillance equipments are prone to various deceptive strategies like jamming.
Radio Detection And Ranging (RADAR) “is a method of using radio waves to detect the existence of an object and then to find its position in relation to a known point, usually the site of the radar installation.” Radar technology can be used to detect the position, speed, and direction of the moving or stationary objects (“Pulse-modulated”). Radars, often used for “electromagnetic surveillance,” has various hardware and software parts that work together to produce an effective reading of the position and motion of the objects. The transmitter of the radar is used to initiate the process by amplifying the pulse signals. It has three parts: “a high powered amplifier (HPA) with a high-stability electron gun, waveform generator and timing, and an antenna” (Kolawole, 37). “The low energy signal, collected by the antenna, is brought through the circulator and the transmit...

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