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The talk about prescription painkillers prescribed by doctors are starting to be widely debated whether they’re doing more good than harm. The debate on whether painkillers are good for the human health has came into a mild and somewhat highly discussed topic within the last decade. At first prescribed painkillers were thought to be good, but these prescribed painkillers have always been like a double edge sword usually doing better than bad. The side effects from the painkillers used to be very minimal; for example the common side effects were drowsiness, nausea and vomiting, but since the world is a constantly developing place new painkillers are constantly being developed and so are their side effects” ("Types of Pain Medications on" RxList. N.p., n.d. Web. 2 May 2014.’). Not only are the side effects becoming worst, but people are becoming severely addicted to them and in some cases their addiction is lethal and not only kills them, but it can also tear a family apart or put a family in great financial debt because of one person addiction. Now when something that been created to do good starts to be questioned whether it’s actually still good or not is major problem majority of the time.

Some people suggest painkillers are good because they actually relieve people who are in serious pain and this is a good thing because they are doing what they were meant to do and let people function through sometimes unbearable pain. Most people who agree that painkillers are good also will say that they often save lives. The reason this is true is because people who experience excruciating or chronic pain will say that taking the prescribed pain killers relieved them from the pain they couldn’t tolerate any more and more th...

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...a lot of attention to social media and when they see all the advertisements or hear about how certain prescription medicines can quickly and easily make their pain go away 9/10 times they will likely be more persuaded to take the easy way out.

In today’s society everything needs to be resolved fast and efficient, and with prescription medicine you’re getting that because of the advancements being made in technology and medicine, but you’re also suffering the consequences if you are constantly taking them for every little pain and bruise. Doctors shouldn’t prescribe you prescription painkillers unless they can determine if you really need them and should require another doctor opinion when prescribing to teens under the age of 21. I say they this because they need to be very strict on these drugs because they are very harmful and they give them out so willingly.

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