how does globalization contribute to sustainable prosperity for all poeple

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How does globalization contribute to sustainable prosperity for all people? Globalization contributes to sustainable prosperity for all people by trading, supplying jobs and minimum standard for education. Trading keeps peace between countries and gives us what we want and need in life. Sharing ideas helps us connect with each other and when we share ideas and put our minds together great things come from it. Supplying jobs helps poverty stricken people in different parts of the world make a good living and it benefits for both parties. And minimum standards for education so people in less developed countries may see better education. Trading happens all over the world. Countries trade with each other which creates peace and eliminates war. Trade gives us fresher tastier food, new technology and resources we may not have. Such as Canada and china, Canada will trade resources that we have and they don’t for things they we don’t have and they do, such as oil. Trade fuels economic growth and supply’s jobs for millions of people around the world. We get all the toys clothing and elect...

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