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The Medici appeared as the first important bourgeoisie family, which supported the artists, writers and philosophers, in the history. However, we cannot consider the Medici as another ordinary bourgeoisies lived at the same time with them because their fortune and political power could not be compared with other bankers, merchants and higher classes of the society. The beginning of their dynasty accelerated the Italian Renaissance, especially in Florence. During the reign of Cosmo and Lorenzo de’ Medici, the Republic of Florence was transformed into the center of finance and trade of the world and also many of the most significant examples of the arts of classical antiquity like architecture and sculpture were generated under the patronage of the Medici family. In addition to these developments, new art forms like oil painting acquired importance and appreciation.Although the renaissance or ‘reborn’ spirit had started to be generated in Italy before the Medici, their impact and influence on the era cannot be underestimated.
The Rise of the Medici family
The ideals and works of the Italian Renaissance first began to be formed throughout the states of Northern Italy in the late fourteenth century. However, the flow of the Renaissance changed completely when a banker family , known as the Medici, came to power in Florence. The first significant member of the family was Giovanni di Bicci de’ Medici, who established the Medici Bank in 1397. In addition, the roots of the family can be traced back to 1201, when Chiarissimo de’ Medici was a member of the Communal Council.
Politics in Florence was like the battlefield of wealth families and factions such as the Ricci, Albizzi, Medici, Pazzi,...

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...orence, September, 23, 1389. He received a good education based on Latin, logic and arithmetic, and enriched his knowledge of Greek by taking lessons from Roberto de’ Rossi. According to Will Durant, ‘he had a smattering of Arabic and Hebrew.’ By inspring his lesson , Cosmo started to collect manuscripts and books written in Greek and Latin and planned to go to the Holy Land to improve his collection by finding new manuscripts. His interest on the arts and letters led him to be the patron and protector of the artists. His patronage that came with wealth forms one of the major milestones in the revival of antiquity and the beginning of renaissance.
With the coming to power of Cosmo de’ Medici in 1434, Florance became a capital for most of the genius of the time including artists, sculptures and men of letters looking for the partonage of the Medici.

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