ocean acidification

628 Words2 Pages

If you knew something was going on that caused the oceans and all the marine and plant life that dwelled beneath it to suddenly die wouldn't you try to do whatever was necessary to save them. Well what if i told you that your 30-40% of the reason why its happening. Doesn't that add a little guilt to your day. Pay attention and you’ll find out all about whats going on in the ocean and more importantly how to fix it.

That something destroying our oceans and marine life is known as ocean acidification. Ocean acidification is a non-stop decrease in the pH of the earths oceans. You may be thinking something this diabolical must have been sent straight from the devil himself. When in all reality its caused by one of the most common gasses floating around earths atmosphere. Ocean acidification is caused by the return of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Incase you didn't know carbon dioxide is what you exhale everytime you breathe.

Ocean acidification will have harsh outcomes for shelled organisms and coral reefs. But don’t you wonder what type of effect it will have on you! People have a misconception that if the ocean turns into acid that it’ll be hazardous to get in the water. Ocean acidification isn't gonna harm humans directly. As you all know though humans are inextricably linked to the health of the ocean. Ever since i can remember humans have depended on the sea for more things then land. The ocean provides resources like food, recreation, transportation, and medicines. People need to realize they need the ocean for more things then they can imagine. Not to mention the guilt you’d feel if the ocean was extinct and you didn't do anything to help prevent it.

After hearing a little bit of information some would say its obv...

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...ation is to stop the amount of co2 being realized into the ocean. now as much as i’d like to tell some people to stop breathing thats not the answer. Somethings we can do though as humans is burn less coal, oil, and natural gas. if we reduce the consumption of electricity or motor fuel we contribute to reducing the world.

So as you can see ocean acidification is a very serious and real thing. it’s going on in the ocean as we speak. Literally! It effect the ocean, everything thats dwells beneath the sea. Not to mention the great impact it could have on society. That being said it hasn't gotten that far yet, and if you'd like it to remain like that a suggest you get a bike or figure out a way to not breathe and still be alive!

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