The aim of this paper is to define the terms ‘Information and Communication Technologies’ (hereinafter ‘ICT’ without emphasis), ‘ICT Security’ and ‘Open Source Software’ (hereinafter ‘OSS’ without emphasis). This paper will focus on discussing the concept of ‘ICT Security in OSS’ suggested in well-known sources (The UNESCO 2007; Bakari 2007; Open Source Software Work Group 2010; Australian Government Information Management Office 2011).
In literature and research multiple definitions of ICT can be found in the fields of science and technology by looking at various fields of technological aspects. UNESCO Bangkok defines ICT as the representative of all forms of devices that can manipulate information with the use of electronic means (2007, 1). The manipulation of information concerns many vulnerabilities and threats. These threats can cause major damage in system functionality. The process of detecting and eliminating these threats or vulnerabilities to ensure the reliability and confidentiality of data in any ICT system are known as ICT security (Bakari 2007, 4-5).
OSS is a kind of software where the source code is freely available. Source code is the backbone of any particular software program. OSS software can be distributed freely with or without modification. The development process of OSS is public. Any kinds of OSS solution can be reviewed, re-modified and re-distributed by various developers from various OSS communities (Australian Government Information Management Office 2011, 4.)
OSS is gaining popularities in the world of ICT because of its stability and rich security features. In this paper Chapter 2 focuses on discussing the security benefits and security vulnerabilities of adopting OSS. Based on t...
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...SS developer companies to grow.
OSS has provided creative solutions to business organisations. Transparent and cost-efficient implementation, independence, complete control over product, strong security measures undeniably are some of the greatest features of OSS.
OSS plays a very important role in the world of ICT. Software industries are heavily relying on OSS because of its reliability and strength in security. OSS is gaining popularity in European market. OSS systems are getting optimal security because of the frequent updates. Besides a widespread OSS community is always monitoring the source codes. To conclude, it can be said that even though OSS is not free of drawbacks, OSS is considered to be the first choice among the ICT users as well as business organisations because of the high security strength.
There is constant concern about different kinds of devices and tools because of their vulnerability: laptops; personal computers in the home; libraries and public workstations; USB Flash Drives and email, to name a few. These items are easily accessible for those attempting to breach security.... ... middle of paper ... ...
As the internet is becoming faster and faster, an operating system (OS) is needed to manage the data in computers. An Operating system can be considered to be a set of programed codes that are created to control hardware such as computers. In 1985 Windows was established as an operating system and a year earlier Mac OS was established, and they have dominated the market of the computer programs since that time. Although, many companies have provided other operating systems, most users still prefer Mac as the most secured system and windows as it provides more multiple functions. This essay will demonstrate the differences between windows
The computer is considered one of the most important technological advances of the twentieth century. Security and privacy issues have been in existence long before the computer became a vital component of organizations' operations. Nevertheless, the operating features of a computer make it a double-edged sword. Computer technologies with reliable error detection and recording capabilities, permit the invasion of a supposedly secure environment to occur on a grand scale and go undetected. Furthermore, computer and communications technology permit the invasion of a persons' privacy and likewise go undetected. Two forces threaten privacy: one, the growth of information technology with its enhanced capacity for surveillance, communication, computation, storage and retrieval and two, the more insidious threat, the increased value of information in decision making. Information has become more vital in the competitive environment, thus, decision makers covet it even if it viol!
From a businesspersons standpoint, the open-source model has a lot to offer. Companies are now able to build open standards as actual software and many companies and individuals can collaborate on a product that none of them could achieve alone. With open source code, there can be rapid bug fixes and changes that the user asks for, done to the user's own schedule. Other positives are increased security and increased reliability, and yet another positive is the ability of Linux to run on systems as low-end as a 386 to the higher end systems such as Alpha and Sparcs.
Linux has long been one of many operating systems that have been out to prove its worth in all types of environment. It is currently being considered for enterprise network purposes as well as data centers where it implies servers, workstations and any mainframes as needed. Choosing what operating system to use, whether it is open source or not, can be difficult, though. This paper projects the advantages and concerns of choosing an open source solution like Linux as administrators and users are becoming more aware of Linux running on both server and desktop systems. It is quickly being adopted in an ever increasing number of global corporations and government agencies.
The significance of the role of the Operation System (OS) in the overall Information Technology employment sector cannot be undervalued. Indeed, it is hard to talk about technical skill-sets or the practical application of such skill-sets without at least some underlying understanding of their context within a computer operating system environment. From hardware specifications and requirements, user technical support, system administration and security, to software development and system implementation, operating systems are an integral part of the information technology and computing world in all its aspects, and it is difficult to form a concrete demarcation between specialized careers in this industry and the concept of the computer operating system.
OSN security is about protecting data and sensitive information from those with malicious intentions. New vulnerabilities are constantly being discovered and threats against corporate networks are getting increasingly sophisticated. That’s why we need to know about the principles of information systems security and to have an idea about the possible vulnerabilities and attacks that could threaten our privacy.
For thousands of years cryptography and encryption have been used to secure communication. Military communication has been the leader of the use of cryptography and the advancements. From the start of the internet there has been a greater need for the use of cryptography. The computer had been invented in the late 1960s but there was not a widespread market for the use of computers really until the late 1980s, where the World Wide Web was invented in 1989. This new method of communication has called for a large need for information security. The internet allows people to communicate sensitive information, and if received into the wrong hands can cause many problems for that person.
Information Systems such as a computer, internet or tablets are public communication. When people type on the keyboard to those devices they need to realize they are putting information into a device. So if a person decides they want to type in strong remarks on particular subjects or comment about an issue; they need to realize it will be visible upon others. There are powerful overhead corporations which looks into people information even if they do not think so. According to ("DARPA's Information Awareness Office.", 2003), due to terrorism, the Information Awareness Office (IAO) pursued in developing technologies, components, and applications to prototype system. The technologies include: Collaboration and sharing over TCP/IP, large distributed repositories with dynamic schemas that can be changed interactively by users, foreign language machine translation and speech recognition, biometric signatures of humans, real time le...
For UNIX truly to be an open system, The Open Group provides certification and standardization for UNIX-like operating system, thus regardless of different UNIX-like environment the standards set by The Open Group are the same, therefore it helps eliminate confusion and achieve consensus among the various interests of the members of the standards-forming bodies. Several standards have come about as the direct result of computer users’ desire to see UNIX standardized and to see it evolve in a direction compatible with present use as well as future needs. Standards are at the basis of the concept of open systems (Dunphy 1991, 44).
Computers; they are a part of or in millions of homes; they are an intricate part of just about every if not all successful businesses, the government, and the military. Computers have become common place in today’s society and the lives of the people who live in it. They have crossed every national, racial, cultural, educational, and financial barrier, which consequently ushered in the information age. A computer is a programmable electronic device that can store, retrieve and process data, and they come in all shapes, and sizes. They can be used for and in just about anything. As stated before, they are used in just about every aspect of modern society. They are so fundamental to modern society that it would be disastrous to society without them. As stated before, there are many areas in modern society that are run by computers. They play an intricate part of millions of homes in the world. Office workers in business, government and the military may use them to write letters, keep rosters, create budgets, find information, manage projects, communicate with workers, and so on. They are used in education, medicine, music, law enforcement, and unfortunately crime. Because computers have become such a part of the world and how it operates, there is a tremendous responsibility for those who are in control of these computers and the vital information that they carry, to manage and protect them properly. This is management and protection is vital because any loss or damage could be disastrous for the affected entity. For example, a mistake or intentional alteration of a personal credit file could affect ones ability to buy a car or home, or can lead to legal actions against the affected person until the mistake or intentional alteration has been corrected. Therefore, with the advent of computers in the information age, and all of the intentional and unintentional violations against them, comes the need to safeguard them and the information they carry with strong systems and policies of computer security.
Linux or Windows? Open Software versus Proprietary software? When most people think of the best operating system, they first think of Windows and the OSX. However, Linux and many of its open source software are becoming more predominantly emerging in the current day and age. Linux widely touted for its small user base but Cost free, High Security, flexible user control and stability. Windows for it’s largely user base and wide customer range and support. In this paper, I will be discussing and doing a comparison of the advantages and disadvantages between Windows and Linux Servers.
Privacy exist wherever personal information or other sensitive information is collected, stored, used, and finally destroyed or deleted – in digital form or otherwise. The challenge of data privacy is to use data while safe-guarding individual's privacy preferences and their personally identifiable information. The fields of computer security, data security, and information security design and utilize software, hardware, and human resources to address this issue.
Growing up in Africa, I saw little of computers. My high school got its first computer in 2006 only two years before my graduation, and prestigious institutions, like hospitals, limited its use to data storage. Despite their dearth, their flaws, like mismanagement, insecurity and corruption, were conspicuous around me. This birthed and kindled my passion for technology and encouraged me to seek out resources that exposed me to computers as a problem-solving science. I became acquainted with cyber cafés that were remote and costly, but the investment was worthwhile. I started to notice the correlation between computer science and data management and security, and their correlation with other disciplines. As a result, I developed the dream of applying various data management skills and establishing rigid security systems across the various structures in society to enhance the completion of operations. My educational and career goals have, therefore, been shaped by an engagement in interdisciplinary studies that explores how Computer Science can meet the needs of developing countries.